Today: March 15, 2025

USA Waive off  your hidden hatred hands !

May 22, 2021

USA and its nationals are closest brothers of the world and ours’.

We were and are free nation and the 1st nation among few in the world nations having our dignity, kingdoms more than three millennium.

Ethiopia its predecessor name Abyssinia was known for its vast territories and USA was one of its longtime friend nations knew it.

We are the land and sources of human races so we love, respect and support all human beings and specially USA which is a democratic government administration exemplary in the world in its own territory but act in contrast to it to other nations intervened in the internal affairs of friendly nations  .

Unfortunately Ethiopia is one of the victims of these intrigues faced in various times:-

  • There was advanced prepaid artillery and gun machines which was estimated birr 20,000,000.00 during kingdom of his majesty emperor Haile Selassie to defend and protect its sovereignty from the aggression of the then dictator brigadier general Sidebar( Somali -moquadisho),but USA denied against the agreement made b/n two nations .
  • The USA was pressurizing to over throw the Ethiopian unitary government to replace by more separatist and dividing minor ethnic based before 1991 and after to bring up in to power TPLF (EPRDF) which devastated and destroy the country since it came power to date.
  • USA government did not concern about maltreatment, poor governance, brutality, genocide and multi inhuman activities occurred during the last 27 years of TPLF regime which shows its reluctance approach of democracy and human rights conditions as far as its advantages are intact or protected for its own political motives.
  • Ethiopia had lost port or sea route due to an unjustifiable sabotage of its historical hidden friendly enemies left  land locked country.
  • Since it Ethiopia lost its sea route or natural ports multi problems had faced it.
  • USA and the entire world were observing the last 5 elections held but none were rejected or condemned as it was completely made for the sake of democratic election to confuse and convince the world nation.
  • Currently USA is appealing to bargain, mediate and reconcile b/n Ethiopian government and overthrown groups –TPLF- which is completely belittling Ethiopian and undermining the sore of majority injuries of Ethiopians.

Where were you all these and others un stated suffrages happened as a nation and longtime relation democracy and human right alert nation and government.

Is there government in the world history than ours who divided and ruled, killed, assassinated, mutilated , declaring genocide in its own people , embezzled the nation……..so how you saw them as .

Do not undermine the poor who are 1/4th of the world and had the largest share of our planet.

We poor nations are naturally wealthier and our poverty is artificial and due to poor management.

Ultimately we are and all we are in one planet and from one sources (Adam) please reconsider your historical relation and intervention of others affairs.

Stop prejudging and hand off your imbalance out looks of our country and your multidimensional century alliances in many aspects.

We Ethiopians never desperate in history and we hope USA and others will reconsider their perception and misconceives.

Ethiopian Government and nations had the right of demanding guaranty and compensation for losing and defamation resulting to suffrages.

There is one proverb in Amharic which incorporates the current sabotages and conspires over Ethiopia.

There is one indigenous proverbs of Ethiopian in Amharic never to be overlooked to say here.

“በዓለም ላይ ከጦርነት ይልቅ በወሬ ( ለጥፋት ፣ክፋት/ ዉሸት) የጠፉ ህዝቦች እና አገሮች ብዙ ናቸዉ ”፡፡

“ ከሽ ፈረሰኛ አንድ ወሬኛ ይቀድማል/  ” ይባላል

“አሜሪካ እኛን ለቀቅ የያዝሽዉን   ጠበቅ ” የ ኢትዮጵያዉያን ምክራችን ነዉ ፡፡

ቬትናምን  ሞከርሽ…….. ምን አገኘሽ ፣
ሶማሊያን ፣ኢራቅን፣ አፍጋኒስታን፣  የመንን፣ ሶሪያን፣ ሊቢያን…….. የተለኮሰ እሳት መቸ አጠፋሽ፣
የያዝሽዉን ሳትጨርሽ አፍሪካ ቀንድ  ምን አመጣሽ፣
ንገሪና እኛ እኮ ነን ወዳጅ ህዝቦች አጋሮችሽ ፣
እብረን የነበርን ፤ያለን በሠላም  በጦርነት  የቆምን ከጎንሽ ፡፡

“ ህብረት ለኢትዮጵያ እና ህዝቦች አንድነት እና ሉዓላዊነት” ፡፡

Unite Ethiopian for our unity and sovereignty !

unity is power !



“1st to the 1st land of human races – Abyssinia, Ethiopia”!

Long Live Ethiopian, Ethiopia and all nations!!


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