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The ultimate legacy of the longest-reigning English monarch: an African’s perspective

September 10, 2022

The ultimate legacy of the longest-reigning English monarch: an African’s perspective

The ultimate legacy of the longest-reigning English monarch: an African’s perspective

The best fate for Africa would be if the old colonial powers, or their citizens, scrambled once again in her direction; on the understanding that this time they will not be asked to feel guilty.  The continent may be a blot, but it is not a blot upon our conscience … The problem is not that we were once in charge, but that we are not in charge anymore.”

Boris Johnson, Former Prime Minister of England

The ultimate legacy of the longest-reigning English monarch: an African’s perspective

Queen Elizabeth is the longest-reigning English monarch, English because Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales are mere vassals if not outright colonies.  Her England was exclusively built on colonialism and slavery, each and every thing in England or attributed to England being a clear, irrefutable testament of unparalleled colonial robbery and appropriation.  As such, Queen Elizabeth’s England has been in a state of decline ever since it began to lose its vast colonies and the Sun started to set on its empire.  It is still affluent not because it is industrious or innovative, but solely because it is still benefiting from its colonial past, principally via the English language it colonially imposed and the so called “rule-based international order”, which is nothing but a set of colonial style “I-know-for-you” western rules for controlling and exploiting the non-western world under the guise of freedom, democracy, and human right.  Without these colonial style western rules which the west itself tramples when it deems fit, and the colonially imposed English language, England will surely nosedive from “first world” to “third world” in matter of few years.

The English neocolonialist feels a sense of superiority only because he is a native speaker of what is now the dominant international language.  His is haughty of his native tongue so much as to call those who do not speak English subhuman, conveniently forgetting that this very English was once seen unfit for science by his own scientists like Isaac Newton who wrote his classic works in Latin.  He is the main driver of white supremacism, his favorite poetry being “The Whiteman’s burden”.  His has the temerity to call Africa “The Hopeless continent”, as if his own colonialism was not the principal cause of Africa’s predicament.  His language abounds with derogatory terms for blacks (black market, black mark, black widow, etc.).

The ultimate legacy of the longest-reigning English monarch: an African’s perspectiveThe one thing the English colonialist is best at is projecting non-existing power.  He has no parallel in acting Herculean when in fact he is a midget.  He roars like a lion though he is nothing but a treacherous rodent.  He can conquer only the divided, and he has no equal at dividing along fault lines and weakest links.  He is permanently opportunistic and was aptly described so by the French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian.  All his victories are victories of opportunism, be it at Waterloo, in the first and second world wars, or in the Falklands.  He is expert at allying with the powerful, making these powerful allies do all the lifting, and then claiming the trophy all for himself.  He has never, ever won a major international war by himself when faced even with a moderately armed foe, be it at Gallipoli or in the American revolutionary war.

True to his opportunistic character, the English colonialist picks his fights and, unless forced, fights only with the unarmed.  That was how he was able to colonize Africa, North America, Asia, and Australia.  In particular, he set out to colonize Africa not because he thought Africans are inferior, as the likes of Boris Johnson would have us believe, but only because he knew that Africans did not have the guns to fight him back.  Even so, he was saved from utter defeat by spear wielding African warriors, not by his valor or military skill but by employing the then weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

A case in point is the battle of Omdurman (September 2, 1898) in which a British regular army of 8,000 (supported by 17,000 Egyptian troops) snatched victory from the jaws of defeat thanks to the Maxim machine gun which could fire 600 rounds per minute.  Africans, not Japanese, were the first victims of WMD, the English, not the Americans, were the first to use WMD, and Winston Churchill was the first statesman to publicly laud the use of WMD.  One has to read Mr. Churchill to realize how elated he was by the devastating effects of WMD.


“Thus ended the battle of Omdurman—the most signal triumph ever gained by the arms of science over barbarians. Within the space of five hours the strongest and best-armed savage army yet arrayed against a modern European Power had been destroyed and dispersed, with hardly any difficulty, comparatively small risk, and insignificant loss to the victor.”  [Winston Spencer Churchill, The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Sudan, page 164]


Queen Elizabeth appointed this sadist as her first prime minister heaping praise on him saying no-one would “ever for me be able to hold the place of my first prime minister “, knowing full well that her first prime minster was nothing but a full-blown white supremacist.  This, precisely, is the ultimate legacy of the longest-reigning English monarch.


Mesfin Arega

mesfin. arega@gmail.com

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