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Keep Hermela Aregawi at CBS LA (Ethiopians in Ethiopia & the Diaspora)

October 8, 2021

Hermela Aregawi that goes by the Twitter handle @HermelaTV is a Los Angeles based journalist and TV anchor for CBSLA. Aside from her job at CBSLA, Hermela engages in political discourse on social media regarding the conflict in Ethiopia’s Tigray region.

Sign a Petition

The conflict in Tigray region started on November 4 after rebels from the Tigrayan People Liberations front ( An organization classified as a tier 3 terrorist by Homeland Security https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/Results.aspx?perpetrator=2127 launched a surprise and brutal attack on the Ethiopian National Defense Force and took over the northern command by killing 800 soldiers and kidnapping over 9000 of them.

Ever since the conflict started, social media has been turned into another battleground for narrative for both the terror group sympathizers and the duly elected government supporters. While navigating this volatile space Hermela has caught fire from both sides of the aisle for what each believes as inaccurate reports.

Currently there is a petition circulating among the terror group sympathizers to get Hermela fired from her job for simply doing her job as a journalist, which is to question, analyze, fact check and report.

We the above signees plead with CBSLA to not be intimidated by mobs of ethnic supremacists and let Hermela excise her First amendment right at her place of work and on social media.

Ethiopians in Ethiopia & the Diaspora



  1. She is truly a Journalist. she must get a prize for her respect to the principles of Journalism. Keep on going hermela!!!!

  2. I find it difficult to believe that CBS home of Edward R Morrow, Walter Cronkite, the famous 60 minutes investigating program and many more class journalists I don’t have space or time to mention. A station prides itself with high journalistic standard would even entertain the idea of terminating Ms. Aregawi based on campaign of these unmentionable creatures.

  3. She has the right to her opinion, especially when ruthless TPLF terrorists are causing unimaginable destruction in her home country. The overwhelming majority of Ethiopians admire you for telling the truth and exposing the TPLF. CBS should stand with truth and freedom of speech.

  4. CBS badly exposed itself for evicting this lady, her only crime is to stand with truth you will not be the winner reinstate her to serve the world, she is really the eyes of the world.

  5. People like yourself help to restore even a small measure of respect for present day Tigrayan Ethiopians. I have never identified as being of a certain tribe. I believe that such thinking is medieval. If one must say, I am an Amhara who has (had?) close ties to Tigray. I am appalled by the current mentality of -dare I say most Tigrayans. That’s why it is a rare blessing to have a Hermella carry the torch of the real Tigray so high even in the face of huge and clear challenges and threats. Be strong. I will write to reveal a lot about a certain somrbody-a loudmouth who claims to speak for Tigrsy. Be strong, Hermela!

  6. Frankly speaking hermelay is open mind journalist investigator she try to find the real and the truth. She don’t want hide anything. That is why some of selfish activities try to abuse her but I know she stand with the truth.

  7. As a general assignment reporter within CBS if she is not assigned to cover Ethiopian civil war related segments then she is no to associate CBS with her own view and ideas.
    The ethical principle seek truth and report it is extremely important where lies are spread for political and social gain no matter the situation it puts others in. As journalists she has a duty to inform the public of accurate information in order to not tarnish the good name of a person, organization, or event .
    1. Are Hermela’s views unbiased when it comes to the current Ethiopian civil war? Maybe not.
    2. Can CBS afford to undermine its public confidence for the sake of a general assignment reporter? That is for management to decide rather than by acclamation or petition.

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