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48-hour vigil at the U.S. State Department

December 30, 2005

The 48-hour vigil that started yesterday has ended today after State Department officials left early for the New Year holiday. The participation was greater than anticipated by the organizers. There will be more vigils like this in the coming few days.

Dec 30, 8:40 AM – A large number of Ethiopians continue holding a vigil in front of the U.S. State Department at this hour. They are showing support to the brave Ethiopians at home who are fighting for their freedom against the U.S.-backed fascist regime of Meles Zenawi.

Dec 29, 10:50 PM – The vigil in front of the State Department in Washington DC is going strong. It’s dark, windy and cold, but several determined Ethiopians are sending a message of solidarity to the brave fellow Ethiopians back home who are fighting for their freedom. The vigil continues through out the night.

ER Dec 29, 6:00 PM – It’s getting dark now in Washington DC. Several Ethiopians are holding a 48-hour vigil in front of the State Department. So far it was a cold, rainy day. The vigil will continue through out the night. The participants are saying this is the least they can do to express their solidarity with the brave students and teachers at home who are facing bullets and sticks.

ER Dec 29, 1:52 PM – The 48-hour Vigil continues in front of the State Department. The rain has stopped now. A State Department official met with representatives of the protestor earlier.

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