DECEMBER 31, 2020

With their army destroyed and their last, best troops wiped out in one morning on the outskirts of their capital Mekele the last remnants of the leadership of Ethiopia’s TPLF regime were forced to retreat to the secret Hagarasalam underground bunkers near the capital. Built by the notoriously paranoid and cowardly TPLF godfather Meles Zenawi, the Hagarasalam bunkers were the bolt hole of desperation, a place to hide through thick and thin of warfare in safety. No engineer that helped build this secret underground bunker system lived to tell the story.
When their enemies, the Ethiopian army, surrounded them there the TPLF mafia capos escaped through a secret 300 meter long tunnel and literally headed for the hills, the nearest mountainside, to hide. They broke up into two groups and tried to find what shelter they could. Old, fat and desk bound for the past 30 years, they’re fighting fit days of the 1980s guerrilla war were long gone. Without access to food or water it was only a matter of time before their jig was up.
They were quickly spotted, surrounded and offered a safe surrender which they spurned repeatedly. Then the onslaught started, first heavy artillery bombardment, then worked over again by helicopter gunships.
When the final assault was done all that was left of the TPLF leaders on that mountainside were pieces of bones and body parts.
As happened so often in the past the acrid odor of high explosives had hardly settled when the winds carried the smell of fresh kill to their dens where the hyenas had taken shelter from shot and shell. With smoke still rising from craters in the mountainside, the hyenas, “zibee” in Tigrinia, mother tongue of the TPLF, were out hunting their dinner. With in a few days the site of the final hours of the TPLF regime was picked clean and the only thing left of the bane of modern Ethiopia was hyena skat spread across the mountainside.
This is no rumor, no “what might have happened”. This is what actually took place and is an open secret here in Asmara and confirmed by first hand accounts. I guess you could say this is the “unofficial” official story. Or maybe it’s the official “unofficial” story?
What really matters is that the CIA’s oldest. largest, most successful criminal operation in Africa came to its well deserved end. With the TPLF, the most feared regime in eastern Africa, now gone for good peace can break out and the long over due rebuilding of a independent, self reliant, eventually prosperous Ethiopia can begin.
Once the Ethiopian people are free to raise their heads in pride and start the hard work of feeding, housing and educating their people, and their lives begin to finally improve, the rest of Arica will have to take notice.
Ethiopia is potentially a wealthy country with trillions of m3 of natural gas, billions of barrels of oil, rich deposits of minerals lying in the pretty much unexplored Arab-Nubian geological shield and rich agricultural lands and lots of water.
When a people who were once best known for famine and war better their lives the rest of Africa have a “threat of a good example” that can’t be ignored. Then the neo colonialists who dominate Africa under the cover of the EU will no longer be able to plunder and loot our continent, no longer be able to buy the support of their populations with a rich lifestyle by bleeding Africa dry.
As Ethiopia begins to break the modern day chains of neocolonialism expect their leader, Nobel Laureate Abiy Ahmed to be continuously demonized in the western media. To see Africa’s sickest nation become a modern successful example of African independence and self reliance those bloodsucking western banksters and their lackey at the UN will be hard put to stand aside and let their system inevitably come crumbling down about them. For how can they continue as they have without the stolen wealth of Africa, to bribe their people and prop up their increasingly challenged regimes?
Barry O’Bombers has been living and writing from Eritrea since 2006. He can be reached at thomascmountain at g_ mail_ dot _com