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Network of Ethiopian Scholars (NES) Commentary No.58

August 23, 2022

Network of Ethiopian Scholars (NES)
NES Commentary No.58: www.nesglobal.org

Title: Time to Fast-track the United, Independent and Renascent Africa with all Africans to Live as One Family in one Liberated African Rich Community Ending Forever all Conflicts and Wars

By Mammo Muchie, DSI/NRF Rated SARChI Professor, TUT, Pretoria, South Africa (www.sarchi.org) Inspiration Mathematics may not teach us how to add happiness or how to minus sadness. But it does teach one important thing. Every Problem has a solution” (Anonymous)

“Ethiopia as Africa has a unique distinction in the universe for empowering those that were disempowered, for humanising those that were dehumanised, spiritualising those that were denied their right to worship God and inspiring and strengthening those oppressed to resist oppression”. Mammo Muchie


II Appeal to All Africans to Value and Cherish Unity

Who is an African was discussed at the 50th year anniversary of the OAU, and the 10th anniversary of the African Union, AU. There is no such thing as an essential African identity that has been frozen in time. African identity should be expressed through a rejection of racism, ethnicity, parochialism, exclusivity and barbarism. African identity must be inclusive, non-essentialist and emancipatory without any fracturing of Africans with language, gender, race, color, region, district, religion, clan, caste and any and all other differences. Let us all be African and human to reject all these divisions. Africa of all places in the universe is the exemplary model for   developing the value for all to appreciate one humanity to live in one world universal community in spite of any differences.

Let the human  consciousness of a person determine who is an African, not ethnicity, tribe, language, religion and all other difference that must be appreciated but to celebrate our one humanity by not using any differences to divide, to fight and kill. The human consciousness of all must be acknowledged, valued and celebrated to promote all to live as one humanity in one world community with full peace, safety and security.


Let us all agree to put Africa first to make humanity first.

The following are required to make African unity and humanity to prevail over all the fracturing ethnic and tribal divisions that have still not been resolved to shape the free, independent and secure African future and destiny.

Quality leadership for creating, planning, managing and performing effective public service founded on workable and agreed principles of governance, moral, emotional, social, psychological  and intellectual intelligence with full honesty, sincerity, integrity and humility to fix the destiny of Africa

Re-develop development and re-innovate  innovation and revivie Indigenous Knowledge from the exclusion of the education system from kindergareten to tertiary university levels all over Africa without any exception.

Do not call some Africans as relatives and others as aliens

Make Africa-philia (love) replace  all- the divide and rule saga that turn the African  to live with conflict rather than full peace and security s

Africans are the original creators of humans, knowledge and spirituality. Let all Africans learn and know they are the originators and bring back the excluded and rejected knowledge, humanity and spirituality to  make all Africans value the treasures to live decent lives with full pride, grace, kindness and dignity

Africa must reject totally others imposing their superiority making our people to feel inferior.

Africa can reject it by showing there is no justification to continue any form of inferiority  by all Africans coming together showing the necessity to recognize full equality

To build with the cherished rich African value of Ubuntu ’one in all and all in one’ African humanity to live as family

All  Africans must put above all else safety, security, peace and togethernes as the priority and not  be side –tracked with self-interest and money

Let all Africans stop  pricing everything and valuing nothing by removing  division and classifications on religion, gender, race, ethnicity, caste, class and  any differences

Let  all Africans learn how to care and share with full collaboration and trust with one another by knowing how to agree even when they  disagree without any conflict and fight

Let all Africans learn to apply the relativity with the speed of Light Square their African Humanity-philia by removing ever the gravity burden of war, disunity, divisions, misusing differences and all conflicts entirely all over Africa.

Let All Africans end the problems of unending poverty, inequality and unemployment with additive and multiplicative wellbeing for all the people.

Let Africa revive indigenous knowledge to deal with climate change by creating social innovation  and social entrepreneurship to achieve sustainable development with human wellbeing and nature safety (https://sarchi.org/jcise/

Let all Africans unite the to contribute  ending the  global COVID-19 Pandemic

Let Africans handle surveillance capitalism which is connected to cybercrime and awash with social media using digitalisation in the current time.

Many conflicts still exist in Africa when there should be no war if we value killing humans is hurting the creator who brought them to this world and should take them when the time comes. To kill them is also to hurt the creator. Let no African be killed by anyone.

There must be an All Africa Humanity, One Africa Community Day (AAHOACD) that the over 1.7 billion African people must respect: No More wars, no army, no theft, and no killing of any human-being anywhere in Africa for the pursuit of power and self- interest at the expense of human wellbeing and planet earth safety.

Let us create the All One African Humanity in One Africa Community Education Commission with the inclusion of the excluded indigenous knowledge, spiritually, tradition and struggle heritages and all generated from the origin of humanity by our African ancestors.

Africa must create a  development and innovation  pathway by unifying  the health, wellbeing,  the social, economic, knowledge  production value chain process to sustain both  people and nature wellbeing

Re-design the education of Science, Technology, Innovation, Mathematics and Engineering (STEM) with the rich traditional knowledge invented by our ancestors like the genius of geniuses Imhotep, whom I recognise as the Einstein of Einstein.

Let us also use traditional medicine and knowledge to deal with the current pandemic to find advanced solutions to prevent rather than now running all over to find vaccines to cure endemics, epidemics and pandemics created by the economic system that de-values our rich African associational human relations and values individualistic and self-interested money seekers. Let us learn how the Chinese use traditional medicine and managed one of them to achieve Nobel Prize for curing malaria with traditional medicine.

People empowering public service performers and reformers and not public masters is what leadership Africa   must replace all the corruption that bamboozles all in Africa

Leadership, governance, institutions and systems must make the wellbeing and the health of the people and nature to  become the priority of priorities

Africa must have Systems, governance, institutions and leadership  to be managed with honesty, sincerity, humility  and integrity

Let Africa have sustainable, fully integrated innovative development with the One Africa Humanity day, the Pan-African Education commission and celebrating the coming 60 years from the OAU founded in 1963 to the OAU/AU in 2023.


A brand New an All African Humanity Serving  Philosophy Modules to re-educate all in the world to value humans to be treated not as strangers but as one human family with no  more war, military and all needless costly livelihood forever to save people and the planet earth.

Let us develop the indigenous knowledge courses and the courses that bring total unity with modules  of Mama Africa Humanity Philosophy  Module, I, II, II, IV, V  by starting from kindergarten to tertiary=y level by using as many languages as possible.

All languages can be included for indigenous knowledge training  with the Inclusive African Indigenous Language Technology Institute  working on it

Indigenous knowledge inclusion must be done in all schools all over Africa. https://www.aflits.instiute/com

III: Concluding Remarks

Finally let humanity move from the physical world to the digital exponential world and enter into the knowledge social economy with a smart, integrated and sustainable innovative world with full justice, peace and security entirely freed from any war anywhere.  Let making the one humanity family creation become the grand job for all to be done with commitment and inspiration with universally inclusive sustainable development to build the one and only one all humanity in one and only one united world universal community. Let all those who are in the United Nations value ‘One Humanity in one united World Community’ and remove all wars and conflicts forever to make the United Nations truly united and not distracted as it has been going on since its foundations the different members in it continuing going to war. Let the United Nation members all understand if they are members of the United Nations, they must never go to war. They must learn to resolve any difference with peaceful direct engagement with no hurt and damage to anyone. Let all countries in the world create the required science to make the future to be anchored by drawing lessons from the mistakes of the past and the present to develop human life with full decent wellbeing and nature with full and sustainable safety and security. Science requires the production and application of much needed relevant and novel knowledge and imagination to end all wars and conflicts to bring peace, reconciliation, social justice, safety, health and security without excluding all people from any part of the world. A humane universal world is much needed urgently for bringing the full inclusion of all humans and nature without using any exclusion by using geography, climate, language, religion, clan, caste, race, language, gender, age and all other differences including the unresolved inequalities, poverty, unemployment, conflicts, wars, marginalization and environmental degradations.

Some References

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkHPZREFIPo
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyFe419g-Qk
  3. https://www.foresightfordevelopment.org/featured/african-futures-iii

Mammo Muchie: DPhil and SARChI DST/NRF Rated Research Professor, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa, UoG and BDU, Ethiopia, Associate Faculty Professor, Sussex University, UK and TMDC, Oxford University, UK. Contact: mammo.muchie@gmail.com & www.sarchi.org www.nesglobal.org   www.africantalenthub.org  & http://twitter.com/au_youth & https://assistsarchi.wixsite.com/assist


1 Comment

  1. Subject: “Network Of Ethiopian Scholars (NES) Commentary No.58”

    Humble Opinion, 23 Aug 2022
    In my humble opinion, I come to the honest conclusion about Ethiopia.
    Ethiopia for time immemorial has been an independent African Country, envy of so many.
    Ethiopia is now in the process of being fragmented into pieces — NOT for the benefit of the Ethiopian PEOPLE but for smart – aleck individuals who are hungry for glory and, needless to say, for uncountable hidden richness.

    As to the various great African Black Writers, their dear desire and intention is very clear. I.e. to be known around the world as greatest writers, which they are. But a million paper will not help their brethren Black People of Africa, who are — as we know very well — laughing stock of the entire World and sources of alms for the perennial poor people of BLACK Africans. The degrading ‘picture” of BLACK Africa is well known around the Globe. Even the poorest of the poorest white skin beggar …………………………never mind.

    So, we should ask ourselves, stopping our famous style of thunderous laughter for any petty matters and concentrate on our development in LIFE. Is there HOPE in that avenue? Take time and recall our history and you will come face to face with our reality in Life. And then, WHAT?!?!? The answer is for endless TOMORROW — TOMORROW — TOMORROW …………………THE GOOD LORD UP IN HEAVEN KNOWS BEST. AMEN!!! AMEN!! AMEN!!!! ………. GLORY TO THE GOOD LORD UP IN HEAVEN. AMEN!!!!
    Dear Editor,
    If you find the above not fit for your organization, please discard it. And I will NOT — will not — have the slightest grudge against your action.

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