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UNDP conspired with Terrorist Organization

November 25, 2021

Two UN Officials Maureen AChieng and Dennia Agayle sought to put out a more accurate narrative on the UN’s work in Ethiopia and stood up against the massive disinformation that has characterized this ETHIOPIA conflict.

Result: they are suspended and are under investigation. What then will be the fate of this UN Official , Eleni Gebremedhin , Chief innovation Officer at UNDP Regional Bureau of Africa that is joining Western diplomats to plot the ouster of a democratically elected government? (see the video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4A8Ot5zpgg )

We Ethiopians and Africans are woke like never before! We will not accept double standards. The UN must reinstate the honest officials if the UN truly serves not only the interest of the powerful west, but the interests of all countries! 3/4 We Ethiopians & Africans say #Nomore to silencing whistleblowers .


Petition to the United Nations

Eleni Gabre-madhin of UNDP conspired with the TPLF to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ethiopia by force. In doing so she breached article 33 of the Standards of Conduct for the International Civil Service of the United Nations (2013) which states: ” It is the clear duty of all international civil servants to maintain the best possible relations with Governments and avoid any action that might impair this. They should not interfere in the policies or affairs of Governments. It is unacceptable for them, either individually or collectively, to criticize or try to discredit a Government. At the same time, it is understood that international civil servants may speak freely in support of their

organizations’ policies. Any activity, direct or indirect, to undermine or overthrow a Government constitutes serious misconduct.”

We, the people of Ethiopia, request the UN to unseat her immediately.

1 Comment

  1. This is a very interesting article. One person I was shocked by was Ms. Eleni’s presence at this pow wow. I thought she was apolitical and involved mainly in the economic development of the old country. She might have been dubiously lured into this mumbo jumbo by the other smart alecks.

    I also don’t see any malice on the professor’s part in arranging this discussion. His name rings bell with me from his past endeavor to solve conflicts in the old country peacefully through dialogue. His main problem to bring such blessed effort to fruition have been none other than the know-all ‘fake’ intellectuals among us here and there in the old country. As I said it before talk and solve conflicts that was deeply rooted in our culture has been badly beaten and wounded since the arrival of that demonic ideology of critique and destroy Marxist/Leninist pathogen. ‘First, I want to gouge your eyes out, I want to rip your heart out before we talk’ is the only way with many usually very vocal intellectuals then and now. ‘You are my mortal enemy’ has replaced our legendary spirit of brotherly love. Just look at what these loud mouthed ‘intellectuals’ are posting on the social media outlets. I cringe even from reading what they say and write. The game plan is ‘you got your shots and I want to have my turn to loot and pillage’.

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