Today: March 8, 2025

The complete Audio FANO Leadership selection procedure

July 18, 2024

\The complete Audio FANO Leadership selection procedure


  1. Deciding Friends:-
    The election of a leader appears to run into a problem that must not exist at this time. All Fano members have made the most critical decision of giving their lives to ensure the welfare, survival and democratic rights of our people. Deciding on the election of a Fano leader is relatively trivial since (1) the screening criteria for candidacy and (2) the final election of the leader from the list of approved candidates has been reportedly approved. This election procedure is clearly practiced everywhere, including the current US election where the Primary is the screening procedure for the competing party (Republican Party this time); even our Derg Kebele elections had a screening procedure. Any person that comes forward to be a candidate for an office is not automatically accepted as candidate. Our election law also provides a screening procedure for both candidates and the electing public.

    What the Colonel said and that of Arbegna meketa is not incompatible with the agreed procedure: the election is preceded by a screening procedure and then election is carried out with votes. Arbegna Asres and that from Eastern Wollo said the same. So there is really no cause for disagreement among Fano leaders. The election is not to blindly propel one to power but to make sure you elect the right person that can shoulder the unique opportunity for extra sacrifice and service to our people.

    If Eskindir or anybody strongly desires to be a leader, then that may very well indicate he is unfit since the hunger for power may suggest a dictatorial tendency, which we have had aplenty over the last 50 painful years with Mengistu, Meles and Abiy. Mark Voltaire’s observation:” History never repeats itself; man does.” Let us learn from gross failures of the 1960s and 1970s, and also make sure that whoever is elected as leader can be voted out with an appropriate internal rule if he fails to respect the decisions of the Executive Committee. You first need to be democrats within your organization if you want to convince us that you will be democrats as leaders of our people. You have already paid a huge sacrifice; you cannot fail at the last stage.

  2. Zehabesha,
    It is shameful that you posted Meaza Mohamed’s version of the issue only. As a journalist, you should have done your part & do post your final analysis or directly interviewed the 7 commanders agreed on all issues and procedures up-to vote casting.
    All the7 FANO leaders have gone all through the long process of electing a leader and only Zemene’s group defected because he lost the vote!!! Shame!! The truth will shine soon!!!!
    By the way Meaza is already a sold out woman to anti Ethiopian unity forces

  3. It is very shameful for an Amhara to retreat from his factual stand, let alone from the war front!!!
    The Zemene Kassie group agreed all the way to the point of nominating two names to do the actual election. Until then they did not denounce Eskindir Nega can not to be a candidate. Once they conducted the voting and Zemene failed, they said Eskindir is not able to be a candidate. Sad!!!
    What would have been if Zemene have won the vote?? Were they to denounce Eskndir???

  4. Msganaw needs to hear all that was said before concluding, rather disrespectfully, about a person who has made huge sacrifices on our behalf. Spending over 10 years in the bush is not what Msganaw or I have done. Let us give the devil his due.

    Secondly, I know Eskindir, perhaps longer and better than Msganaw and I respect him tremendously. However, when it comes to being THE Fano leader, I want to know what is expected of this leader before even coming to a decision, like Msganaw. Is the leader to be the Chairman of the 7 Fano leaders ? If so, can Eskindir handle the job ? Msganaw needs to find answers to such questions before taking sides or making choices, which he should not do since he has no such rights.

    If Msganaw is one of those comfortably living in the USA, the best he can do is give support and stay away from making field decisions. In addition, he needs to give respect where it is due. As I said, I know much more about Eskindir, but very little about Zemene other than the fact that he has spent years as a fighter in Kenya, Eritrea and Ethiopia, in addition to his current critical leading role in Gojjam. Hence, I also have high respect for Zemene.

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