The AFAR UGUUGUMO has been waging an armed struggle for 41 years from 1978 to 2019, against the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (TPLF), which imposed Tigray ethnic hegemonic rule on the Afar People to gain control over their land when the TPLF Junta was fighting against the Derg regime in our locality. So, TPLF was only 3 years old UGUUGUMO fought the TPLF for 41 years; namely until we signed the Peace Agreement with the Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s government in Asmara on 14 March 2019. In 1991, the TPLF (EPRDF) became the ruling party in Ethiopia, while the Afar UGUUGUMO continued its armed struggle against Tigray ethnic hegemonic rule in order to maintain and ensure the unity of the Afar People and allow them to freely determine their political status and pursue their own form of economic, cultural, and social development.
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Press Communiqué issued by the Afar UGUUGUMO Party”]