Today: July 26, 2024


May 31, 2018



The Oromo Liberation Front (United OLF) executive committee held an extraordinary meeting on May 27, 2018. In this meeting, the committee conducted an extensive discussion on the current pace of the Oromo people’s struggle, the current political climate in Ethiopia and in the Horn of Africa at large, and the extra ordinary opportunity for a cohesive path forward. The committee especially discussed the presently unfolding political developments which have been afforded us by the determination, fearless struggle, and sacrifices paid by the Oromo People, along with other nations and nationalities in Ethiopia. We wholeheartedly acknowledge and credit the people of Ethiopia with forcing and shaping the current landscape in Ethiopia. We are indebted to the sacrifices of Qeerroo and all those resisted and fought oppression with their very lives and paid the ultimate price.

The objective goal of our organization’s struggle is to enable the Oromo people to decide their own fate. To afford to them their god given right to have a say in their own affairs and to be the master of their destiny. We have struggled and aspired to secure sovereignty over our own affairs which include the ability to be governed by the Gada System or a new truly democratic alliance with other peoples in Ethiopia. This would be manifested if the Oromo people could freely decide to either establish its own sovereign state or live with different peoples in Ethiopia under the principles of equality, freedom, and justice under the rule of law.

The current wind of change blowing in Ethiopia is not a gift from the government in power. It is a result of immeasurable sacrifices paid by the Oromo qeerroo and other people in Ethiopia for freedom, justice, and democracy. As such, we have a morale and national responsibility to bring to fruition the very result that these youth, men and women of all ages aspired and sacrificed for. We have a responsibility to respond to the call of time and history and do our part in paving a better path forward.

We would also like to recognize and acknowledge the decisive role that many Oromo nationalities within Oromo People Democratic Organization (OPDO) led by Team Lamma played in shaping the current political climate in Ethiopia. We salute Team Lamma for siding with the genuine struggle of our people and for doing their part in ushering in a progressive new era to Ethiopian politics. Though the people’s struggle is not yet achieved as a whole, the benefits gained so far should be appreciated and encouraged from all corners until final victory is achieved. We can only achieve that much coveted final victory by working with all stakeholders. We recall that the Oromiya Regional Government has repetitively extended reconciliation calls to all Oromo Opposition Organizations. Similarly, the Federal Government led by the New Prime
Minister, Dr. Abiyi Ahmed has extended all-inclusive calls to all oppositions groups in the hopes of creating true and genuine democracy in the Country.

Therefore, in consideration of the changes that have been taking place in Ethiopia, the OLF Executive Committee has passed the following decision.

1. To bring genuine freedom and democracy in Ethiopia, all-inclusive political dialogue is necessary and crucial to initiate national consensus in the country. To achieve that inclusive political dialogue in Ethiopia, we accept the call made by the government of Ethiopia, and to participate in inclusive political dialogue that includes all concerned groups in that country.
2. In regards to the agenda, we believe it is a matter that should be raised once the discussion starts.
3. For our organization to participate in the negotiation , the Ethiopian government must: (A) Lift State of Emergency that stifles diverse political opinions in the country;
(B) Repeal the anti-terrorism law that stifles human rights and constitutionally guaranteed rights of citizen and
branded different political and civil organizations including our organization as a terrorist organization; and
(C) Release or disclose the whereabouts or conditions of all political prisoners in general and thousands members of the Oromo Liberation Front including its top commanders who have been detained by the Ethiopian government since 1991 up to now in known and unknown places should be released immediately without any pre-conditions.

On the basis that these conditions are all met, the Oromo Liberation Front (United OLF) is ready to participate in an all- inclusive political dialogue that can empower the Oromo people in all capacities commensurate to their social, political, and economic significance to the survival of the Ethiopian State.

Victory to the Oromo People OLF Executive Committee May 30, 2018


Koreen Hojii raawwachiiftuu ABO(ABO-T) guyyaa gaafa Caamsaa 27-2018 walgahii atatamaa taasifateen haala yeroo irratti mar’atee jira. Haaluma kanaan adeemsa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo, haala gaanfa Afrikaa fi jijjirama addunyaa xiinxalee jira. Maree fi qorannoo addaa addaa taasifachuun guddina qabsoo Oromoo fi jijjirama siyaasaa biyya Itiyoophiyaa keessatti shaffisaan dhufaa jiru ilaalee jira. Kanuma irraa ka’uudhaan tarsiimoo fi toftaan qabsoo egeree jaarmiyaa keenyaaf ta’uu qabu ilaalamee, murteen kennameen jira.

Hundeen akeeka qabsoo keenyaa Mirga Hiree Murteeffannaa Ummata Oromoo guututti fiixa baasuu fi abbaa biyyummaa Oromoo mirkaneessuun sirna Gadaa ykn dimokiraasii waaraa gadi dhaabuu taha. Kuniis, kan mirkanaawu murtii bilisa Ummata Oromootiin mootummaa walaba Oromiyaa ijaarratuu, ykn tokkummaa siyaasaa haaraya fedhii, walqixummaa, kabajaa dantaa gama hundaa fi deemokraasummaa irratti hundaawe sabaa fi saboota Itiyoophiyaa wajjiin dhaabbachuu taha.

Imaamata keenya kana irraa ka’uudhaan Tarsimoo fi toftaa qabsoof malan akeekee jira. Imaamata jaarmiyaa keenyaa galmaan ga’uuf jijjirama siyaasaa naannoo fi Itiyoophiyaa keessatti muldhachaa jiru ka’umsa kan taasifate, kallattii qabsoo akeekee jira.

Gama biraan jijjirama qabsaawonni qaqaaliin haarasaa wal irraa hin cinne kaffalanii, jijjiramni hunde qabeessa Oromoon barbaadu yoo dhufuu baates, firii qabsoo bilisummaa muldhachuu jalqabee jira. Jijjirama siyaasaa Itiyoophiyaa keessatti muldhachuu jalqabeef ummata cunqurfamaa Itiyoophiyaa hunda galateeffachaa addatti ammoo ilamaan oromiyaa qeerroon jijjirama muldhachuu jalqabeef adda duree taatanii saba keenyatti ulfinaa horuu keessanii fi fakkeenya qabsoo ilmaan cunqurfamaa hundaaf waan tattaniif galataa fi kabajaa addaa isiniif galchina. Dhaammanni abbootii keenyaa dhaloota mirage isaatiif falmatu waanta horateef gammachuu roga hundaa ti.

Gama biraatin jijjirama mooraa diinaa keessatti dhalateef ilmaan Oromoo sabboonummaa fi aantummaa ummataa qabaan OPDO keessatti qabsoo gochaa turtan addatti Team Lammaaf galata qabna. Jijjirama hundee Oromoon barbaadu ta’uu baatus bara dheeraaf ilmaan Oromoo mooraa gidirsaa wayyaanee keessatti rakkachaa turan amma tokko hiikuu keessanii fi kan hojiin ilaalamu ta’uus, waadan isin qeerroof galtan kan jajjabeeffamuu qabuu dha.

Koreen hojii raawwachiiftuu ABO-T haaluma jijjirama siyaasaa xixiqqaan qabsoo sabaatiin muldhachaa jiru sababa godhachuun, murtii armaan gadii dabarsee jira.

1. Bilisummaa fi dimokraasii dhugaa hunde qabseessa Itiyoophiyaa keessatti fiduuf alduree tokko malee mareen siyaasaa barbaachisaadha jedhee amana. Haaluma kanaan waamicha muummeen Ministeeraa Itiyoophiyaa Dr. Abiyyi Ahmad jaarmiyaa siyaasaa biyya saniif taasisan fudhachuudhaan akka jaarmiyaatti mareef qophii ta’uu keenya ibsina.
2. Ajandaaleen marii fi bifa qabsoo kan ilaalu eega mareen jalqabamee booda ajandaa waloon hutubnuun kan
ilaalamu ta’uu qaba.
3. Dhaabinni keenna marii irratti hirmaatuuf, mootummaan Itiyoophiyaa :
(A)Labsiin yeroo hatatamaa seeraan ala labsame mare siyaasaa fi sochii ummataaf danqaa waan ta’eef ka’uu
qaba jenna.
(B) Mootummaa Itiyoopiyaa, “Seera shororkessaa “ ka jaarmiyoolee siyaasaa fi civiik ta’aan irratti dhaaba keenna ABO dabaltee labsee akka haqu jenna.
(C) Maqaa ABOn ilmaan Oromoo bara 1991 kaasee mana hidhaa keessatti rakkachaa
jiran alduree tokko malee gadhiisuudhan akka qaama walii galtee biyyoolessaa keessatti gahee fudhatan taasisuu qaba jenna.

4. Waamicha muummeen ministeeraa Dr Abiyyii Ahmad jaarmiyaalee siyaasaaf taasisan bifa ifa ta’een kan ummati beeku qaamni raawwachiisu itti tolfamuu qaba jenna.

Kana irraa ka’uudhaan jaarmiyaan keenya ABO-T waltajjii kamuu keessatti qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo galmaan ga’uuf qophii ta’uu ibsa. Carraa qabsoon dhalchite , kamittuu fayyadamuudhaan mirga abbbaa biyyummaa Oromoo dhugoomsuun ni danda’ama.

Injfannoon ummata Oromoof. KHR ABO-T.
Caamsaa 30/2018


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