Today: March 17, 2025


July 29, 2021

PREAMBLE: Please visualize 2008’s Malia and Sasha while reading my piece. This is in regards to the deafening silence by the west when children of the then Sasha and Malia’s age have become sacrificial lambs to fulfill TPLF’S  desire of building apartheid hegemony in Ethiopia and shoving it down the throats of over 110 million people with the blessings of the USA.

The year was 2008 and almost all Ethio-Americans  of voting age voted for you; stood by you even during your serious blunders in our capital city, Addis Ababa , when you concurred to TPLF’s 100℅ election victory in 2012. Your right hand viceroy, Mrs Susan Rice laughed out loud at that “impeccable victory”  knowing fully it was fake and fictitious. Despite all these, Ethiopian- Americans stood by democrats during midterm and final elections. In fact , that has been the trend in USA for so many years – not this time and don’t you even think it will ever happen again. We have been seriously betrayed by the very people we help put in power.  We may be voiceless in our homeland given the current western media boycotts; but we certainly can impact upcoming state and local elections.


Dear Mr Obama,

As the son of African descent , we expected a lot from you. I know you are well-read and fully know African history from A to Z. You must have read about at least the heroic Ethiopians who kept colonialism at bay when nobody expected it. The gallant Ethiopian patriotic sons and daughters fought several wars and won vehemently with almighty God on their side. We never surrender nor will we ever give into international pressures no matter how your former VP Biden tries to shove into our throats with the help of Mrs Susan Rice.

We know now after a decade what your misguided policy did to Libya and I assure you her excellency Susan Rice will not succeed in replicating the libiyan fiasco in Ethiopia. Ethiopia isn’t Libya; Yemen or Somalia. We may not possess the latest machinery or weaponry to fend off our enemies; yet, we didn’t own any of the modern armaments like drones in the 18th century either. We, Ethiopians , are blessed with lion’s heart and the confidence in our creator to withstand any hardships or setbacks that come our way. Please revisit our history one more time to refresh your memory. Everybody seems to blame president Biden for supporting the TPLF thugs – they don’t actually measure up to the terrorist nomenclature – when in fact, you were the foremost enabler of these thugs. Your former close advisors and cabinet members like Mrs Susan Rice and Dr Samantha powers are the major advocates of the TPLF Thugs today. They keep on exerting pressure on duly elected Ethiopian government by openly siding with these thugs. What is disheartening more than anything else is that they are keeping a blind eye on TPLF’s open and direct recruitment of child soldiers to fight their dirty war in the hope of bringing the Ethiopian 110 million strong populace to their knees. How do you sleep at night Mr President knowing fully your former appointees are pushing and supporting such criminals? Do you know some of these kids were actually younger than Malia and Sasha when they walked with you on that famous arena in 2008? I wonder what the peace -loving, children rights’ advocate and  strong-willed Mrs. Obama says when she hears the atrocities in Northern Ethiopia these days. You are a politician; but I am sure Mrs Obama’s heart would be broken if she truly follows current affairs in Ethiopia.

I always thought your hands were tied to do anything in Africa by Republicans. Your hand perhaps were tied then; but you are freely roaming now all over the world when Mrs Susan Rice is misguidedly still advocating for TPLf terrorists. How do you sleep at night  Mr Obama? When you visited with the late Nelson Mandela and preached about democratic norms or propagated peace and democracy during your visits of African states, were they simply lip service as a politician ? Really Mr Obama? How can you be silent on something as serious as children’s rights? I am totally dismayed and utterly shocked as a person who closely followed and supported you during your tenure in the Whitehouse. You came across as genuine family man who dearly loved his girls no matter what. I never imagined you will be quiet when tigrayan children are rounded up to fight for TPLF by the TPLF while the likes of Susan Rice and Samantha Powers wink at these thugs behind the scene.

Ethiopians, whether willingly or through misguided TPLF’s policy , fought America’s war in somalia for many decades. Granted America ushered in unlimited cash to sustain TPLF’S insatiable coffers over the years, it shows you at least we stood by you during your fight of east African terrorist orgs. Ethiopians are not stupid in that we knew all along the major east African terrorist organization is none other than the TPLF. Knowing fully their very barbaric nature, Ethiopians have been fighting them overtly or covertly for three decades. Alas! we finally forced them to their northern corner in 2018 from within and recently concluded a very democratic election against all odds.

It still is mind boggling why America was against a democratic election; but it really is not that hard to conjecture and come up with palatable scenario. This be as it may, the issue we are facing now is more than having the west confirm or deny our own votes. We do elections for our own wellbeing and out of serious desire to move our country forward like many other democratic nations.

Mr Obama, what is puzzling most is the ganging up of the international western order including all of the western media and wellpaid lobbysts like Michael Plaut on Ethiopia. It makes us think and question why now and for what reason. The silence of western media over child soldiers being recruited in a proclamation, in broad day light by the TPLF thugs is deafening. Why? Why? Why? Why the double or triple standard for Ethiopians ? This will be a question that a 110 million populace, 70% of which is under 30 will keep on asking for years to come.

Finally, I leave you with this final thought Mr Obama: the next time you fly over Africa to one of your consulting or book signing ceremonies in far east or simply a visit of the Arabian royal family , please think of the Ethiopian children that the TPLF is sacrificing in the hope of coming back to power. We may not bring back these lost young souls; but the criminal, murderer TPLF will wither away while salivating for Menelik’s palace. That I am sure of. Please speak up before it is too late for the sake of the children. I am sure Malia and Sasha would frown upon you should they know the detail.


Respectfully yours,

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