Today: March 15, 2025

Loving Mothers, infants and Elders were slaughtered with their infants without remorse.

June 30, 2022
Tesfaye Z. Yigzaw
Mothers and children are unable to weep, with no chance to bury one another as all slaughtered at once with horrifying acts of terrorist Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF). This act is by no means would have a political justification, and it’s below the standards of humanity, that is an equivalent to untamed animals. Even wild animals can show some kindness to children.

Shame on western governments and individual organizations that supports TPLF and OLF. The Tigray People Liberation Front (TPLF) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), both these terrorist organizations have extensive supporters and sympathizers around the world. Among these criminal supporters are some members of European Union, United Nations, so called Human Rights organizations, and countries like Egypt. The so-called Arab League, spearheaded by Egypt; Egypt is a Trojan horse of European colonizers. African lives are unworthy to European Union, and it is still wants to live on the ages of an era of colonizers.  For instance, Mr. Josep Borrell an advocate of socialist ideology has spoken against a Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, in support of Egypt, and his speech is unmerited. It is an act of jealousness to hinder Africans’ self-reliance and developments. Egypt is a main source of conflicts and terror in this region and Middle East. It is pushing Sudan to wage a war against Ethiopia. It is unfortunate, Sudan crossed and occupied Ethiopian territory when the government is in a difficult situation fighting TPLF terrorist. Had there be a border dispute, it should have resolved in a moment of peace. Nevertheless, it seems a well-coordinated attack with TPLF collaboration.

The massacres of Amhara civilians in Welega, western Ethiopia by Oromo Liberation Front, has a long history of civilian massacres. Without going back further to a sixteen-century bloodshed as historians documented, a recent fifteen-year carnage by different Oromo groups is evidence of weakness to an Oromo political history. In Eastern Ethiopia, Abdulkarim Ibrhim Hamid (known by his alias Jaaraa Abbaa Gadaa) is the most prominent. The following are the chronological names they bore before becoming an Oromo Liberation Front: Liberation Front for the Somali West (LFSW). Western Somalia Liberation Front (WSLF or “Somali Galbeed”, Sheikh Hussein Sura was the Secretary General of WSLF, both were appointed by the late dictator of Somalia’s Syed Bare. Abdulkarim Ibrhim Hamid and Sheikh Hussein Sura were joined together to form a single force, they received material assistances and military training from the archenemies of humanity: Egypt, Iraq and Syria. Later a radical tribalism advocates Baro Tumsa (from Welega Oromo) joined their movement and was beheaded by the group. Subsequently, the current OLF was born. However, its act of terror never changed: In eastern Ethiopia this group massacred numerous innocent lives. In early 1990s, with TPLF collaborations, they threw life human beings off the cliff in Harrarege. In Welega OLF and TPLF massacred thousands of settlers who were brought by the government from Wello. Nevertheless, not to mention the Somali, Gambella, Afar ethnicities massacres by TPLF. Amhara massacres has no end; much political changes were expected when PM Abey came to power. Two years ago, an egoistic Jewara Mohamed (an admirer to Abdulkarim Ibrhim Hamid) led a movement where hundreds were killed, homes and business were destroyed, and young man was hanged upside down by his hooligans’ supporters which is unheard in recent human history. It is difficult to say the west has no clue or naïve to acknowledge the mischiefs of TPLF and OLF. For example, we heard from western politicians an Oromo had never been a Head of State in Ethiopia. This is contrary to the facts that Emperor Menelik, Haile-Selassie, Menigestu were fully or in part, including members of their cabinets were by large from Oromo. In fact, unless Welega dominancy preferred over other Oromo clans, there is not a single truth about their whine.

The present massacres of Amhara in Welega should not be left unpunished. Impunity is a continuity of criminal acts in the country. Every crime committed against humanity, past and present by TPLF and OLF must be fully investigated, and criminals must face justices for human rights abuse, atrocities and genocides of Amhara and other people.

The government of Ethiopia must file legal criminal charges against foreign individuals like Kjetil Tronvoll of Norway, Martin Plaut of England, Rashid Abdi a Somalia decent living in Kenya. Andrew Decort, and many more, these are terrorists hiding behind journalism, they are quasi journalists. “What is good for the goose is good for the gander” it is same as Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) has been sued. Law is equal to everyone, whether it is black or white, poor and rich. These individuals are paid by TPLF to serve its propaganda apparatuses, Kenya has become a hub of these terrorists, abusing the freedom of the country’s media law. Even OLF and TPLF terrorists apart from the west are in part operates via Kenya and Uganda.

The government of PM Abey must clean up his office from criminals. The TPLF servants who have had mass murdered Amhara in previous regime; like Shiferawu Shigute and his likes are still serving Abiy’s government.  Of course, his reforestations scheme, and his excellent efforts building dams, agriculture etc. are highly appreciated, but his political maneuver is absolutely a failure. He should learn how Ato Mustafa transformed a toxic region of Somali (eastern Ethiopia) into the most peaceful place in the country. PM Abiy’s main mistakes, obviously is unable to bring a radical change, instead he preferred a reform of political party’s name, by keeping TPLF’s philosophy and ethnic based administrations. Furthermore, TPLF and OLF including their banners must be banned by law. Ethnic politics is not a twenty first century methods of government and should be discarded out of the country’s constitutions.



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