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Is Ethiopia* – US’s next Afghanistan?

November 6, 2021

Is Ethiopia* – US’s next Afghanistan?

This brief video is to shed light to the facts United States and Western countries are putting undue pressure based on biased reports. www.ConcernedEthiopians.org


  1. Ethiopia…US’S Afghanistan? Where is that come from? Where is the similarity there? Ethiopia is not any harboring terrorist group hell bent in harming us all US citizens. The fact is these two countries are still committed partners in the fight against international terrorism. The US is still pouring billions of dollars in multi faceted aids. It has donated millions of dollars worth of COVID-19 vaccines. How we even think about that? This shows we still need to grow up in how we perceive the prevailing geo-politics. This bloody conflict is our own creation. You can blame Debre and Abiy or both at the same time but you can’t go wrong with that. Susan Rice, Blinken or Feltman did not send their GI’S to pitch those black folks against each other. These officials or any other official did not incite mobs, chase and stoned that innocent Tigrayan in Oromia and Amhara regions. None of these or any other US official did not urge the gullible youth in Oromia from their comfy homes here among us to go out hack every innocent Amhara farmer in that region or Benishangul. We did it and some of us are still inciting those gullible youth in the old country by using incendiary terms like ‘Amhara Fascists’ and ‘Oromo Extremists’. I can’t believe my eyes the derogatory terms some of us use in our comments and postings on various websites in the Diaspora all sitting in our comfy homes here in the USA. We use cruel phrases like ‘Good this is a dead this’. Such satanic phrases are used by one Ethiopian against another Ethiopian. Blaming outsiders for our own repugnant behavior is utter copout!!! Stop blaming others.

  2. Dear Ittu,

    I again see a lot of innocence on your world view. For every money spent by west there are ten fold being stollen out the country just add up the total US aid in the last 30 years and compare it to what was taken out of the country by just illegally that is lobbing Susan and company Add to that the legalized way of extraction by unfair trade agreements and slave labor. The west sells the smoke screen of productivity but under that for the same item they will not explain to you why the item has ten fold value in the west compared to the developing country. As result in the west the worker and producer that produced may be paid for that same item several magnitude compared to one of developing countries. That is not productivity that the west have my more production of the items in less amount of time and per worker but a system of doing somewhere else on the developing countries to benefit the west. The US and EU have done these for years and in fact the banana republic term comes form that by putting Latin American countries with dictatorships and asking them to sell cheap prices bananas to US
    Both the US and EU are doing this at scale for almost everything. Their focus now days is Textile and minerals on Ethiopia but with frendily dictatorship like TPLF they would extend it to all spheres of life. It is not only that after that they conquer culturally the county and start dumping their unhealthy cheap chemical products. That is the pattern you should see if you really are worried about our country. Our country and people arrived even before the inception of US or EU. It was self sufficient and managed and thee more you give any inch and credit to these goons the more they will use use as condom. By the way TPLF as being as much condom for the for decades plundering the country and putting assets in overseas which the west can freeze and uspur easily if they wish was and fighting unnecessary wars for the in Somalia andinfo wars on Eritrea the US still wanted to twist the TPLF harda and asked all the Ethiopian security apparatus to be under direct supervision of the Americans during Yamamoto’s time. This is after even having the complete access to the immigration info and the Bole screening and integration with US security systems and the base they were provided in Arba Minch. When TPLF thought that was too much mostly to hide and burry wha attrocities hteir security systems were doing for fear of an attack or implosion from within commanded by US. Most of the countries that have alliance with US are controlled this way including most of EU countries except UK and France maybe. So we should be proud telling the west do not touch my turf. At the end the solution to Ethiopian problem can only come from Ethiopians theselves. If you are sincere do not you have any issue let alone with western govs and media bias but self appointed white pseudo journalists and pundits that are parroting 24/7 as if they were TPLF grassroot cadres. I hope on a sensible world in the future charges are laid in international bodies against them for fueling with their statemes thisuch havoc and all against sovereign country. This is not different that the old mercenaries in colonial Africa but these time they are doing it via info ears to lobby western media’s and govs.

    • Dear SLW,

      Thank you for staying civil in your conversation. I don’t see the views of both of us on the subject beyond a matter of differing opinions because that is our inalienable rights. It is just part of a sea of public opinion since both of us are not policy makers. I’m quite sure and confident that you will join me in wishing this bloody conflict will somehow be stopped so the waste of human lives will end. It is in my daily prayers that this senseless bloodletting shall come to a screeching halt. Insha’Allah!!!

      Talking about staying civil I meant to ask you to rescind or at least take out the profanity you used in your comment about the female official in the Biden Administration. We can hit on policies and individuals hard but we should always stay true to our legendary Ethiopian and Eritrean polished values. There are quite a few reports true or false that can hit hard at our raw emotions and that is what sinister individuals and groups want. We should deny them that opportunity and control our reactions to that. We should stay calm and collected. I’m sure you have the courage and will to weed out the use of profanities in your usually well written comments. Please take this as a brotherly comment and nothing else. Bless you and your family! Stay safe!!!

      • Dear Ittu

        First of allany thanks for your good wishes and may also God protect you and yours. I do not have any issues with opinion differences and I actually believe they are very constructive to find out flaws in what we stand collectively. Recognizing differences and acknowledging them and working on common goals is always the way. But when it comes to existential threat as when entire ethnic group is scapegoated for all Ethiopian problems that external forces are proxing with and the threat of destroying the country we all are born and our families live on is not negotiable.. If TPLF and OLA did the damege it did to Amaharas and Afars with just this scant force it has now what do you think will happen if TPLF gets full control of that country?OST probably will exterminate on millions Amjaras via direct or indirect mwnas like forced birth control assured by west. When Ethiopians fight today the TPLF and all those goon LFs assisted by the West to grab just power and be puppets of the west the Ethiopians are fighting also against alot of fronts in the long term. They are fighting against permanent destitution and recipient of designed aid recipient, against slave labor, against our girls being sent to middle East for forced labor. Against our girls being sent for sexual slavery, against our kids being victims of pedophiles, against our lands and seas not to be used for landfill and radioactive dumping, against our poor people and kids not to be used as spare part for life extension of the rich in the west with organ harvesting. Those are the fights of real sovereign African nation. Everywhere the west have controlled under its umbrella these are the social challenges those banana republic are facing with. Yes you are right we should not be falling down to the level of these fallen angels world when we post here and we should keep civilized discussion but we are dealing here is also very neat and clearlst Ethiopians as they are cleaver to see the degree of deception of the West and it so called free media. I even wonder how many of these old polititians havesome spare part that did come from one of those poor kids of one oneof the countries they control like India. Some day some hacker will drop the bombshell to the public.

  3. Dear SLW,

    As always my family and I come to yours bidding nothing but peace. Your concern is and should be the concern of all of us. Like you I wholesale demonization of groups be it ethnic, creed or political. My main concern is the first one and that has been the cancer eating away at the heart and fabric of the old country since the 1960’s. Ethnic belonging is natural and that was one of the blessings Ethiopia had been very proud in using that as its vibrant colors. No one is or should superior or inferior to others. No ethnic group is all evil. That is which I get alarmed when I see individuals using terms like neftegna, fascists extremists against entire ethnic groups. I cringe whenever I hear and read that. That is from my own experience. When I heard the word neftegna being used as a battle cry back in the 1970’s I said somebody better stop now. I was told I was worrying too much. And we know what happened in early 1990’s. Since then there have more derogatory terms coined up by reckless and bigoted groups and individuals. These misguided groups do not understand the fact that our noble people of Amharic can not survive without my equally noble Kronos and vice versa. The same goes for every ethnic group. I can tell you this with utmost certainty. There are millions of Oromos who will stand genocide on their centuries old neighbors. So goes for our Amharic. They are just deafness by the loud mouthed bigots evil battle cries.

    • Weeded out!!! Sorry I got keep an eye on my new toy, laptop.

      Dear SLW,

      As always my family and I come to yours bidding nothing but peace. Your concern is and should be the concern of all of us. Like you I abhor wholesale demonization of groups be it ethnic, creed or political. My main concern is the first one and that has been the cancer eating away at the heart and fabric of the old country since the 1960’s. Ethnic belonging is natural and that was one of the blessings Ethiopia had been very proud in using that as its vibrant colors. No one is or should be considered superior or inferior to others. No ethnic group is all evil. That is why I get alarmed when I see individuals using terms like neftegna, fascists extremists against entire ethnic groups. I cringe whenever I hear and read that. That is from my own experience. When I heard the word neftegna being used as a battle cry for the first time back in the early 1970’s I said somebody better stop it now. I was told I was worrying too much. And we know what happened in early 1990’s. Since then there have more derogatory terms coined up by reckless and bigoted groups and individuals. These misguided groups do not understand the fact that our noble people of Amharic cannot survive without my equally noble Oromos and vice versa. The same goes for every ethnic group. I can tell you this with utmost certainty. There are millions of Oromos who will stand against genocide on their centuries old neighbors. So goes for our Amharas. They are just deafened by the loud mouthed bigots’ evil battle cries.

  4. ውድ ኢትዮጵያውያን፣
    ከላይ የተለጠፈው አጭር ቪድዮ አገራችን እየደረሰባት ያለውን ፈተና ግልጽ አድርጎ ያሳያል። በአሳማኝ መረጃና ጥራት ባለው መንገድ ተቀነባብሯል። ብዙዎቻችን በቋንቋ ወይም በእውቀት ማነስ ወይም በገንዘብ እጥረት ልንሠራ ያልቻልነው ሥራ ተሠርቶልናል። አሁን የቀረው የኛ ድርሻ ነው። ድርሻችን ሼር በማድረግ ማዳረስ ነው። አምስት ደቂቃ፤ አሥር ደቂቃ ለአገራችን እና ለሕዝባችን መስዋእት ማድረግ ከፈቀድን። አንዳንዶቻችን ቴክኖሎጂውን አውቀንበታል። በቲዊተር፣ በፌስቡክ፣ በዩቱብ በዚህ ሳምንት ትልቅ ዘመቻ ማድረግ አለብን! ቪድዮው በእንግሊዝኛ እንደ መሆኑ ለርስ በርስ ሳይሆን ዋነኛ ለሆኑ የዜና አውታሮች (ቢቢሲ፣ ሲኤን ኤን፣ ጀዚራ፣ ቪኦኤ፣ ዋሽንግተን ፖስት ፌስቡክ፣ ኒውዮርክ ታይምስ፣ ወዘተ መበተን.)! ፊታችን ያለው ሳምንት በአሜሪካ 50 ስቴቶች፣ በካናዳ በአውሮጳ በአውስትራልያ ግዛቶች በእስያ ህንድ ሩቅ ምሥራቅ በአፍሪካ በደቡብ አሜሪካ ሼር የማድረግ ዘመቻ ይሁን! ምንም ተጨማሪ ጽሑፍ መጻፍ አይጠበቅብንም፤ ቪድዮው ጨርሶታል። የተዘጋጀውን ሼር ማድረግ ነው።

    ፌስቡክ በኢትዮጵያ ላይ ማነጣጠሩን ሰምታችኋል። አድሚን ሆነው የሚሠሩ የህወሓትን ሤራ እያገነኑ፣ ሌላውን አስተያየት በማጨናገፍ ላይ ናቸው። ይህን ያወቅሁት፣ ሁለት ጋዜጠኞች ፖለቲኮ እና ሂል ፌስቡክ ላይ ላሠፈሩት መረጃ የለሽ ጽሑፍ ምላሽ የሰጠሁ ጊዜ ነው፤ የሰጠሁት ምላሽ በኔ ፌስቡክ ገጽ ላይ ይታያል፤ በወዳጄ ፌስቡክ ገጽ ላይ ግን አይታይም! ይኸ አንዴ ብቻ ሳይሆን ሦስቴ ተፈጽሞብኛል። ጽሑፌ ከመስመር የወጣ አንዳች የለበትም፤ ቀጥታ በመረጃ የጋዜጠኞቹን ውሸት ማጋለጥ ነበር። ለፌስቡክ የጻፍኩት አቤቱታ አልተሰማም። የኢትዮጵያ ፌስቡክ አድሚኖች በቋንቋ ሰበብ ኢትዮጵያውያን ይሆናሉና፣ የህወሓት ካድሬዎች መሆን አለባቸው የሚል ጥርጣሬ ላይ ደርሻለሁ። ይህን ከምታነብቡት መሓል ለዚህ መፍትሔውን የምታውቁ አንድ ነገር አድርጉ።

    ለማንኛውም ለውድ አገራችን እና ሕዝባችን የምንችለውን እናድርግ። አለዚያ ታሪክ ይታዘበናል! ወሮበሎች ይቀራመቱናል! እግዚሐር ምድራችንን ይጠብቅልን!

  5. My assessment is that the clip is not as such BLAMING the US for the civil war in Ethiopia but for its indecent and self indulgent manipulation of the it; by pressuring government (media propaganda not valid news, economic sanctions with double standards, unprecedented diplomatic engagement) and hence indirectly emboldening rebels(not responsible behavior for global cop towards a group which by all standards broke the rule of combat and openly admitted while boasting about it). The assertion that US wants to please Egypt and wants to make Ethiopia distance itself from China and is displeased with the somali-ethro-ethiopian pact can be backed by evidences.

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