Today: March 16, 2025

The Very Terrible Political Paradox of Andualen Arage

July 4, 2022

July 3, 2022
Tegenaw Goshu

I read Andualem Arage’s speech of acceptance of his defeat and congratulatory message to his leader, Professor Berhanu Nega. He declared “ዴሞክራሲን አምጣ ለመዉለድ ባልቻለችዉ  ሀገራችን ማህፀን የተፈጠረዉ  ኢዜማ በራሱ ጓዳ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ምርጫ በማድረግ እዉነተኛዉንና  መሠረታዊዉን  የዴሞክራሲ ችግኝ በመትከል ታሪክ ሰርቷል”  I am sorry to say but I have to say that tragically enough this is one of the very clear indicators of how Ethiopian politics continues to suffer from severe poverty of genuinely patriotic and morally resilient political personalities. Alas!

I hate to say but I have to say that though I was not without a doubt about some sort of ugly outcome from the so called selecting and electing a leader for the good for nothing political party if not a party that is horribly damaged by self-inflicted wound (EZEMA), I did not expect that Andualem would be going down this much of both political and moral self- degradation.

I know that this critique of mine is so bitter to admit especially to most of our politicians who have very serious difficulties to familiarize themselves with the very political culture of getting wrong things right by being patriotic enough in the process of the struggle for the realization of fundamental democratic change. But I must say that whether we like it or not, the political path he decided today after talking a lot about the very ugly political discourse and behavior of the top leadership of EZEMA is terribly or badly paradoxical.

I am not saying that it is wrong to change one’s position or stand based on some sort of rationally compelling and convincing justifications. But the very political discourse and behavior of Andualem’s grouping (EZEMA) is at the very fore front of the politics of deadly opportunism which has made itself clear enough for the last four years. This grouping has shown its political and moral decay by not showing any meaningful political step or action about the politically motivated massacre of thousands of innocent citizens because of their ethnic identity. Their consciences have no common sense of shame when they try hard to convince us that they are going to make a political miracle because they have re-elected the same great top leader who has deeply fallen in love with a highly conspiratorial, hypocritical, cynical, political infantile, morally bankrupt, psychologically sick, and above all practically ruthless political figure (Abyi Ahmed). Yes, these guys of EZEMA are trying to share their congratulatory message of reelecting a person who unfortunately allowed himself a very bad example of using educational status for the very wrong purpose which is of course the silent killer of a generation.

It is against all these horribly disturbing realities on the ground that Andualem is trying to convince us that he is determined to be abide by the very discipline of EZEMA and to work hard to make it the “sparking political star of this century”. Mind you genuinely concerned fellowmen/women, what he is saying is that with the leadership of his grouping led by Pof. Berhanu and his clique who unequivocally told us that they have no other political way except Abyi Ahmed (ODP/Prosperity) whom they believe him hundred percent, it is possible to make a political miracle. What a very clumsy and cynical political personality!

I must say that hereafter Andualem desperately needs to totally unmask his very clumsy, good for nothing and terribly misleading political rhetoric and narrative and go with the political wind of the ruling circle that is horribly stained with the very blood of thousands of innocent citizens.

Yes, he needs to tell the people who were waiting for his wise and meaningful political role and direction either by reshaping EZEMA (the good political baby of Prosperity) or to find out the right and sustainable exit that takes to the right path of doing the right political work.

I hope Andualem remembers his comment on my Amharic political critique “የኢዜማው አንዷለም አራጌ እና የአብኑ ክርስቲያን ታደለ የእሮሮና የአቤቱታ ፖለቲካ “  (zehabesha May 30, 2022). He commented that I was wrong to be straightforwardly critical on his political efforts. He tried to bring in a very backward and clumsy way of argument of “who are you to criticize me” that goes to the extent of questioning my political thinking of integrity and patriotism (love of our country).

I do not want to be a person of arrogance who claims that all what I was saying has become true whereas all others were totally wrong. I understand that what he wanted to say had certain grain of truth. But my very argument and critique was that the very grain of truth he was talking about had no compelling reason as far as the huge and bitter reality on the ground was and is concerned. His rhetorical skill did not and does not reflect the very tough and worrisome political reality he found himself in. And now he is making himself   plain and clear that he has decided to stick with the alliance of Prosperity and EZEMA that has caused unprecedented level of political, socio-economic, moral, and psychological disaster.

I wish that Andualem could behave in such a way that the people would be beneficial from, and I could comment accordingly! Sadly enough, he went terribly wrong, and I could not comment on something that went wrong as if it went right! No, that should be the way we should do politics or any other public concern. Despite the very ugly political failure we keep facing even during this very horrifying situation, we desperately need to keep trying to make our hope a reality as hopelessness or despair should not be the choice at all!!! GOOD LUCK!!!





  1. It is very confusing the very opportunist Berhanu Nega re-elcted as EZEMA leader.Freom the beggining Berhanu was an ally of TPLF bow down to Meles Zenawi and eager to be mayor of Addis while many hundreds shed their blood during election 2005.Behanu has been switching from one party to the other for his interest of power divding all Ethiopian civic organizations and parties. I do believe there is much budget allocation from Abi Ahmed for his supporteres from the government accounst and Berhanu is beneffciary of that used for his re-election.Shame on such former dedicated leader Andualem Arage endorsing opportunist Berhanu Ngea’s new leadership.

  2. All this drama and antics just to serve as a pace setter for Prosperity Party? What a shame!
    “Elect PP! “What kind of raison d’etre is that for a political party?
    What has the party done for Ethiopian citizens? What concrete steps has the party taken to bring/defend social justice as Ethiopian government is becoming the most unjust of all governments; kidnapping and herding thousands of civilians into disclosed and undisclosed jails?
    So, far Ezema could only be seen as a collaborator of the ruling party that is eroding mutual trust amongst citizens, destroying national institutions and terrorizing citizens. Is Ezema planning to continue down this treasonous and treacherous path?

  3. የኢትዮጵያ ፖለቲካ ህምበርገር እያኘኩ ከርቀት እንደመተኮስ ቀላል አይደለም- አንዱ አለም ይህንን የሚያውቅ መሰለኝ አቶ ጠገራው ጠና

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