Today: March 17, 2025

Intellectual Extremism and Bullying: The Cancer that Ills Amhara Politics

November 3, 2023

Yonas Biru, PhD

Recently, I have become the target of extremist Amharas. It is one thing to be attacked by a herd of YouTuber trollers and their junior Facebook ninjas who serve as bulldogs waiting for the first utterance of ጃስ to attack anyone who questions the wisdom of Amhara extremism. It is another matter altogether when intellectuals become part of the ጃስ orchestra. Three issues triggered this article.

First, Anchor Media was dropped from Mereja TV cable distribution, after Messay Mekonnen refused to submit to their imperious request to stop inviting me to discuss current issues, alleging I am anti-Amhara.

Second, my recent articles on the futile effort of extremist Amhara forces to highjack the Fano movement stirred up the hornet’s nest of extremist wasps, provoking them to sharpen their fang for a social media sting operation against me and any media that dared to give me a platform.

Third, a recent article I wrote on the PM’s seaport-grab endeavor that has led the Ethiopian intellectual nomenklatura to rise up in arms with አካኪ ዘራፍ mindset.

Mereja TV’s and the Amhara extremists’ campaigns against the government’s censorship of the media while themselves engaging in censorship of independent analysts who do not tickle their fancy is hypocrisy on steroids. It reflects the morally malnourished and ethically devoid political culture that our nation is drowning in.

Mereja TV’s Decision to Deplatform Anchor Media

Anchor media is one of the most popular and widely viewed programs both in Ethiopia and across the diaspora community. Mareja TV started distributing Anchor Media’s programs without the latter’s consent or knowledge. Nonetheless, since both entities’ common objective is to reach to as many viewers as possible, this was a win-win arrangement for both.

Anchor media became a target of some Amhara extremists with a concerted campaign to boycott it. Some of them mentioned my regular appearance on the program as one of the reasons why Anchor media must be boycotted. Despite the futile boycott campaign, Anchor media continued its ascent with rapidly increasing viewership.

After months of platforming Anchor Media, Mereja TV took issue with Messay’s continued interest in inviting me as his guest. It was made clear to him that my continued appearance on his show will be a problem since my views are widely considered as anti-Amhara.

Messay stood true to his principles. He rightly expressed his position that he does not agree with me on some key issues and that his program is open to anyone who wishes to present an opposing view. Nonetheless, his program was deplatformed without notice, just as it was initially broadcasted without notice. Let us leave the lack of professionalism aside and focus on matters of principle.

The Hijacking of Fano by Extremist Amhara Diaspora

Amhara is the only human group on this side of planet Mars with 30 to 40 million population that has been economically, politically, and socially disenfranchised for over 30 years and has not been able to produce a political leader, much less a political powerbase.

Amhara lands have been taken on all four corners. During TPLF’s era its development was systematically blocked. It is forced to give Oromos and other tribes administrative zones, but it is denied the same rights in the Oromo and Benishangul tribal lands. Today, Amhara is a target of mass murder in parts of Oromo tribal land where the soil is soaked in blood and fertilized with human gore.

Leaders are seeded when their societies face existential adversaries and grow in stature and influence as the duration and cruelty of the injustice worsens. This is so common in human history that we have come to take it as human nature. Why has the Amhara not lived up to this human nature? The answer is in the curse of Amhara extremists.

What do I mean by Amhara Extremists?
They can be described in many ways. In part they are tribalized, confusing political science that is the art of compromise with theology that regards compromise as blasphemy. In part they are driven by emotion and blind to the light of reason. When you mix theology with emotion, you produce the politics of my way or the highway. Consequently, usurpation becomes the political driving force. In the Oromo tribal land, the toxic mix of Gedaa theology and Oromummaa usurpation has begotten the concept of Shene. Amhara extremists are increasingly Shene-izing the Amhara political landscape.
Ethiopians of all tribal homelands have heard Shaleka Dawit who believes “ኢትዮጵያ የአማራ ነች… ኢትዮጵያን እዚህ ያደረሳት አማራ ነው” and “ኢትዮጵያ የሚያስፈልጋት አማራ አማራ የሚሸት መንግስት ነው::”
Lij Tedla Melaku, Shalek’s second in Amhara Popular Front’s matters of international diplomacy, saw it fit to defend the Shaleka, stating: “ኢትዮጵያን የገነባት እና እዚህ ያደረሳት አማራ ነው ሲባል ይህ ትክክል ነው እውነት ነው። The Lij is also the narrator and curator of “የአማራ ሕዝብ ርዕዮተ ዓለምና ሥነ ልቡናዊ የትግል አቅጣጫ” and “የታፈነው ታሪክ፥ የአክሱም ሥልጣኔ ባለቤትና የትግራይ ፖለቲካ የውሸት ድር.” His manifesto provides ideological and moral foundation to Shalek’s “ኢትዮጵያ የአማራ ነች” political views.
Ethiopians have also read Christian Tadele’s manifesto titled “የምንገነባው ብሔርተኝነት ግራዋ እንጂ ሚሪንዳ ስላለመሆኑ.” One of the points he made was the need to build “ጽንፈኛ የአማራ ብሔርተኝነት.” His recommendation included “የአማራ የሆነን ሁሉ መጠቀም (ከአማራ ያልሆኑ ነገሮችን አማራጭ ካልጠፋና የግድ ካልሆነ በስተቀር አለመጠቀም).” Christian is also the person who declared “አትዮጵያን የፈጠረው አማራ ነው… አማራ ለኢትዮጵያዊነት የውሃ ልክ ነው.“ At the time, I called his political treatise “የውሃ ልክ፣ መሰረት፣ ጣራ፤ ግድግዳ፣ ጣሳ፣ ቆርቆሮ” political Manifesto.
Recently, I was on Roha TV with Meaza Mohammed to discuss this issue. During the interview, Meaza requested that I share the link to Christian’s treatise. The treatise was posted on ቤተ አማራ (Bête Amhâra) Facebook. I provided the link, and the link was working. It has since been removed. https://www.facebook.com/…/a.80952…/1836850163029066/.
The evidence has not swayed the Amhara extremist colony. To the contrary, they withdrew the evidence and continued accusing me of falsely defaming Christian.
Until Amharas are willing to face their own demons, they will forever remain politically irrelevant and socially defenseless. I am addressing this issue in my next article titled “The Hijacking of Fano by Extremist Amhara Diaspora.”
The Assab–Wolkait Swap Proposal and the Rancor It Engendered

On October 19, I published an article about the PM’s Assab Fiasco titled “Sea Outlet Fiasco: Diplomatic, Legal, Economic and War Implications.” In the article I raised three points.

First, on the diplomatic front the issue should have been handled through appropriate diplomatic channels before it was publicly announced. Second, the economic proposal the PM put forth makes no sense from Eritrea’s perspective. Quite frankly, all it showed was the PM has no inkling of economic or business transactions. Third, Ethiopia has no legal means to acquire a sea outlet, be it Assab or any other seaport. Fourth, war has been ruled out both by the PM and Ethiopians. Besides, Ethiopia is in no position to win a war at this juncture or in the foreseeable future.

Having made these cases, I suggested a negotiated land swap as a possibility. Land swap is not uncommon. Belgium and Netherlands have done it. So have Bangladesh and India. Kosovo and Serbia were in talks. Each country has its peculiarities, and such options are taken in due consideration.

In my article I proposed the following:

“I see land swap as a viable option. Assab is of little use for Eritrea. Land swap, for example Wolkait + a part of Gonder or Wolkait + a part of Tigray may attract Eritrea. Having Wolkait will help them boost their agriculture and provide them with a source of foreign exchange. In my opinion, Wolkait + part of Tigray makes more sense. Assab can then be incorporated into Tigray. The thorny question is what will Gonder get, considering its claim over Wolkait?”

When I wrote the proposal, I was well-aware Assab is hundreds of kilometers from Tigray. But the does not prohibit Tigray from having an administrative authority over the territory.

As I have explained in a follow-up interview with Mengizem Media, the proposal could be viable only from Ethiopia’s interest point of view. But the constitution bestows sovereign rights to tribal homelands not to the nation or to Ethiopian citizens. So, the proposal cannot be implemented without first settling who owns Wolkait and whether the rightful owner of the land agrees in the swap.

The proposal was presented for discussion. It was not a policy diktat. For reasons unknowable to modern-day political logic, some Ethiopians took it as though it was a treasonous decree. It is one thing if emotionally susceptible activists and social media trollers get their nose bent out of shape because of the proposal because they lack the intellectual bandwidth and wherewithal. What I found incomprehensible is the hyperventilated reaction of reputable intellectuals.

Let me provide two examples.

Dr. Aklog Birara tweeted: “It is unfortunate and a strategic blunder for any person to pronounce that Amhara must agree to give up Wokait, Tegede, Telemt and Raya to TPLF in exchange of the Assab port. I urge Dr. Yonas Biru to retract his statement.”

Nowhere did I say in my article or follow up interviews “Amhara Must Agree to give up Wokait, Tegede, Telemt and Raya to TPLF.” Nowhere have I mentioned “Must Agree”, “Raya”, or “TPLF” in my article. The fact that Dr. Aklog equates Tigray to TPLF is rather disturbing. The fact that he could not argue on the merit or lack thereof of the proposal from a national perspective is more disturbing. Failing to critique the article taking into consideration its context, pretext and subtext, Dr. Aklog chose to misrepresent it both in substance and form.

How can Ethiopia find a solution to its vexing problems unless its intellectuals are able to bring to bear different opinions for discussion and consideration without reducing it to emotional entanglement?

Abebe Gelaw’s ENV: From Discussion to Debate to Good Old Ethiopian ንዝንዝ

Abebe Gelaw of the Ethiopian Voice Network (EVN) contacted me Stating:

“Your record of providing insightful commentaries and in-depth analyses of the critical issues confronting Ethiopia and its neighboring nations has caught my attention. I believe that a conversation with you would not only be informative but also immensely engaging for our audience.”

I obliged with pleasure to participate. The conversation was nothing close to a valuable intellectual discussion. It did not take much time for it to go from an intellectual conversation to a debate and to a good old Ethiopian ንዝንዝ.

He explained how much the proposal has hurt people from Wolkait. He said these are victims of genocide and emotionally distraught people. The last I checked there is no genocide in Wolkait. But truth has no weight in Ethiopian politics. ENV is not alone in employing the term “genocide” for political dramatization. It is in the company of TPLF and Oromummaa peddlers of genocide for political marketing and staging.

I tried to parse and guide the conversation into two parts. First, I said, let us discuss if the land swap bears the test of principle. If we agree that it stands the push and pull of principle, then we can go to whether the proposal is feasible.

In principle, we know there are precedents in other nations. The feasibility issue is to be determined during the negotiation, including which part of Ethiopia will be swapped. Of course, this assumes Eritrea is open for a land swap. If not, the proposal is dead on arrival.

The second part of the discussion that I proposed was to see the proposal both from Ethiopia’s and tribal homelands’ perspectives. I tried to explain to Abebe that the proposal can make sense only if we see the issues from a national interest perspective. Ethiopia gives up a parcel of land and receives Assab in exchange. The moment we see it from tribal homelands perspective the proposal becomes a complicated mess involving many players.

But he could not discuss the issue from a principled perspective because it would not serve his interest in whipping his audiences’ emotion by keeping the discussion on the proposal that suggested swapping Wolkait + part of Tigray and incorporate Assab into Tigray.

The fact that I stated in the proposal that the next question is what Gonder (where Wolkait is arguably a part of) gets. In the current constitution whoever has legal right to Wolkait (Tigray or Amhara) will have a veto power. Because if they do not agree they can invoke Article 39.

The host could not get past the Wolkait issue because the people of Wolkait are psychologically traumatized and Wolkait intellectuals that he had talked to are hurt and upset. He wanted to keep the discussion on emotional level. The solution for psychologically traumatized intellectuals is psychotherapy not political discussion. In that regard I am of no use to help intellectual on whom the proposal has taken emotional toll.

I wonder if Dr. Aklog and Abebe would have reacted with the same apathy if my proposal was to give up Tigray in exchange for Assab and incorporate Assab into Afar. Or give a good part of Benishangul for Sudan in exchange for a narrow strip of land that will give Ethiopia an outlet to the Red Sea? At least they will not have pulled the TPLF card for political ፍጆታ.

We can also consider a three-country swap that gives Wellega to South Sudan, and South Sudan gives land to Sudan and Sudan, in turn, gives Ethiopia a narrow strip of land that will give Ethiopia an outlet to the Red Sea? The Indo-Bangladesh swap was far more complex than this.

As Ethiopians, we can jump up and down or rant until our faces turn purplish yellow. The fact is Ethiopia has no legal option to secure a sea outlet. None whatsoever. War is not an option especially one that is led by the Field Marshal of Defeat and Retreat.

Even if Ethiopia wins and captures Assab, it will face international sanction like the one Russia is suffering for Annexing Crimea. Land swap is the only viable option under current circumstances. That is if Ethiopia can find a country that would agree to such a deal. Short of that Ethiopia will remain landlocked forever.

In Conclusion

This is not the first time that the Amhara extremist community has launched a campaign to deplatform me from Ethiopian political forums. Some months ago, I published an article titled “Averting Civil War in Ethiopia An Emergency Manifesto.” The Manifesto focused on a peaceful resolution to address Ethiopia’s existential political and economic crises. It was addressed to all peace-loving Ethiopians and people of Ethiopian origin, including members of the PP with conscience and sense of constitutional responsibility.

A group of Ethiopians wanted to organize a conference around the topic and asked me if I was interested to present my Manifesto. I agreed. At the last minute, some participants threatened to withdraw if I was participating. Long story short: I was disinvited. They do not want to share a forum with me because I remind them their zero-calorie emotional ደረት ደለቃ and ሙሾ ወረዳ are not substitute to intellectual discourse.

One of the issues that enraged them in the past was my stand on the idiotic #NoMore campaign. Two years ago, they were repeating “እግዚኦ ማሀረነ ክርስቶስ: ብንተ ማርያም ማሀረነ ክርስቶስ” 12 times to the heavenly bodies to help the #NoMore campaign succeed in getting the US out of Ethiopia’s internal affairs.

Today, the same souls have upgraded the “እግዚኦ ማሀረነ ክርስቶስ: ብንተ ማርያም ማሀረነ ክርስቶስ” to a “ኪራላይሶ” level, repeating it 24 times not to the heavenly bodies but to the ominous Biden to respond to their #YesMore ልመና to save Ethiopia.

The other issue that made me a condemned target of Amhara extremists is my proposal to peacefully end the Tigray war. Between November 2020 and November 2022, I published four consistent proposals, insisting the only way out involves four critical steps: (1) The Ethiopian government must stop hunting TPLF leaders, (2) the government must retract its terrorist designation of TPLF, give up its drive to outlaw TPLF, and let Tigrayans select their own interim administration. (3) TPLF must withdraw its unmeetable demands and agree to disarm large weapons, and (4) TPLF must agree to declare its 2020 illegal elections null and void.

I repeatedly stated this is how the war would end. I was vilified for proposing such peace agreement. In the end, the war ended pretty much as I said. The government, the ግፋ በለው Amhara extremists as well as TPLF and its enabling Tigrayan extremists share responsibility to the death of nearly one million people and the destruction of the nation’s economy amounting to $28 billion at last count. The figure continues to grow by the day until the economies of Tigray, Amhara and Afar are fully reconstructed because there is such thing called opportunity cost.

Yet another contention that made me the target of the wrath of Amhara extremists was my rejection of the Amhara genocide campaign. Three years ago, Shaleka Dawit and company collected $405,000 to file a genocide claim with the ICC. I told them no lawyer worthy of his salt will take their claim seriously because they could not prove genocide. After three years, they have not filed a claim, much less win their case before an international court. The money is still in the Bank.

In the end, I was proven right on the genocide claim, just like my positions on the idiotic #NoMore movement, and the negotiated settlement of the war were proven right.

I can go on and on with more example, but that would not be necessary. The thing is not that my tormentors do not get it. They do get it. But it takes them time to get it. Sometimes it takes them a year or maybe two before the eureka moment hits them.

I invite readers to two articles that I have written in the past: “Ethiopia’s Political Problems Reside in Its Mythological National Identity” and “The Unmaking of Ethiopia’s Thinking Class and the Dumbing Down of a Nation.” p;


  1. Ethiopia has many educated individuals who excel in their respective fields. However, in some cases, there is a noticeable absence of wisdom in matters of governance and compassion for the less fortunate and inspiring others which can sometimes overshadow the professional achievements of these individuals. This can create an impression of an educational gap in these critical areas.
    I’ve recently observed that Dr. Yonas, you tend to project an ‘I know it all’ persona, often dismissing the ideas of others and lacking essential leadership qualities such as active listening. This behavior can lead to criticism of others in various aspects, including individuals like Mesay Mekonen, Dr. Aklog Birara, the Amhara Diaspora, and the Fano Movement and many others.
    Dr. Yonas you also have made false claims about Christian Tadele, which you promised Meaza to provide evidence for, further diminishing your credibility.

    Dr Yonas, I have been a devoted admirer of yours for quite some time, but I have noticed that some of your recent articles have been sparkling controversies.
    1. Instead of encouraging the struggle, you undermine both Fano and its leadership through belittlement.
    2. You claimed that Amhara society is in conflict with Oromo society, but that statement is inaccurate and divisive
    3. You also said that Being of Oromo ethnicity justify Abiy being a dictator and that doesn’t make sense.
    You should take the lead in spearheading initiatives to unite the cause instead of focusing on trivial matters. You’re well aware that the Amhara people are experiencing daily killings and forced displacements. You have the potential to inspire people, unlike the infamous politicians like Professor Al Mariam, Dr Berhanu and Dr Dagnachew, who are obviously absent from the political scene, raising questions about their whereabouts.
    In Ethiopia, a concerning trend has emerged where politicians are increasingly engaging in heated arguments rather than fostering a spirit of collaboration, understanding, and unity. This divisive behavior has hindered progress and threatens the stability of the nation.
    TPLF and OLF have been engaged in a bitter conflict, marked by false claims and divisive rhetoric regarding the Amhara ethnic group in Ethiopia. This conflict has escalated to the point where even the name “Ethiopia” and its national flag are viewed as criminal symbols. Both groups appear to prioritize their false ethnic stories over acknowledging Ethiopia as a unified nation, contributing to increased divisions and instability within the country.
    It is crucial for Ethiopian politicians to shift their focus from antagonistic debates towards a more inclusive and collaborative approach. The challenges facing Ethiopia, including economic development, social cohesion, and political stability, require smart leaders like you to listen to each other and learn from different perspectives.
    The time has come for Ethiopian politicians to prioritize the well-being of their nation over individual or group interests.
    Unity is essential for addressing the country’s pressing issues and achieving sustainable development. By fostering a culture of dialogue, understanding, and cooperation, Ethiopia can move forward towards a brighter and more harmonious future. The ongoing situation in Ethiopia is extremely concerning, as Abiy’s actions are deteriorating the conflict and contributing to the worsening genocide in Ethiopia.
    The deceiver Abiy’s manipulative tactics are fueling tensions among the Amhara, Tigray, and Oromo communities.
    You possess a keen intellect and prioritize the task of fostering unity among Ethiopian politicians to promote unity and resilience among Ethiopians to fight against Abiy/TPLF OLF instead of dividing the society.

  2. አማራው ግን ምን ቢበድልህ ነው ምሁራዊ እውቀትህን በመጠቀም ይህን ያህል ከጀርባ በዱልዱም ቢላዋ ለማረድ የተነሳኸው ?
    እያንዳንዱ ያቀረብካቸው መከራከርያወች ሆን ብለህ የአማራ ጠላቶች አማራን የሚወጉባቸው የተሳለ ጩቤወች በአደባባይ እያቀበልክ እንደሆነ በግልፅ ያሳያሉ።
    በእውነት ነቀርሳ ነህ።

  3. I never doubted the sincerity of Dr. Yonas articles until this one. I am now convinced that he is the follower of Procheska or whoever his name is. He wants a weak Amhara and EOTC. Amhara activists are right calling him out. SHAME!!!

  4. Dr. Yonas Biru,
    There so many lies in your article. You repeatedly called Meskerem Abera, Eskinder Nega and Meaza Mohammad, icons of the Amhara struggle, extremists, which is far from the truth and, in your opinion, any Amhara who does not agree with what you scribble is “extremist”.
    You echoed little abiy amed’s propaganda by calling Amhara Fano as Amhara shene which is again far from the truth.
    Amharas did not boycott Anchor media. In fact, it is because of Amharas that the number of subscribers of this online media is growing rapidly.
    The reason Amharas do not agree with you is because of your inconsistencies, power hunger (I remember how many times you were trying to be the leader of the economic forum set by little abiy amed but you were ignored) and your cry-baby character.

    While Fano is saying that its ultimate goal is to grab power at Arat kilo, you argue that should not be the case and Fano should not remove little abiy amed. Who the hell are you to tell to Fano what they should do and do not.

  5. Dr Yonas, how’s the US treating you? It seems you’ve no academic work left to do! Why don’t you go to some islands and take along break I mean a very long break! We read your articles, you know what I understand? You need rest!!!

  6. I once read a book written by an ex EPRP commander living in Canada. He was more of a social worker in USA and Canada than a rebel commander by the time he wrote that book. If I’m not mistaken, his name is FeQade Limenih or Limeneh Fekade. Most of the stories in that book were not new, but the one thing that stuck with me was the different styles between TPLF’s and EPRP’s ways that were used in the villages they took control-over in the 1970s. EPRP had strict code of conduct which almost isolated its rebel force from the villagers; its cadres were lecturing the illiterate farming communities on the struggles of comrade Che and uncle Ho. TPLF on the other hand brought out the drums to singing and dancing each and every time. The author (no more EPRP since the early 80s) was an EPRA unit commander in Armatcheho and was invited to be the best man at a local farmer’s wedding at one point…you got the idea.

    Residue of that brutal period in Ethiopian history is all around us now. Ethiopia was somehow a normal country until 1991, but not anymore. The five year occupation of Mussolini in the late 30s had left a big impact on the rulers of Ethiopia since 1991. Even though they don’t openly make a reference to it, their action is a copy and paste of that tragic period. Meles Zenawi coming from a family of BANDA/collaborator of Italian Fascism (a title Graziani gave to MZ’s father was taken away after the end of the war) might have made the difference since he is the demi god of TPLF and whatever he said was the law. The port or access to the sea issue could’ve been done in 1991, 92 & 93 to benefit all. But the demi-god personally blocked it. Much like today’s PM, MZ didn’t check if sea water was good for Camels though. When you have a gun-totting army of tens of thousands, anything you say, no-matter how idiotic, goes. But History and the future generation needs to know that fact. It was not America or the West. It wasn’t even Eritrea. It was Meles Zenawi and TPLF that made Ethiopia land-locked.

    Unlike MZ and the current one, Dr. Yonas Biru doesn’t have a single body guard. He left home when he was a teenager and never joined a political party to my knowledge. Ethiopia was trying out socialism when young Yonas left home. But unlike Sudan and Egypt, Ethiopia stuck with it. Ethiopian students abroad were the most radical in Africa and more like the middle easterners like the Iranian radical students in USA. PLO trained their first batch of rebel force before the 1974 revolution.

    The generation right after the Red Terror generation was least interested in social sciences and more into science, engineering, agriculture and medicine when studying in USSR and other East Bloc countries on full scholarships. Socialist/communist economy and governing structure didn’t have much use for ‘imperialist’ social sciences. But Yonas chose to study economics in the most imperialist country that opposed colonialism. And excelled at it. At that time a third of the world was ‘socialist’ was often mentioned, but with Communist China’s population making up a fifth of the world’s population already? Well, at any rate Africa was getting less and less socialist but Derg’s Legesse Asfaw was teaching socialist Yemen how to cheat on elections socialist DIRIJITAWEE ASERAR style and getting more and more into it. ENDF was turning into ‘RED ARMY’ and losing its best home-grown traditions of winning. Ethiopia was going to be another Cuba or Vietnam. The middle class was so few in Ethiopia to begin with and EDU didn’t appeal to the young at all. After EPRP’s demise, there was no political party in Ethiopia but separatists. So the Ethiopians, including those ETH communists who denounced USA for over two decades, migrated to America and the West they’d denounced before on everyday basis (none of them went to N. Korea or China) or stayed at home and kept quiet while Col Mengistu ruined the country and executed more and more of the generals.

  7. Your remarks include bitter pills for Amhara intellectuals to swallow. However, you have blasted your intellectual credentials by insisting on calling your detractors as ‘extremists’. In a land where calls for genocide and ethnic cleansing are made openly by the political elite in power, and in a land where these cruel acts are being executed by governmental and non-governmental forces against the Amhara, to call people that just expressed their dislike of your views on the Amhara movement, is ludicrous at best. When you unwarrantedly and repeatedly call a community that has failed to defend itself let alone attack others as ‘extremist’, it should be clear to you that you are lending more ammunition to their detractors.
    I personally appreciate your diligence and would like to see you keep writing and sharing your invaluable insights without criminalizing a persecuted group of people.
    Despite this major flaw, I believe there are valuable lessons to take from your writing. Please continue writing, alas responsibly.

  8. That is the reason you were fired from your job at the world bank. You false claimed that you have been discriminated when they CALL YOU OUT for your weakness, unproductive, inefficient, and lazy that couldn’t put you to a position you simply wish for a promotion. As one of my friend stated above, please take a long break and find another baby sitter- not anchors media.

  9. Most of the commenters have focused on criticizing – instead of giving antithesis for his critical reasoning or arguments. So I don’t understand why we, educated Ethiopians, lack heart of tolerance and embracing each other; and coming to middle ground through compromises.

    God save Ethiopia and Its innocent illiterate people!!!

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