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Tedros Is Playing The Race Card To Revive Western Support For Terrorism Against Ethiopia

August 18, 2022
Andrew Korybko

He’s immorally taking advantage of the Western population’s growing awareness of their authorities’ racist policies to manipulate perceptions in order to mislead that targeted audience into wrongly thinking that their governments’ scaling back of support for the TPLF is due to racism against Tigrayans when it was actually their tangible support for that group’s divide-and-rule agenda against the historically cosmopolitan civilization-state of Ethiopia that was the epitome of racism.

World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus once again brazenly violated his global body’s code of conduct by politicizing his position in order to push terrorist propaganda. This time he speculated during a press briefing on Wednesday that racism is allegedly the reason why the West has scaled back its public support for the TPLF, which has been waging a Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia at its Western patrons’ behest since November 2020 as punishment for that civilization-state’s principled neutrality in the New Cold War.

In his words, “I haven’t heard in the last few months any head of state talking about the Tigray situation anywhere in the developed world. Anywhere. Why? Maybe the reason is the color of the skin of the people in Tigray.” This claim is extremely disrespectful for several reasons, not least of which is the fact that he’s playing the race card by exploiting the West’s indisputably racist policies in order to manipulate the public into pressuring their governments to do more to revive their terrorist campaign against his own homeland.

There’s no doubt that the US-led West’s Golden Billion is racist to the core, but that’s not the reason why their information warfare campaign against Ethiopia has died down in recent months. It still exists, though, as evidenced by the American and European envoys recently traveling to that country’s Tigray Region to meet with a terrorist leader there and even infamously take a selfie with him. Nevertheless, its intensity isn’t anything like what it was nearly two years ago right after this Hybrid War turned hot upon their command. That’s because the Ethiopian people successfully thwarted this existential threat.

Instead of being divided and ruled by the combination of information warfare, sanctions, and terrorism, they united like never before because they realized that their millennia-long civilization-state’s very survival was on the line. The twists and turns of the Western-backed TPLF-driven Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia continue since the US refuses to simply accept that it lost, hence why its latest meddling plot is to create an alternative peace process for replacing the African Union’s role in this respect, though that’s also doomed to fail just like its plot to use Sudan to internationalize the conflict.

Tedros won’t give up, however, since he’s a card-carrying member of the TPLF and one of their top global propagandists who repeatedly defiles his WHO leadership role to continue agitating for that terrorist group’s separatist cause. He’s furious that their Western patrons have failed to provide more support for their Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia and will never accept that his compatriots united to successfully defeat the TPLF. For that reason, he’s now attempting to turn Westerners against their government by manipulating them into thinking that their authorities are racist against Tigrayans.

The reality, however, is that Western leaders are racist against all non-Caucasian people and even some of those who share the same skin color as them like Russians do. They hate Ethiopia with a passion because it’s an historically diverse civilization-state that’s rapidly emerging as an African leader throughout the course of the ongoing global systemic transition to multipolarity with the full support of its Russian strategic partner. The Golden Billion therefore wants to divide and rule that country through the TPLF and other terrorist groups like Al Shabaab in order to impose its unipolar hegemonic agenda.

“Africa’s Role In The New Cold War” is that the continent is expected to become a major theater of proxy competition between that American-led bloc and the BRICS-led Global South, with the Western-backed TPLF-driven Hybrid War of Terror on Ethiopia being seen in hindsight as the first major clash between those two polar opposite worldviews. The West targeted Ethiopia for racist reasons since it condescendingly thought that it could turn its diverse population against one another, which could then enable that civilization to seize control of its target’s foreign policy and thus economically exploit it.

With this in mind, one can conclude that employing the TPLF to that end is also an example of the West’s explicit racism insofar as taking advantage of a local terrorist group for the purpose of imposing a foreign civilization’s hegemonic agenda onto another’s, especially a non-Caucasian one. That said, for as racist as the West is, it’s also somewhat realistic in the sense of now realizing that it cannot continue relying solely on that proxy for advancing its aforesaid agenda, hence the scaling back of support for the TPLF as evidenced by the comparatively less intense information warfare against Ethiopia as of late.

This doesn’t mean that it’s abandoning its Hybrid War of Terror against that civilization-state, but just that it’s responding the objective on-the-ground reality of its proxy forces having been defeated by the Ethiopian people throughout the course of the nearly past two years of conflict that the West itself provoked. Its racist intentions to divide and rule the Ethiopian people so as to perpetually exploit them in economic ways remain intact, though Tedros can never acknowledge this since he’s a collaborator in that scheme for ideological reasons related to promoting his terrorist group’s separatist cause.

Instead, he’s immorally taking advantage of the Western population’s growing awareness of their authorities’ racist policies to manipulate perceptions in order to mislead that targeted audience into wrongly thinking that their governments’ scaling back of support for the TPLF is due to racism against Tigrayans when it was actually their tangible support for that group’s divide-and-rule agenda against the historically cosmopolitan civilization-state of Ethiopia that was the epitome of racism. Despite Tedros being from Africa, he’s nowadays indisputably nothing but a Western neo-imperialist asset.



  1. Andrew hits the nail on the head. As usual brief, direct, and lucid. Tedros’ bizarre claim is timed in Coordination with his Comrades in Mekele who are hitting the war drum louder and louder recently, in case their Western masters have lost interest. Just in case.

  2. QUOTE: “Tedros Is Playing The Race Card To Revive Western Support For Terrorism Against Ethiopia” UNQUOTE Andrew Korybko

    Quote: “ World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Once Again Brazenly Violated His Global Body’s Code Of Conduct By Politicizing His Position In Order To Push Terrorist Propaganda. “ Unquote

    Humble Commentary, 18 Aug 2022
    The Director General seems to have wide coverage of authority outside the norms, rules and regulation of the World Health Organization and by extension, disregarding the entire International Organizations of the United Nations!!!!!

    Needless to say, it is extra-ordinary power, unheard of in international arena. It seems, the French saying still reminds us of the reality of Life >>> C’est la Vie. But we are free to muse and question >>> quote: “Once Again Brazenly Violated His Global Body’s Code of Conduct”. That is extra-ordinary power. It is questionable that our dear AFRICA would approve of such behaviour, demeaning the name of Black African Modesty and Respectability for Rules and Regulations.
    Post Script
    It can also be questioned whether the action of the renowned honourable gentleman and top Notched international civil servant would help in his own scheme to isolate his dear home province Tigray from the ancient independent Black African Country, ETHIOPIA >>> the sponsor of his top most employment at the World Health Organization (WHO).
    Regardless of the Above background, as a human being, We wish him ‘Good Luck’ in his Life.

  3. The fact of the matter is many Western mainstream media owned and run by white folks have been steadfast in supporting or at least talking in favor of Debre and his group for decades including since the beginning of the current conflict. WHO chief Tedros has it all wrong and it is being outright thankless to those who have been prodding and directly or indirectly providing limitless one-sided moral(possibly material) support to the front that has been riding on the backs of those upright people in Tigray. This is the fact on the ground unless this chief is playing the ‘convenience’ game. Also playing the race card can end up haunting himself. I strongly believed that Chief Tedros was nominated and elected to run this extremely vital organization whose policy can mean life and death for billions of people worldwide because he had the required qualifications. I intend to keep it as such in the future. I never believed he was chosen for his current position because of his skin color. Was it, sir? That is what you are telling us now that you given your current position on a silver platter just because you are black. That is not what many black folks like me think. You just shot yourself in the foot, sir. Officials like you those in your position should think twice before they utter a word once. I don’t see any qualities of being cultured in this outburst. Take it back, sir!!!

  4. he is an uncle tom……shame on him i fear thatr next time no african descent will be choosen for this post….

  5. Looking at his face, one can read that Dr, teodros Adhanom is not normal and functioning well. His face is paling. But I think as the TPLF executive committee member he is making last ditch effort to attract western attention to gain support to his front via the disinformation and misinformation warfare. This is the sign that the TPLF is not satisfied with the same campaigns the TPLF well paid lobbyists such as Martin Plaut and Kjetil Tronvoll are running. So teodros Adhanom is stepping in and trying in vain to breath some air into the misinformation and disinformation campaigns.

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