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Has Human Behavior Changed Since Man Was Created or Evolved?

December 15, 2024

By Belayneh Abate


The world is stunned by the horror and the indescribable crimes committed in the notorious prisons and elsewhere in Syria for more than half a century. These types of indescribable crimes and horrors have been committed in Ethiopia for about half a century although they have been ignored by the international media. The crimes include massacre, torture, forced sterilization, sodomization, disappearance and so on.

After the dictators fell like uprooted old-rotten trees, it is customary that people point their fingers just at the top leaders of the fallen dictatorial apparatus. One, three or five top rulers of any country are unable to commit these types of horrendous massive crimes without strong support of hundreds of thousands of loyalists and the indifference nature or allowance of the public.

Therefore, these type of horrors and crimes demonstrate, not only how far evil rulers could do to humans but also how terribly indifferent and selfish the public could be to allow these wicked dictators commit these types of horrors in their country for decades.

Supported by loyalists and religious leaders, dictators had committed similar crimes in Europe and elsewhere in pre-medieval, medieval and renaissance period as Voltaire other his time writers teach.

Voltaire was a pragmatic French thinker and writer in the 18th century. Unlike other his time intellectuals who perished using their knowledge and skills just to feel up their bellies, Voltaire is still alive teaching us through his manuscripts that condemn torture, war, religious persecution and tyranny. Most of his writings exposed hypocrisy in governments and religious institutions. Voltaire was an inspiration for many world intellectuals including Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, who are considered as the founding fathers of America.

In his wonderful philosophical novel titled Candid [1], Voltaire speaks about human behavior through his main protagonist Candid and deuteragonist, the philosopher Martin.

Candid asked Martin “Do you believe that men have always massacred each other as they do today, that they have always been liars, cheaters, traitors, ingrates, brigands, idiots, thieves, scoundrels, gluttons, drunkards, misers, envious, ambitious, bloody-minded, calumniators, debauchees, fanatics, hypocrites, and fools?”

Martin used the Socrates method to answer his question “Do you believe that hawks have always eaten pigeons when they have found them?” 

Candid answered “Yes, without doubt”

Martin “Well, then, if hawks have always had the same character why should you imagine, that men may have changed theirs?”

“Oh!” said Candid, “there is a vast deal of difference, for free will——”

Candid is a naive and optimistic protagonist, who thinks that humans will do the right thing one day because they have a thinking cortex and free will. But has human behavior changed since man was created or evolved from Hom sapience as evolutionists believe?

The religious doctrines in Genesis teach that Adam and Eve (the first humans) were thrown out of the Garden of Eden because of the original sin [2]. The original sin resulted from eating the forbidden fruit breaching the commandment of God seduced by the treacherous preaching of the serpent. After the couple were thrown out from the Garden of Eden, God gave them anther commandment to feed themselves by the sweat of their brow and live in harmony until they return to the ground from where they were taken.

However, Gods commandments were broken again by their progenies. Cain, one of their children, killed Abel (his brother) out of jealousy because Abel was the chosen son of Adam and Eve. Cain was cursed but he and other children of the first humans multiplied, and the population size increased. As the population size increased, human wickedness deepened to the point that God regretted for creating humans. As a result, the Almighty poured Noah’s Flood as a divine punishment. Among humans, only the relatively righteous Noah and his family survived, and humans continued to exist. [3]

As time goes on and population size increased, human wickedness resumed and intensified more than ever. The act of murder, sexual assault, theft, adultery, idolatry, power abuse and inhospitable behavior towards visitors became the ways of human life.  Because of these wicked human behaviors, God felt sadness and told the chosen Abraham that He had a plan to burn Sodom and Gomorrah, but He would change His plan if Abraham could show him 50 righteous people in these two cities. Abraham could not find 50 righteous people, and the Almighty God went ahead with His plan and rained sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. [4]

Humans never learned from the punishment of the original sin, the flood of Noah or the fire storm of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Human wickedness continued and God descend to the Earth in human flesh to show men and women how to live a righteous life.  However, humans searched every corner of the cities to hunt and kill Him by the time He turned two years old. When they encounter difficulty of identifying Him, they massacred all two-years old male babies of the cities thinking He could be one of them. Following the prophecy, His mother spared Him by hiding in a desert.

Resisting every obstacle and challenge coming from wicked humans, the saved Child tried to teach people how to live a righteous life for 34 years. When His practical teaching gradually attracted lots of followers, the wicked humans dragged Him to a kangaroo court accusing Him of fabricated crimes and called up on Him trained- liar witnesses.  He was sentenced to death under the request of the mass, and He was crucified on a cross while the robber Barban was released.

The non-biblical global history of humans is NOT different from the biblical human history. Since man appear on earth, humans have been massacring each other unlike other creatures. Hyenas or pigs do not commit massacre, ethnic cleansing or genocide on other groups of hyenas or pigs, but humans do it on daily basis.

History is the witness that the history of humans is the history of massacre, ethnic cleansing or genocide. Anyone who has ill-founded doubt about the biblical history can select any of the world wars listed here (click here) [5]and learn how human nature is exactly the same as the human behavior described in religious scriptures.

Now, it is the 21st century that many consider as one of the peak periods of civilization.  Alas! civilization! It is true that humans are flying to the moon and other planets. However, wisdom and spiritual wealth are dissipating from the surface of the earth like summer fogs. Similarly, humans have interconnected the globe with ground, sea and air transportation as well as cyber communications. However, people are strictly segregated with economic, ethnic, language and religious boundaries.

Like in the previous eras, the human way of life is the act of murder, sexual assault, theft, adultery, idolatry, power abuse and inhospitable behavior towards visitors. Friends betray friends, wives stand against husbands and vis versa, siblings kill each other like Abel and Caine. Humans in power drag their opponents to kangaroo courts for manufactured crimes, call up on them trained liar witness and torture or murder them like the Pharisees did it to Christos. Therefore, there is nothing new about human behavior under the sun as attested by the wise Solomon.  In other words, human behavior has not improved (if not worsened) a fraction of an inch since man was created or evolved.

At this very moment, the wicked acts of massacre, ethnic cleaning and genocide are implemented all over the world. God’s heart must have been broken into pieces when He heard innocent captives from Ethiopian and Syria (the oldest biblical nations of the world) reporting routine practice of male sterilization and sodomization in the notorious prisons established to torture dissents, “enemy” ethnic groups or religious sects. Across the globe, the elderly, the children and women are set to ablaze even in the worshiping places.

On top of these endless wicked human atrocities, the Earth and the Sky are warming, and we are facing global floods, landslides, fires and nuclear threats. Perhaps these looming hazards are the second floods of Noah and the fires of Sodom and Gomorrah. Unlike the era of genesis, though, God may not send another ark of the Covenant or a rescue ship to spare humans since they have already mercilessly crucified their savior, and His relentless effort has ended up fruitless. The only option left is Darwin’s survival of the fittest, and the victims of the wicked, especially the God-fearing Amhara people should take a note of this fact to defend themselves from the ongoing chronic genocide, which has remained unrecognized for more than 50 years. Thank you.


End notes: All last accessed in December 2024

1.Candid by Voltaire: Modern library of Best books, page 41 https://ia800508.us.archive.org/22/items/Candide_887/Candide_by_Voltaire_cropped.pdf

  1. Original Sin, Genesis 3: 3-19
  2. The Noah Flood, Genesis 6 and 7
  3. Sodom and Gomorrah, Genesis 19
  4. List of world wars: List of Wars | Historical Conflicts from the Trojan War to Present | Britannica




The writer can be reached at abatebelai@yahoo.com



December 2024


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