Today: March 18, 2025


November 2, 2021

Wondimu Mekonnen, England, 01/11/2021

Lemmings are cute northern hemisphere animals. They commit suicide jumping off the cliff. Only they know why they do that. CNN may have the answer.=

Both the child as well as the adult solders of Tigray, are like Lemmings. They are falling as autumn leaves for the reason known only to them. Fighting in Afar and Amhara regions to protect few criminals is crazy. Some of the fighters are just 12 years old. Tigray is losing a generation of its youth in the interest of greedy old men. What can be done?

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), better known as Tigray People’s Looting Front, ruled Ethiopia with iron fist for 27 years until a popular uprising ousted them from power in 2018. Rather than embracing the change and enjoying the riches they embezzled, they chose war to return to power. The chose to have it all or none. A huge mistake!



Ethiopians remember the night of 03 November 2021 as the first anniversary of the massacre of the unsuspecting Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF), Northern Division, by collaborative conspiracy of the TPLF Special Forces and Tigrayan members of the ENDF within barracks in Tigray everywhere at the same time.

When the TPLF came to power in 1991, they disbanded the previous national army and rebuilt a new one from the scratch in their own liking, based on evil ethnic politics. They created the force, reared, and nurtured only to slaughter them later like lambs. Bad move!
The new Government did in fact anticipate something might happen a year earlier and decided to move the soldiers of the Northern Division out of Tigray and relocate them elsewhere. The reason was that the threat of attack of the region from Eritrea was removed due to peace agreement between the two countries. The TPLF instructed the people to come out and lay down on the streets and prevent the army from leaving. They did.

When the TPLF was in power, it concentrated 81% of the country’s military hardware in Tigray. The armament was entirely looted by the TPLF when they attacked the barracks and started massacring the soldiers who never expected to be victimised by the very people they were protecting. Treachery of the 21st Century!

After an unprovoked attack on the very army that was stationed there by the TPLF itself in Tigray for over 20 years protecting the region, on 04 November 2020, the Federal Government declared law enforcement mission to bring the perpetrators before court. The TPLF started rocket bombing Asmara, the capital of Eritrea unprovoked just to pick a fight. They also rocket attacked the cities of Gondar and Bahr Dar cities of Amhara region plunging the region into bloodbath. The TPLF claimed war was the national sport of the Tigrayans. Buffoons!
According to a military expert, a division is made up of 48,000 soldiers. Now, let us do some maths. After the attack, 10,000 soldiers escaped to Eritrea and later recovered. Another 2,000 were rescued during the law enforcement mission. Therefore, 36,000 soldiers were unaccounted for. That is how the war started and still going on. Insane!


Law and Order Mission and its Challenges

Just after three weeks of bitter fights the ego of the TPLF was defused. It was soon discovered war was not the national sport of Tigrayans at all. Just before Mekelle was going to fall, the cowards hid the looted weapons at preprepared bunkers, released all 10,000 hardcore criminals from jail and run to their mountain hiding places. Most of their well-trained special forces and militias took off their military uniform and vanished among the civilians. The hunt for the criminals managed to arrest few top leaderships of the TPLF. Some were killed. However, the rest remained at large.

The hunt for these few criminals became precarious. The international community started pressurising the Government of Ethiopia to stop the war. Their ununiformed special force started coming out of the civilian population and stepped-up ambushing and killing the law enforcement soldiers. Fighting back resulted in more condemnation of the Government for killing ‘civilians’ The hardcore criminals released from the jail by the TPLF went around, looting and raping the women posing as ENDF soldiers, wearing ENDF uniform and blaming on the forces. The international community’s accusations became too much to bear. The Government’s attempt to repair the infrastructure was sabotaged. The international community failed to appreciate the Government’s efforts to normalise the situation. On the contrary the US and its allies accused Ethiopia of the use of ‘hunger as weapon of war’. To give Tigrayan farmers peace to cultivate crops, enable the international community to bring in as much aid as they like, and give peace a chance, the Federal Government declared unilateral ceasefire in June 2021 and withdrew its forces. The Government calculated that it would not be blamed for whatever would happen in Tigray. Alas that was not the case.

The remaining TPLF leadership descended from their mountain refuges, dug out the looted military hardware, called back its special forces and militias and launched military attack on Afar and Amhara regions. As they had already billions of dollars offshore, they hired lobbyists and paid journalists to fight the diplomatic war to avoid incrimination of their terrorist actions. The USA and Western Allies stood by the terrorists. Even UN officials were corrupted by the TPLF gangsters. Getachew Reda admitted that he communicated with high-ranking UN official. Anyone interested could listen to the following clip below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lIWubMYqwIyevOXCl7fxJrRoF2PE0UnD/view?usp=sharing

He is saying:
“While we were talking on the phone with a very high ranking UN official, he said: ‘in other countries, as you said and we also do see, when so many thousands soldiers perish, not only abandoning Tigray but claiming to have destroyed Woyyane, losing so much army to a reorganised force within less than a month, how come the generals don’t come together and question the strategy, or demand to resign or remove this kid before the country is destroyed?’ I said, I can’t explain this.”

The rebels who vowed to destroy Ethiopia, are receiving advice from the UN official on the ground and through UN donated satellite phone, regarding how to overthrow the government of a member country of the UN. Do you blame if Ethiopia throws out the so-called UN aid workers? Leave that again to history. Ethiopia is betrayed before by the League of Nations. This is not any different for the Security Council has been called more than 9 times to discuss Ethiopia.


Human wave

The TPLF has declared that the civilians follow the invading fighters and collect the war spoils enough to sustain Tigray for two years. Their army has invaded the territory of Afar, though which aid convoys would bring in aid food to Tigray. They prevented aircrafts from landing with food cargo. Instead, the Tigrayans are looting the Amhara residences to feed themselves. The greedy and starving human vultures swarm like desert locust (አንበጣ) devouring whatever comes on their way, ignoring possible death. They run at the bullets like the moths (የእሳት እራት) runs to a flame. Tens of thousands of invading Tigrayan fighters were destroyed at the Gondar front while looting the town of Debark and Dabat. Thousands of TPLF infiltrators perished fighting to open the Sudan corridor and to capture Grand Ethiopian Renascence Dam (GERD). The invading army of the TPLF’s age ranges 12 to 65 years. Tigrayan men and women farmers are following the army with sickles to harvest Wello farmers’ crops and ship to Tigray. The towns and cities of Alamata, Sokota, Kobo, Lalibela, Woldia, Mersa and Wurgesa are emptied of their infrastructures and belongings. Ethiopia had never seen in her history an enemy like the TPLF.

Hospitals are robed of their medicine and beds are stripped of bedsheets. Patients are left crawling on the floor. Their foods were robed. In the same way, schools are emptied of their desks, boards, books, equipment, and supplies. Civilian houses have been ransacked and milk bottles were snatched from babies. Injera (flat bread) were taken from the pan and even dough was not spared. The following farmer describes how all households were emptied of the contents not sparing, spices, roasted pea powders (ሽሮ), chili powder (በርበሬ) and even salt at Gashena. They took all household and food items and shipped them Tigray.

Another resident describes how Tigray invaders were acting as if they had never seen food in their lives. In many places in Wello, Tigray invaders stripped residential houses of their corrugated iron sheets and left residents without shelters.

Poorly constructed grass roofed tukul farmers’ houses were burned down after their contents were taken away. They slaughtered farmer animals to feed the invaders. When they left for South Wello, they shot dead the remaining animals so that nothing would be left for the farmers. What else could a locust do worse? This is brutal.

That is just tip of the iceberg. So far, about 10,000 civilians are killed both in Afar and Amhara regions by the invading Tigrayan forces. Many of them are just enfants and children. They are shelling cities and town indiscriminately. They exported their rape habit to Amhara region. Mothers were forced to watch their underaged daughters being gangraped. A married lady was raped by 15 TPLF fighters. She is now recovering in hospital. Husbands are forced to watch their wives being raped and the wives in turn forced to watch their husbands murdered. The host of the YouTube channel “Haq and Saq”, Abebe Tola Feyisa interviewed a 13-year-old child, who cheated death by hiding under the bed while his mother was hacked by the TPLF just for being an Amhara. They are the worst genocidal, but they frame their victims for their own crimes. They are not expected to spare even their own youth as long it serves their purpose.


Tigrayan lemmings in South Wello

TPLF’s decisive and biggest looting mission is aimed at the industrial cities of Dessie and Kombolcha. The two are the richest cities in Wello district of Amhara regions. Therefore, the TPLF deployed most of its fighting forces in the direction of those two cities accompanied by swarm of civilians. First, however, they had to fight to capture strategic towns of Wuchale (ውጫሌ) and Haik (ሐይቅ), Boru Meda, Kuta Ber and so on. At these fronts, the TPLF lost almost 10,000 fighters. More than 1,000 were taken prisoners. The most amazing stuff one could find in the pockets of the dead or captured are narcotics drugs, roasted grains, and sugar. One wonders whether the use of the drugs is legal in the battlefield for bravery. All the Tigrayan fighters are drug crazed, with no sense of fear for death at all. They jump in front of bullets like the lemmings jump off the cliff. For example, here is a 13-year-old boy who survived to tell the story. There were 25 kids aged between 12 and 15 who were enlisted to fight the in the Amhara region. They were all homeless kids from the town of Alamata. TPLF soldiers lured offering them jobs and get paid. They led them far away from the town and told them they were going to fight. They trained them for only one day on how to pull the trigger and marched them for 3 days. They distributed ‘hashish’ (drug) and told them to smoke. The kids thought that it was fun. Then they threw them in the battlefield. The boy says: “Once you smoke the ‘hashish’ you don’t feel anything.” He fought for two days. As the battle became too hot to manage the adults left the kids in the battlefield and fled for their own lives. The kids could not run as fast as the adults. All the 24 kids were killed except him. He jumped into the side pit and saved himself. He then surrendered.

The tens of thousands of adults and child TPLF soldiers perishing at the Haik, Kuta Ber, and Buru Meda are not any different. They are under the influence of drug zombies who charge at the ENDF, Special Forces and local Amhara militia Fano fighters with human wave. Their main aim is to charge at the fighters, kill as much as they could, die in the process overwhelming in numbers to capture the cities of Dessie and Kombolcha at any cost. Incidentally, one can observe from interview, that the canned food the child was eating was manufactured in Kombolcha. Probably Kombolcha is worth dying for because there so much there to loot .

Another force that makes the drug crazed fighters to crusade is the brainwashing propaganda campaign by the TPLF. They are telling them Tigrayans are invincible and the bravest golden people in the entire world. With their clandestine radio and television transmissions, they send terrorising message to the village or town they are about to attack. They announce they are already in town and scare civilians to start fleeing leaving behind their belongings and residences. That was the tactics they used to capture most of the towns in the Northern Wello and fleecing unopposed. However, when they reached Southern Wello, the people decided to fight back. It is a Tigrayan popular invasion on Amhara and Afar regions, therefore, the response demands popular defence. The people have decided to fight back against the invaders alongside the well-trained soldiers. TPLF is paying huge price at Dessie and Kombolcha fronts. The bodies of its fighting soldiers and civilians are littering the outskirts of the cities. However, they are giving up. They are determined to conquer or die. The TPLF is fighting with one mission: fighting with human wave, sacrificing as many as possible cannon fodders to destroy Ethiopia. The response must be to meet them with the same zeal and determination.

The are 30,000 ethnic-Tigrayans living in city of Dessie are victims Woyyane brainwashing. They were urging Dessie residents leave the city. Some of them were caught with the radio communicator, directing where to shell by heavy artilleries. Regardless TPLF’s scaremongering, the citizens of Dessie are trying to ignore them. Besides, some TPLF fighters have been also living among the displaced civilians pretending to be victims. This writer is not entirely convinced by the Prime Minister’s “Medemer” principle. You can’t keep a hyena and a calf in the same enclosure. Poor Dessie citizens! በሬ ካራጁ ጋር ይውላል። No political correctness.

The TPLF has been telling the world for the last two weeks their forces have captured Dessie and Kombolcha. However, the cities have not entirely fallen yet. The Amhara Special Force, militia Fanos and the ENDF are still resisting. The battle is going on to oust them from the pockets they are controlling. The Prime Minister (PM) informed citizens that even foreign forces are fighting alongside the TPLF. They may be mercenaries. The international community is trying to pressurise the Ethiopian Government to negotiate with the TPLF, to help consolidate their gains. If this Government, does not fight back with total determination, negotiations with these terrorists is a complete defeat. Save Dessie and Kombolcha at any cost.

On Sunday, 31 October 2021, some Tigre Residents of Dessie betrayed their neighbours. They wore Tigray fighters’ uniform, came out of their houses, and started shooting at their neighbours and caused big chaos. The TPLF fighters from the outskirts of Dessie marched in from three directions to capture the city. In the meantime, TPLF officials told Reuters, Al Jazeera and international media that they were in control of the entire Dessie. The TPLF leadership is cunning bunch of liars who misled the gullible international media and used that for its own propaganda war. The fact remains that those who did the incursions were foiled, and invaders were dealt with, lying dead on streets of Dessie. Others fled the city leaving their dead behind towards Kombolcha. Oh Kombolcha!

Kombolchas is under attack now. They sneaked into the compound of Sheik Mohammed Al-Amoudi’s business and looted it. The news coming out from Kombollcha is gruesome. In the early morning of 01 November 2021, the invading army of the TPLF entered houses, dragged out more than 100 Amhara youth and shot them dead in cold blood.

Right now, as this piece is being written, ENDF, Amhara Special Forces and militia Fano have encircled the invaders for their final demise. The TPLF may attempt to bring more farmers and civilians to replensish. However, the Amhara reginal Government has also made another call on the people to rise with whatever they can get in their hands to fight back until the last invaders leave Wello. The Government of Ethiopia’s air bombardment of Mekelle’s and military targets is crippling the TPLF’s capacity to fight at the same level. Its supply routes are severed after the fall town of Sekota and environs have fallen to the Amhara Special Force and Fano militia. The battle is not lost. God is on the side of Ethiopians.



The TPLF is a terrorist organisation. It is registered in the Global Terrorist Database (GTD). It is the most cunning, manipulative, genocidal organisation. Its aspiration is the annihilation of the Amhara, thereby the dismemberment of Ethiopia into many tiny ‘in-dependent’ states. Probably dependent on Tigray. Their crusade for the destruction of Ethiopia to pave the way for the Republic of Greater Tigray. This crazy dream is the drive behind such madness and destruction. In their shallow minds, it stretches from The Red Sea, annexing territories of Afar and some of part of Eritrea to Gambella, grabbing regions of Amhara, Benishangul and Gambella. However, it is going to live short, just like the dream of the Nazis.

In their mission of turning Ethiopia the next Yugoslavia, they are counting on military intervention of the USA which has not happened yet. That is why the TPLF is attempting to internationalise the conflict sucking Eritrea into the war, when it rained rockets on Asmara. Attack of the ENDF left the border with the Sudan unmanned, which enabled the Sudanese generals move in and occupy Ethiopian land. The TPLF activists are furious why Ethiopia did not start war with the Sudanese, which is spoiling their calculations.
With that devilish agenda, the TPLF leadership is behaving exactly like the Nazi of Germany, telling the people of Tigray that they are special race. Just like the Nazis conditioned most Germans as the super race TPLF has corrupted the minds of Tigrayans to think along same line. For the German Nazis, the number one enemy was the Jew that needs to be exterminated. For the TPLF, it is the Amhara to be eliminated. That is why they are slaughtering poor defenceless Amhara farmers like chicken.

It claimed 5.2 million German lives for the Nazis to turn their dream into the nightmare. It might take three million or so Tigrayan lives, jumping of the cliff like lemmings, to turn the dream of Republic of Greater Tigray into a disaster. They will perish crying “genocide!”, ironically while fighting outside Tigray. When that happens, the “ember tenkebalays” (እንበር ተንከባላዮች) will return to the streets for rolling show again.

Every Tigrayan believes there is a prophesy which drives them to create Republic of Greater Tigray that would eventually conquers for them the whole of Eastern Africa. Before venturing into Wello, however, they should have consulted with the Wolloyes first about their project to save them from such perilous mission. There is also a prophesy alleged to have been foretold by Sheikh Hussein Ibrin 100 years ago stating that Wello would be the graveyard of the Tigres.

Poor lemmings! Why do they have to jump of the cliff?






1 Comment

  1. Are you saying that it is the lemmings of Tigray only , not of Ethiopia as a whole ? Are you saying that the very brutal and nonsensical war between the the two factions and juntas of the same cancerous and criminal political system (EPRDF) are not equally responsible and accountable ? I do not think writing for the sake of writing has nothing to do with the struggle to bring about a true democratic system by getting rid of these very stupid , brutal and dangerous. two factions of the same toxic and deadly political system !
    I strongly believe and argue that any analysis or philosophy or theory or rhetoric or talk short of the need to have a fundamental change of true democratic system does not make sense at all!

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