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Reflecting on Another Parliamentary Showdown

November 16, 2022

Abayneh, Merhatsidk Mekonnen

Once again, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has addressed the Nation’s House of People’s Representatives on November 15 2022.

On that day, the sixth Round, 2nd year of duty and the fourth Ordinary Session has just been opened, essentially to support the motion following the Federal President’s annual legislative program she had unveiled to the house several weeks ago.

Unfortunately, the Prime Minister’s speech was,as always, a rather lengthy and monotonous one. Although he was not asked by the parliamentarians at that level, his tiresome elaboration on macro-economic issues seemed to dominate the entire deliberation.

Yet, what has surprised me the most is the obscure information he had provided to the People’s Representatives on the recent peace deal concluded with TPLF in South Africa. At one time, he told the Honorable Deputies that none of the delegations from the conflicting parties went to Pritoria to hand over the Wolqahit-Thegedie and Raya territories either to the Tigray or Amhara Region emphasizing in particular that nobody has the right to do so in the first place.

Even the TPLF terrorist group?

On my part, I am not quite sure he meant it from the bottom of his heart.

What message does Art. 10 Sub-Art. (4) Of the Joint Accord for Lasting Peace through a Permanent Cessation of Hostilities signed on November 2nd 2022 convey when it broadly stipulates that the issue of “’contested areas’” shall be settled in accordance with the country’s ‘constitution and constitutional order’?

More critically, Art. 2 (d) of the Declaration of the Senior Commanders toward the implementation of the mainstream accord subsequently signed in Nairobi, Kenya on November 12 2022 makes it clearer that “the disarmament of the TPLF’s armed combatants with regard to heavy weapons shall be conducted concurrently with the withdrawal of foreign and non-ENDF forces from the region”. Here, the term ‘region’ refers to the present-day Tigray Region erroneously considered to have included the Wolqahit-Theghedie and Raya territories.

If that is the real plan envisaged both by the principal peace agreement and its subsidiary arrangement, whose ownership of these territories is to be legitimized at the end of the day knowing that the 1995 Ethiopian constitution which the Prime Minister relies on has been enacted three solid years after the said territories have already been forcibly annexed from the former Beghie-Midir and Wollo Provinces and unlawfully occupied by the then TPLF forces and dictatorially incorporated into the Greater Tigrean Region?

Many a time, Abiy does not want to confront that historical reality, presumably in the name of ‘lasting peace’.

That said, however, he chose to urge the innocent victims not to repeat the same mistake that has been perpetrated against them by the offenders claiming that such a restorative, (not retaliatory), action can, by no means, guarantee lasting peace between the two, Amhara and Tigrean communities co-existing side by side from the time immemorial.

What a shallow, one-sided and perverted piece of recommendation put forward by a seemingly impartial Federal Government top official in his capacity as the Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the nation’s Armed Forces!

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  1. Could even a Jesus-Mohammed Duo satisfy Ethiopians? Since Abiy is of Christian-Muslim and Amara-Oromo ancestry, he is not x/y/z-enough for most of his detractors: Abiy is not Oromo-enough! Abiy is not Amara-enough! Abiy is not Christian-enough…

    Most criticisms come from self-crowned Super Amaras who view themselves as more Amaras than others. So, I ask myself: Which Amara organization would have enrolled Abiy as member? What if the OPDO also refused him saying “Your mother is Amara”?

    Abiy could have quit & lived a luxurious life with his Nobel Prize! Yet, he chose to keep bankrupt Ethiopia afloat with 1 billion USD from Prince MBZ. He refused to bow for Egypt & Egypt’s White Supremacist West masters. He derailed a TPLF comeback, too!

  2. Mognu,

    You are not indeed “mogne” but liar like your master abiy amed. The reason I like or do not like abiy amed is not becuase he is Amhara, oromo, christian, pente, moslem or whatever.

    The reason I do not respect him as a leader is because he is incompetent (look the security situation, economy, social fiber of the citzens, unity of the ecountry etc), liar (Eritrean soldiers are not in Ethiopia, more oromos than Amharas are dying in the God forsaken land wollega, no citizen is imprisoned because of his/her political opinion, etc), member of fascist OLF (he admitted spying for OLF and the surge of OLF during his leadership) etc.
    However, the reason Mognu and Cos are worshipping abiy amed is because you respect your never-filling tommy than your conscience.

  3. Meseret,

    I don’t see any intelligence in your line of reasoning! The truth I wrote above is there for ALL to see! Of course, you outsmart most in that you wear the Amara/Ethiopia-Activist Hat and flush both Amaras & Ethiopia down the toilet. Why would I help you with that?

    The TPLF looted Ethiopia so bone-dry that it didn’t even leave a one-month salary for government employees. That was TPLF’s recipe for a paralyzing general strike! Worse, the Pro-TPLF & Pro-Egypt White Supremacist West also imposed embargo & sanctions.

    The 27-year-old TPLF-serving institutions [government, defense, intelligence, etc.] were ALL filled with TPLF and its Loyalists. Abiy is dismantling those and building Ethiopia-serving ones in parallel. That takes time! His fledgling defense force is overstretched!

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