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What is an “Ugly American Diplomat” Doing in Beautiful Ethiopia?

May 9, 2021

Al Mariam’s Commentaries
May 8, 2021

Feltman is in Addis Ababa, first and foremost, to “address the interlinked political, security and humanitarian crises, specifically the volatile situation in Ethiopia”.

Deciphered from diplomatic mumbo jumbo, that means Feltman is in Addis to negotiate the TPLF back to power and to coordinate a propaganda war with remnants of the TPLF, including “Abuna” Matias, the TPLF politically appointed cadre head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.

His second mission is to deliver the letter of “five senators” commanding the Ethiopian Government to cancel the June 5, 2021 election.


There is an old cowboy saying Feltman oughta heed. “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.”

Read details below…

Word on the street is Jeffrey Feltman (Susan Rice’s Hitman in the Horn of Africa) has slithered (or is about to) into Addis Ababa.

Why is he in Addis Ababa?

The Western press-titutes say Feltman’s mission to the Horn of Africa is to talk about the Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Not quite according to the U.S. State Department spokesperson who said:

The Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to lead a sustained diplomatic effort to address the interlinked political, security, and humanitarian crises that exist right now on the Horn of Africa, specifically the volatile situation in Ethiopia, to escalating tensions between Ethiopia and Sudan, and lastly, to the dispute over the GERD as well. (Italics added.)

Feltman is in Addis Ababa first and foremost to “address the interlinked political, security and humanitarian crises, specifically the volatile situation in Ethiopia”.

Deciphered from diplomatic mumbo jumbo, that means Feltman is in Addis to negotiate the TPLF back to power and to coordinate a propaganda war with remnants of the TPLF, including “Abuna” Matias, the TPLF politically appointed cadre head of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church.

His second mission is to deliver the letter of “five senators” asking (more like commanding) the Ethiopian Government to cancel the June 5, 2021 election.


That will not happen even if hell freezes over and the Princess of Darkness herself goes ice skating with the TPLF demons.

Anyway, that is how Susan Rice cooked up the whole intrigue in a witches’ brew of bogus political issues, hyperbolic humanitarian claims, contrived regional concerns and inflated allegations of GERD as a source of regional destabilization.

Make no mistake: Susan Rice’s brew is concocted to bring back from the grave the dead and gone TPLF.


The way I figure: If you quack like a (TPLF) woyane, think like a woyane and act like a woyane, doggone it, you are a woyane!

Back in 1991, the TPLF used then Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Herman Cohen to stage “dialogue” and “negotiations” in London. In less than a New York minute, Cohen paved the way for the TPLF to enter Addis Ababa and seize power.

Susan Rice is today’s Herman Cohen. She believes she can pull off a repeat of 1991 in 2021.

Susan Rice’s plan for restoration of the TPLF to power and effect regime change is to follow the 1991 Cohen’s playbook.

In much the same way as 1991, Susan Rice hopes to assemble the ragtag dregs of the TPLF in the U.S. and Europe to lead a bunch of riffraff political leaders and form a transitional government.

Anyway. Feltman is in Addis as Susan Rice’s gofer (telalaki) to take care of business for the TPLF.

Susan Rice’s Horn of Africa Crisis Dog and Pony Show 

Feltman will have the grand opening of the “Susan Rice Horn of Africa Crisis Dog and Pony Show” in Addis Ababa complete with smoke and mirrors.

Ring Master Feltman will regurgitate the crapola Circus Master Susan Rice has stuffed into him. In Addis, he will blather about political instability, humanitarian access, blah, blah…

Feltman will drone on with lies, damned lies and disinformation Susan Rice has pumped into him.

The Western press-titutes and politician-stutes will cheer him on and unload condemnation on Ethiopia.

After all, it is the “Susan Rice Barnum and Blinken Bailey Show in Addis”!

But the grand scheme of things, nobody, certainly no self-respecting Ethiopian, gives a rat’s ass about Rice, TPLFeltman or Blinken!

In the Age of Covid, the white people whose consciences Feltman, Blinken and Susan Rice want to stoke and mobilize to demand action against Ethiopia simply don’t give a damn about what happens in a “s**t hole” continent.

It is the T-R-U-T-H!

That is what drives Susan Rice & Co., the Western press-titutes and politician-stitutes C-R-A-Z-Y.

Susan Rice’s one-trick dog and pony show will be received with amusement at best in Ethiopia.

That, despite the fact that Slick Suzie has staged the traveling dog and pony show for maximum theatrical production and global mass distraction.

Slick Suzie does not want anyone to figure out her intrigue to restore the TPLF to power.

Susan Rice’s traveling dog and pony show had Feltman first go to Egypt to talk to Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and put the finishing touches on their plan to screw Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam(GERD).

After the meeting, Feltman said, the U.S. is “serious in settling such a sensitive issue.”

Yeah, right! Ha!

The way the U.S. is going to “settle the issue” is by selling Ethiopia down the Abay (Nile) River.

Donald Trump tried to “settle the issue” by arm twisting and putting a chokehold on Ethiopia.

When the Ethiopians told him to go to hell, in desperation, Trump cut off U.S. aid and later boasted Egypt will blow up the GERD.

The Biden administration continued Trump’s policy disingenuously arguing it will de-link development aid from GERD negotiations but re-linked it to the “humanitarian situation in Tigray.”

As GERD “mediator”, the difference between the Trump and Biden administration is the difference between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

The U.S. is already shown its colors. It is on Team al-Sisi.

Expecting the U.S. to be an impartial mediator in the Horn of Africa is like expecting the fox to guard the henhouse and keep the chickens safe.

I am convinced the U.S. (that is Susan Rice, the Princess of Darkness) believes if sufficient pressure is put on Ethiopia, she will break and crumble.

Susan Rice and her conspirators should know the people of Ethiopia are like gold. The more you expose them to fire, the shinier they become.

Susan Rice, Blinken, Feltman and Co., believe they can hoodwink, bamboozle and deceive Ethiopians with their mumbo jumbo about humanitarian access, negotiations, etc.

Slick Suzie, get this right: “We Ethiopians ain’t as dumb as you think we is!”

In the memorable words of Tweedle Dee, “Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t. That’s logic.”

That is the logic of U.S. “mediation” in the Horn of Africa.

I say, “Beware of TPLFeltman bearing gifts to “settle a serious issue”!”

Feltman then travelled to Sudan to tell them to stick to Egypt like stink on ***t on GERD negotiations.

Then he moseyed on to Eritrea.

I don’t know for sure but I think President Isaias Afewerki does not like “ugly American diplomats” who shoot their mouths off gleeking insults.

Before travelling to the Horn, TPLFeltman exploded, “Authoritarian leaders in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia draw closer at the expense of the wider collective.”

“Authoritarian” is a kinder, gentler word for “dictator”.

U.S. officials use “authoritarian” to demonize and ostracize leaders that do not kowtow to them (i.e. “Uncle Sam, massuh…)

On May 4, 2021, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. is “employing the Group of 7 — composed of the United States, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan — to coordinate with allies in an emerging global competition between democracy and the authoritarian visions of Moscow and Beijing.” (Italics added.)

Now Blinken has arrayed the Group of 7 to pull out their long knives against the “authoritarian” regimes of Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia.

Of course, Feltman said nothing about al-Sisi, Donald Trump’s “My favorite dictator.”
Well, if Trump can have his favorite dictator, Susan Rice and Blinken can have theirs.

Different strokes for different folks!
Just wondering!
It is said what is sauce for the goose is good for the gander.

The experts say Donald Trump is an authoritarian leader. Trump still believes he is the real president and Biden stole the elections.

Joseph Stiglitz, the 2001Nobel Laureate in economics declared, “Trump has fascist tendencies”.

Which one is worse? A fascist or authoritarian leader?

Over 74 million Americans voted for Benito “Il Duce” Trump in 2020.

The Republican Party remains under the spell of Il Duce.

Republican leaders in droves are bending over backwards, forwards, which ever way, hand over heel, to kiss Il Duce’s ring.

Republican leaders are drawing and quartering Liz Cheney because she refused to kiss Il Duce’s ring.

Republican leaders are sponsoring vote recounts state by state to steal the election for Il Duce.

All I can say is, “If a ‘fascist’ president is good enough for Americans, hell, “authoritarian”  leaders are good enough for Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia.”

Why did TPLFeltman put Ethiopia at the tail end of his visit?

Because he believes he is going to read the riot the riot act to Ethiopia’s “authoritarian” leaders and bring them down to their knees begging, “Uncle Sam Feltman, massuh, boss,  have mercy on us! We is poor African savages. We’ll do as you say, massuh!”

Jeffrey Feltman, Susan Rice’s Messenger of Armageddon

Susan Rice, the Princess of Darkness,  has amassed her Armies of Darkness to wage a war of Armageddon on Ethiopia.

No freaking doubt about it!

Susan Rice’s diplomatic army is already deployed and fighting in the United Nations Security Council to sanction Ethiopia. It is fighting in the halls of the African Union to condemn and ostracize Ethiopia (with a little palm grease in the form of extra aid crumbs). It is fomenting dissension and strife even in IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development).

Susan Rice’s cyber army is fighting on social media spreading lies, damned lies and disinformation.

Susan Rice’s Western press-titute army has been waging a war of fake news and fabricated stories to demonize Ethiopia for months.

Susan Rice’s lobbying army is fighting in the halls of the U.S. Congress to break Ethiopia’s back and break her knee so she will be forced to beg, “Uncle Sam, please massuh, have mercy…”

Susan Rice’s elite army of New World Order internationalists in the European Union and G7 are scheming to cripple Ethiopia economically.

No doubt about it. Susan Rice has declared war on all fronts on Ethiopia!

What should we expect from an “ugly American diplomat”?

Feltman is not in Ethiopia for peace.

Ethiopia is “for peace: but when [she] speaks, they are for war.”

Feltman is in Ethiopia as a harbinger of war and to spread rumors of war.

Civil war.

Border war.
Regional war.

War in the north.
War in the south.

War in the west.
War in the east.

Feltman is in Ethiopia to tell the people their days are numbered.

Feltman is in Ethiopia to tell Ethiopians they can have any government they want as long as the U.S., specifically, Susan Rice anoints it.

If they do not bow down and accept the TPLF into power, the U.S. will unleash war on Ethiopia that will make Syria’s war “child’s play”.

He said that.
He threatened that!
Art imitating life

Is life imitating art?

Jeffrey Feltman reminds me of Ambassador Louis Sears depicted in the 1958 Eugene Burdick and William Lederer novel “The Ugly American”.

That book begins with Sears bemoaning the fact that the people of the fictional country of Sarkhan are “strange little monkeys”.

The fact is Sears is the real monkey. He is completely clueless about Sarkhanese history, politics or society.

Feltman is the real life “ugly American” special envoy (ambassador) who believes there are “strange little monkeys” in the Horn of Africa he can scare with threats of sanctions, aid cutoff and warfare.

Feltman, like Sears, is clueless about the  history, politics and culture of Horn countries.

Feltman is the real life ugly American diplomat who believes:

US interference is quite acceptable, but Iranian interference is utterly unacceptable. This might be adequate behavior for the diplomat of a country, but it is hardly the temperament for a senior UN official. It raises doubts about Feltman’s ability to be even-handed in his deliberations as a steward of the world’s political dilemmas. (Italics added.)

Jeffrey Feltman, I am sure, sees himself as the tip of the spear of the TPLF.

Jeffrey Feltman, I am sure, sees himself as the Sword of Egypt.

Jeffrey Feltman, I am sure, sees himself as the Arrow of Sudan.

Jeffery Feltman, I am sure, sees himself as the New Sheriff in the town of Ethiopia with his posse in tow.

Ergo, I ask the question: What is an “ugly American diplomat” doing in beautiful Ethiopia?

There is an old cowboy sayin’ Feltman oughta heed. “If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.”

In the land of 13-months of sunshine…

Ethiopia is known for its legendary hospitality and charm of its people, unrivalled beauty of its picturesque landscape, fabulous coffee and, of course, unbeatable distance runners.

Conde Nast Traveler, the famous luxury and lifestyle travel magazine, in its “21 Best Places to Go in 2021” listed Ethiopia at the very, very top of the list.

Truth be told, for the life of me, I can’t figure out why an “ugly American diplomat” is allowed into such a beautiful country.

Doggone it! I just can’t wait to see the beautiful Americans coming to beautiful Ethiopia!!



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