Today: March 15, 2025

If America thinks Ethiopians will bow down to outside pressure, they are sadly mistaken

May 30, 2021

Admasu Workneh
May 30, 2021

Is Ethiopia the next country to be demonized by the United States? America has a list of favorite countries it considers antagonistic to its interests. Surely, Ethiopia does not want to join America’s enemy list, for that matter who does? But what is a country to do when America some eight thousand miles away tries to interfere in its business, what is a nation to do when a superpower points its finger to do certain things? The message from America is very clear, do what we say, or we will crush your economy, your character and your national identity. Thankfully, the day when America snaps its finger, and one jumps over a bridge is over. We Ethiopians might be poor, but we are not stupid.

America has a trillion-dollar economy, it is wealthy, it is powerful, it has advanced tremendously in technology and science, but might does not make right. Despite America’s strength, pushing the current Ethiopian government into a corner will not work. If anything outside pressure on Ethiopia especially when it is uncalled for will help unite Ethiopians more than ever. When it comes to sovereignty and national pride, Ethiopians are always united. Let me give a brief synopsis of history. In 1884-1885 during the Berlin conference when European countries decided to colonize Africa in what was known as the Scramble for Africa and where 90% of Africa’s land was occupied and pillaged by Europeans that same fate was planned for Ethiopia. During that conference Ethiopia was awarded to Italy. A mere twelve years later in 1896 Italy attempted to colonize Ethiopia. Yet, at the battle of Adwa the Italians were defeated decisively by patriotic Ethiopians. Yes, Menelik was Ethiopia’s King that led to our historical victory. Contrary to Ethiopia’s freedom and sovereignty, thirty years ago in May 1991 at the London conference initiated by the United States Ethiopia was handed to TPLF and became a land locked and subservient nation. The freedom and sovereignty cemented at Adwa became untied. Slowly but surely the bond that kept Ethiopians together as one people started to break by TPLF’s divide and rule policy. Ethnic federalism, sub-dividing the county by ethnicity became the norm. What Europeans cannot achieve Mengisu Hailemariam and Meles Zenawi combined brought Ethiopia to near collapse.

Does America really care more for Tigray than the rest of Ethiopians? The idea that America cares about Tigray more than Ethiopians is laughable and ludicrous. It is insulting. Except for pandering to TPLF bosses and stashing the pockets of crooked politicians, what has America done for the people of Tigray? America has not built a 5-kilometer gravel road in Tigray. The people of Tigray need hospitals, clinics, elementary schools, roads and water management plants. What has America done for Tigray in fact what has America done for Ethiopia? The agribusiness industry in America is strong and powerful. What has America done to help Ethiopia’s agricultural sector in farming, food production, cattle raising, fruit and vegetable, fishing and forestry and multiple other sectors. If Ethiopia succeeds in agriculture, America would be the beneficiary. Ethiopia has the natural resources, land, water, human capital to feed itself and become literally the food basket for Africa. Yet today America pontificates what Ethiopia needs to do and not to do. They assume that Tigray is an independent country disregarding the fact it is part of Ethiopia. The notion that America is more concerned about Tigray is nauseating. Some in the U.S. government think we are a bunch of idiots.

What is the definition of hypocrisy? According to Webster Dictionary, hypocrisy is dishonesty, piousness, deception, lip-service, pretension and sanctimony. Ethiopians will probably forgive the United States for its ignorance about their country and their culture, but why would Ethiopians forgive the United States for its hypocritical moralizing sermon about democracy, why would Ethiopians forgive America for supporting a racist/tribal gang called TPLF. Within the Ethiopian context tribalism is the same as racism. Just as racism is atrocious, tribalism is vicious and evil. Ask the people in Ethiopia who have lost families because of tribalism. To date TPLF has not condemned any ethnic killings and violence in Ethiopia, why not? Black congressional representatives in the United States Congress in their naiveté are supporting a racist/tribal organization named TPLF who happens to be the architect of tribalism and ethnic hate in Ethiopia. The idea of supporting TPLF without understanding the evil nature of tribalism and racism is absurd. Supporting TPLF because it is a minority or comes from a minority region is a political sham. Has TPLF apologized to the people of Tigray for starting the November 2020 conflict? Has TPLF called for truce with the national government? Has the TPLF shown any regret, any repentance for its ethnic apartheid policy and creating mini-Bantustans in Ethiopia? Has TPLF apologized to the people of Tigray for its corruption and mismanagement of the Tigray region? America knows the answer to all these questions, but truth to TPLF propagandists, paid lobbyists and to some in the U.S. government does not matter.

It is absolutely crystal clear the United States is not interested in democracy, human rights, elections and justice in Ethiopia. During the Obama administration when TPLF was in power, the U.S. government congratulated TPLF when it claimed it won 100% sit in parliament. Now when there is an attempt to hold a somewhat independent election, when there is a wish and aim for national reconciliation, a month away from the general election the U.S. government is denigrating the whole thing. Well, you don’t need to have a Ph.D. in Political Science or International Relations and Diplomacy to figure this out. America wants a servant government in Ethiopia, it does not want any one in power that reflects true Ethiopian identity. Yes Sir, we will do your bidding, your command is our wish is the kind of government America wants. Unfortunately, this will never work. Bring all your sanctions, cut your foreign aid, pass all your nonsensical resolutions all you want, but Ethiopia should not sell its sovereignty to anyone.

America found in TPLF a lackey. TPLF sold Ethiopia to the highest tender. In the name of fighting international terrorism America was willing to pay and TPLF took the loot. In TPLF, America had a puppet and a sycophant. When Ethiopia’s archenemy was thrown out from power TPLF’s propagandists and paid lobbyists have gone indignant, unbalanced and resentful. Tedros Adhnom the head of WHO tells us about how horrific Ethiopia has become. Appearing in a custom-made suit does not give you the right to lecture us about horror. Your history is filled with ethnic politics and hate, may I dare say you have the blood of innocent Ethiopians in your hand. Spare us your phony tears. How dare you call your own country horrific. In my eyes you are a traitor. If you were really concerned about Tigray and the people, you should have told your TPLF comrades when they left Addis Ababa, huffing and puffing and pouted like a six-year old to stay calm and solve things peacefully. But you did not because you are a coward. Sadly, the head of WHO is a member of a terrorist organization named TPLF. WHO which happens to be a great international institute should be ashamed in having this man at the top? If you have any intestinal fortitude or any decency left in your bone, you should remain quiet or tell TPLF it is over. You are making a fool of yourself. You are hired by WHO to handle the world health crisis, not to become the spokesman of TPLF. The world is not interested in your political opinion, do your job or resign. Sadly, Tedros became the head of WHO because of the support of the Ethiopian government and other African nations, but when things went wrong with TPLF, he did not hesitate a moment to stab his own country in the back. If he says openly how horrific Ethiopia is in public, I wonder what he is saying behind the camera. Is your loyalty to your country or a failed political party?

Repeat a lie often it becomes the truth. TPLF and the Tigray people are not one and the same. Why would anyone give total allegiance to one political party? What is this cult like following? The role of a political party is not to start a war. Ideas, policies, programs are important. What has the TPLF done for the people of Tigray? How does ethnic and identity politics help Tigray? What good does it do to give up on Ethiopia now? The people of Tigray are smart, intelligent, kind and generous people. The obsession by some with TPLF is very sad. The question that should be asked by the people of Tigray is, why did TPLF start this reckless war with the national government? What has ethnic federalism done for Tigray? Except for being a slogan, what has revolutionary democracy done for the people of Tigray? Does anybody even know what revolutionary democracy means this day? What has Marxism done for Ethiopia and Tigray?

Ethnic federalism is a mirage. Let us not kid ourselves, ethnic federalism is apartheid in disguise. Admit it. Majority/minority rights is not guaranteed by ethnic federalism. As a matter of fact, you cause more animosity, mistrust, hate and division under ethnic federalism. Mekelle University instead of becoming a free independent learning institution has become a hotbed of TPLF diehards. Ask the recent former interim government head of Tigray Dr. Mulu Nega. Discussing unitary form of government and federalism is not hard to do nor should it create any suspicion. You can be for a unitary form of government and be for democracy and vice versa. One side does not have total monopoly on democracy. The paranoia on every side must subside. When TPLF ruled Tigray, it used unitary system to rule the whole of Tigray. Top to bottom Wereda after Wereda was controlled by TPLF. For over forty years Tigray was ruled by one parry and one philosophy. At some point Tigrayans need to come to terms with reality. Temporarily it may appear America is helping Tigray, but America does not have the best interest at heart of the Tigray people and most decent Tigrayans know it.

Today Ethiopia is reaping the poison seeds sown by TPLF. The current crisis is the culmination of ethnic propaganda for twenty-seven years. This is our harvest. You sow evil, you will produce evil it is that simple. Ethiopia has never been divided by ethnicity prior to TPLF’s rule. In my humble opinion, the biggest crime by TPLF is to sub-divide and organize Ethiopia by ethnicity and spread hate mongering lies and suspicion among the Ethiopian people. The biggest mistake of TPLF is not admitting that ethnic federalism was a monumental mistake and a huge error. Every decent Tigrayan should condemn and denounce ethnic division. Singling out Amhara as an enemy is reprehensible. Anti-Amhara hate is racist, it is tribalism at its worst. If you denounce anti-Semitism and racism in America denounce anti-Amhara hate by TPLF. What has the Amhara done to the people of Tigray? Nothing. People who are inflaming anti-Amhara hate are cowards and should be ashamed of themselves. It is backward thinking and should be condemned by all. ሰውን በዘር ምክንያት መግደል ደደብነት ነው። Not a single person should die in Ethiopia because of their ethnicity. Some in Ethiopia have become brainwashed zombies. The killing of innocent people is evil. Liberation movement is a dead concept in the 21st century. You have political differences fine; you have grievances who doesn’t, you have different political perspective great, but you must sit down and solve your problems. Using young people, immature minds to terrorize others and hate is shameful. In most parts of the world killing someone because of their race, ethnicity or religion is considered hate crime. The Ethiopian people did not ask you to liberate them, stop this nonsense. Liberate your own hateful mind first before trying to worry for others. Thank you, we don’t need your help.

TPLF is a political organization, it should be criticized, denounced, and condemned when it is at fault. It is not a rocket science; you cannot run a diverse country as Ethiopia and openly engage in tribalism and ethnic division. You cannot be the head of a government if you hate your own country and your own people. It is just impossible. Having said all this, I deeply feel hurt and sorrow for the people of Tigray. I don’t have an iota of hate for the people of Tigray. Why should I? I recognize fully the historical significance of Tigray in Ethiopia’s history. If I hurt anyone’s fellings, I sincerely apologize. War is not a pleasant thing. For sure any illegal atrocities committed against anyone in Tigray, any brutality and horror should be investigated and those responsible should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Justice in this case should be blind.

United States Senate Resolution 97 and travel sanctions aimed at Ethiopia will not help. Unfortunately, America is elongating the conflict. Every resolution and every sanction are consolation price to TPLF. It gives it hope, it gives it oxygen to fight another day. There is no government in the world that will negotiate with a party that massacred its armed forces, there is no country in the world that will conduct business as usual with an organization designated as terrorist. There is no government in the world that will negotiate with a party that hates its own country. There is no country in the world that wants to deal with a pathological liar. The TPLF time and time again have shown their deep animosity and hatred to Ethiopia. The TPLF manifesto is filled with hate Ethiopia rhetoric. Today shamefully the U.S. government demands that the current Ethiopian government start a dialogue with an organization that wants the elimination of Ethiopia.

Has the U.S. government told the government of Israel to talk with the organization named Islamic Resistance Movement otherwise known as Hamas? Not a chance. America does not dare tell Israel not to build in the occupied Palestinian territories, yet America has the nerve to tell the Ethiopian government to expel Amhara forces from Tigray. Despite TPLF’s hate propaganda and long history of demonizing the Amhara people, the Amhara’s are not going to move an inch from where they are. Why should they? Respectfully, what right does America has to order the Amhara’s to leave? Where Amhara forces are stationed and how long they stay is not America’s business. How and where Ethiopia’s forces are stationed is the responsibility of the Ethiopian government no one else. The decision of Wekait Tegede and the Raya region ultimately rests on the people of the area and the government of Ethiopia, it is not America’s duty to interfere in the internal affair of another country. It is beneath the dignity of United States to give order to another country especially when that country is engaged in military operation. The Amhara’s are Ethiopian citizens, they are not foreign occupying forces, Ethiopia is their country, they are not going anywhere, period!

The Amhara’s are not anywhere in what is properly known as the Tigray province/state. While the U.S. government insists that Amhara forces should leave a contested area, they have not once mentioned the Mai Kadra massacre. In November 9-10, 2020 over 500 innocent Amhara’s were killed by TPLF loyalists. This genocide was simply covered up and ignored by the international media. Instead of investigating the truth, the media was caught up in TPLF’s lies and propaganda. America stood silently over the killing. The Western media is hungry for another Darfur and Rwanda genocide story. Some of these so-called journalists want to get media award at our misery. Ethiopia is desperately trying to get away from the image the West has painted, but the media with the help of TPLF agents wants to wallow in our agony. Oh, famine is on the verge, the people are hungry makes me sick to my stomach because it is not sincere. America has not resolved its over two hundred years of racist history in its own country, yet it wants to engage in anti-Amhara hate in Ethiopia, it is despicable. Let solve our own problem, we don’t need your piousness. Solve the mass shootings, solve racism and right-wing fanaticism in America first before lecturing us about our inadequacies. If America destabilizes one of the oldest countries in the world, no decent African nation especially sub-Saharan African countries will stand for up this nonsense. African Union take notice!

We know how the U.S. government is in incensed when they lose a soldier and they should be, but when Ethiopian armed forces are killed and tortured at their own military camp by TPLF forces, run over by military convoy trucks and tanks killed brutally and some forced to remove their uniform and walk naked to the Eritrean border, America did not show the slightest sympathy. They did not care. The Ethiopian military has fought alongside America in the Korean war, the Ethiopian military has served honorably as peace keeping force under the auspices of the United Nations. The Ethiopian military has fought Al-Shabab in order to bring regional security to the region. Instead of commending this force America seems upset by the current government for taking action against TPLF. For twenty-seven years TPLF created misery and torment on the Ethiopian people. America did nothing. There are over 110,000,000 million Ethiopians, their concern and voice is ignored, the only thing we hear constantly is poor Tigray. My goodness be fair, be realistic! Ethiopia is not only Tigray. Over 100,000,000 million Ethiopians are watching and listening America dismissing their country, no one wants to be humiliated and tarnished. It really is sad and disheartening to see America engaged in this kind of hypocrisy and intrigue.

Just briefly on the topic of America’s hypocrisy, if America is truly interested in Ethiopia’s territorial integrity during the Sudanese army incursion into Ethiopia’s territory, America could have said to Sudan back off Ethiopia’s land to the Sudanese government, but nothing is said. Lately the United States seems to be having honeymoon with Sudan, we will see how long this love affair lasts. Ethiopia is building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Abay river with its own money. Ethiopia has said repeatedly it does not want to damage its relationship with Egypt, but GERD is an important project for Ethiopia’s growth and development. If America is truly interested in Ethiopia’s long historical relationship, why side with Egypt on this matter? Come out and openly say Ethiopia has a right to finish the dam, state honestly that Ethiopia has a right to fill the second phase of filling the reservoir. If I recall correctly, President Trump suggested that Egypt will end up blowing the dam. Trump boasted, I said it loud and clear. In other words, go ahead and blow the dam. Be that as it may, I will leave that statement alone. America has thousands of hydroelectric plants in her country, Ethiopia is trying to get out of poverty and foreign dependency, why should GERD be an objection for America except for appeasing Egypt? What is wrong for Ethiopia to express her desire that the African Union should mediate the GERD issue? It has stated its willingness to accept and adopt Africa Union’s solution.

The current conflict in Ethiopia does not have anything to do with the people of Tigray. This dispute is against TPLF and its poisons political ideology. Tribalism is Ethiopia’s cancer. Let us not mince word, its main architect is TPLF. Let us not forget the Nazi party is illegal in Germany. Those who want to copy TPLF and push this kind of hateful ideology be aware! If you think breaking Ethiopia into impoverished tribal states is heaven, be very careful. If you think America will stand with you don’t make me laugh. Just as racism is evil, tribalism is dangerous, harmful and offensive. Ethiopians are sick and tired of political treachery and deceit. Ethiopians are sick and tired of ethnic politics and division. We are a better people. Our diversity is our beauty, our asset and strength. Let us not be fooled by sleazy politicians and demagogues who preach ethnic hate.

Ethiopians are respectful people, quiet, reserved, proud and decent people. Yes, America’s sanction will hurt, we are mindful of that, but our dignity, our honor is more important than selling our national sovereignty. If we stand together united as one people, this too shall pass! Ethiopian Americans voted overwhelmingly for President Biden and the democratic party. I am sure many are wondering if they did the right thing. Surely nobody expected a stab in the back. Like many immigrant groups in America Ethiopians have soft spot for the country of their birth. Does our vote matter? Time will tell. I am not some America bashing disgruntled immigrant. Like many Ethiopians, America has been a second home for me for a long time. To say I am not disappointed in America at this moment would not be right. My trust factor in America has come down a notch, but I suppose that is life, I will get over it.

America if you are really interested in helping Ethiopia know the country and study her history. Let me give you an insider advise. I know lobbyists are expensive I hear they charge a lot of money, mine is free! A stable united democratic Ethiopia is to your benefit, don’t buy the false narrative espoused by ethnic politics hustlers and pimps. Don’t be fooled. The silent majority in Ethiopia believes in Ethiopian unity and “Ethiopiawinit.” Contrary to what you have been told Amhara domination of Ethiopia is a myth. Oh, there are a lot of fictitious stories out there, I will not bore you by repeating it. Ethiopiawinit incorporates all. Everyone born in the Ethiopian territory is an Ethiopian. In my eyes, it is not very complicated. If the issue is equality let us work together to achieve that. I don’t want to talk about what happened some two hundred years ago. Let us leave that to the historians. Everybody can be proud of their ethnicity, language and culture, there is nothing wrong with that, but we cannot be so small and build a wall around us and create a prison called Kilil. Despite what the hate mongers preach about our differences they are minuscule compared to our similarities. Imagine what the United States would look like if it was splintered by race, ethnicity, religion, and language as some ethnic hustlers want in Ethiopia? Finally, I believe if you treat Ethiopians fairly, they will respond in kind. Respect them, they will respect you more. Persuasion will work with Ethiopians, but force and threat will not work one bit. Despite our differences, Ethiopians generally agree when it comes to their sovereignty, there is no compromise and no capitulation.



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