By Eyessuswork Zafu There is no pleasure in seeing people go to goal. More so when you know the people well. The news of
Breaking News: Hailemariam Government has given permission for Blue party to conduct Demonstration in Addis Ababa Ginbot 25,2005
Some 100 members of Ethiopia’s opposition Semayawi (Blue) party were arrested and some badly beaten over the weekend, the party says. Party chairman Yilekal
Ethiopia: Open Letter to Secretary of State John Kerry
SMNE Urges Secretary Kerry to speak out on behalf of freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, independent judiciaries and open political space in Ethiopia.
Kerry to Visit Ethiopia for Security Talks
VoA /Africa U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is headed to Ethiopia for security talks with regional officials and to attend a 50th anniversary
Ethiopia’s Bogaletch Gebre wins King Baudouin Prize
Ethiopian activist Bogaletch Gebre has won an international prize for her campaign to eradicate female genital mutilation (FGM). She was awarded the King Baudouin
An Open Letter to President Barack Obama and Secretary John Kerry
May 22, 2013 President Barack Obama 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 I am Founder & President of SelassieStandUp.Org, a US- based, grassroots
King Haile Selassie the Symbol of Resistance and Indep…
Tedla Asfaw I did not know that the late Meles Zenawi was “fighting” for African Union (AU) to be built where OAU was established
Washington DC Solidarity Rally for “Semayawi Party’s” call
Washington DC Solidarity Rally for “Semayawi Party’s” call for May 23-25 Protest – Friday May 24 at 9AM – In Front of The White