Reports circulating in Asmara suggest that Abraham Isias, the eldest son of dictator Isias Afewerki, who currently oversees the military logistic department and the Eritrean air force, is poised to assume leadership as head of state.
Abraham has already made commitments to offer government and military positions to his trusted allies. The ministry of information has been assigned the responsibility of presenting Abraham in a heroic manner to enhance his public image. In the near future, Higdef media networks will start showcasing a greater number of positive news stories about Abraham Isias.
It is imperative for the citizens of Eritrea to resist this unwise decision and convey to Isias that our nation does not adhere to a monarchy.
Prior to the outbreak of the civil war, it is imperative for the Eritrean military to oust the oppressive ruler Isias, establish a constitution, reinstate the parliament, and enable the Eritrean citizens to exercise their right to elect their own leader.

Failure to do so could result in Eritrea facing a similar fate as Libya, a scenario that no rational individual desires to see unfold.
Mind our own business! What happens in Eritrea should be none of our business. That is their internal affairs which we should stay away from. They should do the same. The focus for all us should be how we can do business with each other.
Eritreans are not fools. We fought and lost so many lives for our freedom, and we will not let a dictator’s son become a king. We didn’t sacrifice everything just to be ruled like this.