Today: March 16, 2025


October 29, 2021

Prof. Alemayehu G. mariam
October 29, 2021

On May 31, 2021, I declared, “We Gonna Chase Them Democ-RATS Outta Congress in 2022”.

The chase officially begins on November 2, 2021, with the Virginia gubernatorial race.

Terry McAuliffe listening to Boss Biden onstage at an Arlington, VA rally on 10/26/21

The Biden administration and the Democratic Party in Congress have put Ethiopia in the crosshairs.

On May 19, 2021, the United States Senate pulled the trigger on Ethiopia by passing S. Res. 97 demanding the Ethiopian Government comply with a laundry list of activities that are insulting of Ethiopian sovereignty and denigrate the dignity of Ethiopia as a nation. It even commands the Ethiopian Government “to ensure that any apprehensions of TPLF members are carried out with the least possible use of force.”

On May 23. 2021, the U.S. State Department pulled the trigger on Ethiopia by announcing “visa restrictions” to persons suspected of “undermining resolution of the crisis in Tigray.

On August 25, 2021, United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai pulled the trigger by announcing that because of the conflict in Tigray Ethiopia more than likely will be kicked out of  the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) benefit system.

On September 17, 2021, President Joe Biden pulled the trigger on Ethiopia by issuing an Executive Order “Imposing Sanctions on Certain Persons With Respect to the Humanitarian and Human Rights Crisis in Ethiopia.”

On October 21, 2021, the House Foreign Affairs Committee pulled the trigger on Ethiopia by passing H. Res 445 condemning the Ethiopian Government and demanding that it negotiate with the terrorist group Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).

That Resolution condemns Ethiopia for “refusing multiple attempts by the international community including the African Union, Kenya, Sudan, the European Union, and the United States to help broker a negotiated ceasefire and peaceful settlement that includes the TPLF.” It has the audacity to command Ethiopia to negotiate with the TPLF terrorist group.U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pulled the trigger by coordinating with the European Union to apply pressure and sanctions to bring Ethiopia to its knees and negotiate with the TPLF under the guise of “cessation of hostilities.”

The Biden administration continues to pull the trigger on Ethiopia by coordinating with prominent media outlets including CNN,  New York TimesBloomberg and others to bombard global public opinion by perpetuating a narrative of condemnation, disinformation, demonization and degradation of Ethiopia.

Since the inauguration of President Biden, Ethiopia American voters throughout the United States have humbly petitioned his administration to deal with Ethiopia fairly and with the dignity and honor a sovereign country with a three-thousand-year history deserves.

But Biden and his officials have repeatedly ignored our petitions.

The Biden administration insists on amplifying and perpetuating its long train of usurpation and meddling in Ethiopia’s internal affairs and continues to plays a deadly game of economic, diplomatic and political brinksmanship in its single-minded support for the TPLF terrorists.

Ethiopian American voters have humbly petitioned in the halls of Congress, staged protests outside the State Department, written letters and pleaded with President Biden and his officials to stop supporting the terrorist TPLF Ethiopia.

Ethiopian American voters have been repeatedly ignored and denigrated. We have been denied access to even present our views.

The Biden administration has shown depraved indifference for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and dignity of Ethiopia.

Such abuse, insult and injury has occurred against a backdrop of blind, unquestioning and overwhelming support and loyalty of Ethiopian American voters to the Democratic Party.

Ethiopian American voters have donated millions of dollars and overwhelmingly voted for democratic candidates at all levels of government over the years.

What did we get back for our support?

Let me answer the question this way: Ethiopian American voters have “been had. We’ve been took. We’ve been hoodwinked. Bamboozled. Led astray. Run amok.”

Joe Biden and Terry McAuliffe or Tweddle Dee and Tweddle Dum

It is time now for Ethiopian American voters to exercise their constitutional rights under the First and Fifteenth Amendments and eject the Democ RATs out of Congress and state houses.

There are those who try to make a distinction between Terry McAuliffe and Joe Biden.

The difference between Biden and McAuliffe is the difference between Tweddle Dee and Tweddle Dum. They are two peas in a pod.

Don’t be fooled, Ethiopian American voters in Virginia!

McAuliffe is a dyed-in-the-wool democratic operative, indeed the archetypal party hack, who takes orders from Biden.

McAuliffe served as a former Democratic National Committee chairman from 2001 to 2005.

McAuliffe was co-chairman of President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign and chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

McAuliffe’s 2013 campaign holds the record for being the most well-funded in Virginia history: $38.5 million compared to $21.1 million for Republican Ken Cuccinelli that year.

Democ RATs are on the run and on November 8, 2022, they will be run out of both houses of Congress and dozens of state capitals.

Mark my words!

There is no question America is heading the wrong way at home and abroad under the Biden administration.

Biden allowed America to be humiliated by a bunch of terrorist thugs in Afghanistan.

Biden turned on a dime and pledged his full support to the TPLF terrorist group in Ethiopia!

Biden has made a mockery of America’s global fight against terrorism by creating two types of bloodthirsty terrorists. OUR TPLF, U.S., terrorists and all others.

Biden has made America the laughingstock of the world.

Virginia will be headed the wrong way if McAuliffe is elected governor.

In 2013, McAuliffe was elected governor by only 47.8 percent of the vote.

Defeating McAuliffe will send a strong message to the Democratic Party that Ethiopian American voters are a force to be reckoned with.

It will also send a dramatic message to the Democrats that in states with large concentrations of Ethiopian American voters mobilized to the hilt in such states like California, Georgia, Nevada, Colorado and even North Carolina and Arizona can have a decisive influence on the election chances of democratic candidates at all levels of government.

The most recent Emerson College/Nexstar Media poll shows McAuliffe and Youngkin tied at 48 percent each. Another 3 percent of voters remain undecided, while only 1 percent say they plan to vote for another candidate.

Youngkin has directly reached out to Ethiopian American voters.

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Youngkin deserves the full support of Ethiopian American voters in Virginia.

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The race for Virginia governor is regarded as a bellwether for the 2022 midterms. As Virginia goes, so does the rest of America.

Republicans need to flip only five seats in the House and just one in the Senate to recapture control of Congress. Ethiopian American voters can make that happen!

Biden has dismal approval rating since 1945 when Gallup began polling. At this point in his presidency, only Donald Trump has lower approval rating than Biden!

According to the most recent Monmouth poll, “Biden gets a negative 43% approve and 52% disapprove rating from Virginia voters.”

Biden’s standing with independents has nosedived.

Americans are blaming Biden for inflation, the disastrous and disgraceful Afghanistan withdrawal, lack of a clear agenda and inability to get his infrastructure deal in Congress.

A recent National Tracking Poll shows more than 60 percent of voters say the country is off on the wrong track.

Even McAuliffe has openly admitted that “the president is unpopular today, unfortunately, here in Virginia, so we have got to plow through.”

Ethiopian American voters can make a BIG difference in the Virginia governor’s race.

A clear path to defeating Democrat McAuliffe and electing Glenn Youngkin

In 2016, Alexandria, VA had a population of 156,621 thousand people.

According to the 2016 demographic report of the City of Alexandra, there were 42,441 “immigrants” living in the city. Ethiopians represented the largest segment of the immigrant population at 16.7 percent (6,720).

If  1,400 (20%) of these Ethiopian Americans voted against McAuliffe, in a race that is neck to neck right now, they could make the difference between victory and defeat.

The percentage of persons classified as “foreign born” in Virginia in 2019 was 12.7 percent (1.o6 million/7.45 million).

Of those “foreign born” persons, 115 thousand were from Africa.

Of the 115 thousand, 40 thousand were from East Africa including Eritreans and Somalis.

Among East Africans, over 70 percent (over 29 thousand) are Ethiopian Americans.

If only 2 thousand Ethiopian American voters (out of the 32 thousand) cast their votes for Glenn Youngkin, it will be game over for the McAuliffe and the democrats!

If Ethiopian American voters together with Eritrean Americans and Somali Americans can mobilize along with other Africans (from among the 115 thousand) 5 thousand voters on November 2, McAuliffe will be dumped in the trash bin of history. We would have taught the leaders of the Democratic Party a lesson they will never forget.

There is absolutely no question that Ethiopian Americans together with Eritrean Americans and Somali Americans exercising their constitutional right to vote can defeat democrat McAuliffe in Virginia!

Next stop: Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina and Colorado!

Reading the tea leaves, it seems clear democ RATs in Congress are going down in November 2022.

In terms of mere numbers, of the 34 Senate seats up for election in 2022, Republicans are defending 20 and Democrats. But only eight seats are considered “battlegrounds”.

Several Senate seats held by Democrats are likely to flip and those are in states where there are enough Ethiopian American voters who could change the outcome of the elections.

Republican Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey is retiring. Democrats’ pipedream they can flip  Pennsylvania from red to blue because it is an open seat.

However, there are enough Ethiopian American, Eritrean American and Somali American and other and others similarly situated voters from from Africa to turn the Democrat’s pipedream into a Democratic nightmare in Pennsylvania.

There is a large and quite prosperous Ethiopian American community in Georgia, especially in the greater Atlanta metro area.

There is absolutely no question Ethiopian American voters can make Raphael Warnock history.

Nevada Democratic Senator Catherine Cortez Masto won her seat in 2017 by 47.1 percent. There is a huge Ethiopian American population in the Las Vegas/Clark County area. With effective mobilization of Ethiopian American voters, Masto can join Warnock on the trash heap of history.

In Arizona, Democratic Senator Krysten Sinema who opposed Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare package has higher approval rating than Mark Kelly who won his seat in 2020 in a special election. Ethiopian American voters could work to transition Kelly from the U.S. Senate to the trash heap of history in 2022.

Similar situations may be expected in Colorado.

Moreover, congressional redistricting mostly in the hands of Republican state legislatures favors republican candidates. 

So, all signs indicate the Democ RATs will be chased outta Congress in the 2022 midterm elections.

Last minute get out the vote drive

Virginia’s governor’s race will be decided on November 2, 2021. Ethiopian American, Eritrean American and Somali American voters can swing it and defeat McAuliffe.

Ethiopian American, Eritrean American and Somali American voters have their work cut out for them.

They could serve as catalysts and force multipliers in defeating Biden-McAuliffe in Virginia.

There are a few things Ethiopian American voters and activities in Virginia can do in the days preceding the election:

1) Join or organize phone banks and contact voters.

2) Text message friends, family members, coworkers, fellow faith members, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. to vote for Youngkin and against McAuliffe.

3) Canvass the neighborhood, knock on doors, distribute flyers.

4) Distribute flyers at public places including mall parking lots.

5) Use social media to urge fellow voters in Virginia not to vote for McAuliffe.

6) Send out final election day reminders to vote for Youngkin via texts.

7) Share this blog widely on social media so that other Virginians can join us in defeating democrat Terry McAuliffe.

Not the size of the dog but the size of the fight in the dog that determines the winner

The old saying goes, “It is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog that determines the outcome of the fight.”

As Ethiopian American voters, along with Eritrean American and Somali American voters, our numbers may be small, but we can make a major impact by effectively deploying our resources in elections where the winner is determined by a razor’s margin.

Warnock won the special Senate election in Georgia in 2020 by 2 percentage points against a very weak Republican candidate Kelley Loeffler who strongly aligned herself to Trump and bragged about her “100 percent Trump voting record”. She was swept out in the anti-Trump hysteria.

But if Ethiopian American voters organize, mobilize and exercise their right to vote, as small as their numerical size may be, they could have an outsize impact on the senatorial election in Georgia.

It has been said, “When you ain’t got nothing, you ain’t got nothing to lose.”

Ethiopian American voters ain’t got nothing with the Democratic Party, so they ain’t got nothing to lose.

The only thing they will lose is the chains they have willingly worn to chain themselves to the Democratic Party.

Some Ethiopian American voters may think the Virginia governor’s race presents an opportunity for payback to the Democratic Party.

I don’t think so.

I believe it is time to teach the two-faced, double-dealing democrats a simple lesson in voter accountability.

Echoing the words and in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence, “Governments are instituted among Men (and women), deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”

Ethiopian American voters, along with Eritrean American and Somali American voters, consistent with the ideals of the founders of the American Republic expressed in the Declaration of Independence, must exercise their constitutional right to vote and withhold their consent not only for Terry McAuliffe in Virginia but to all candidates of the Democratic Party!





  1. Why blame the West for what is going on over the old country? They are not the cause for the conflict that will destroy that country soon. If Debre continues to rampage all the way to Addis/Finfine there will be no Ethiopia any more. Just forget about it and the West should not be blamed for its demise. Can’t you see what is going on over there? You have the most inept administration ever put its feet in the palace over there. Its military is being led by ‘story’ tellers and day dreaming generals. They told us in absolute certainty that Debre’s army was utterly beaten to a point he would not be able to carry out even a bar brawl. That was in November, 2020. Somewhat similar claims were made by Jula et al with wide open and rolling eyes in a series of press briefings since then. If that was really true/truthful then how come Debre was able to kick butt and take thousands of prisoners which he was bold enough to parade them in the streets of Mekele in violation of the Geneva Convention? Now he is standing at gates of Dessie a city to more than half a million residents lobbing one artillery salvo after another. I tell you what. Debre has soldiers in hundreds of thousands willing to throw themselves into ujuum(raging fire) more than Abiy. It seems to me that the ENDF is either out gunned(which it is hard to believe) or its soldiers do not have the will/conviction to fight. I have said this many times before. The longer this war drags on the better chance that battle fatigue to set in among the ENDF soldiers. They will start looking for immediate solution to end it all for them. They will surrender en masse or shed their uniforms, pilfer their guns and leave the battle fronts. They have lush and quiet villages waiting for them. They will have something to go back to. But the reality for Debre’s is to the contrary with lethally dire situation at towns and villages they came from. They will have two and only two choices. They can go back to their domiciles and die agonizing deaths from starvation or stay the course at the battle fronts and die to end it all. We have read their accounts from the 1970’s and 80’s where their predecessors marched into fields heavily mined by Mengistu’s army and let themselves blown to pieces just to open up pathways for their fellow fighters behind them. That was Al-Qaeda’s suicide bombers at their most savagery. Their mothers did not cry but sang in elation at the heroism of their demised sons and daughters. Utter fatalism rules the day in the camps of Debre’s camps then and now. Abiy does not have that. What he has, I’m gonna blunt on this one, lying top brass. I would not be surprised if Dessie falls into the hands of Debre soon. What will surprise, even shock me to my core is if the ENDF is able to turn the tide and take back Mersa, Haik and Weldiya. I would love to be surprised with such reversal. But I doubt that. I’m preparing myself for more depressing of Dessie falling and subsequently others following suit all the way to Addis. And the West will have nothing to do with that when those niggers kept thumbing their noses at every call for a peaceful resolution. And, I repeat, this fiasco by Abiy and the gang should have no bearing whatsoever on how we gonna cast our votes here on the ballot day. Our choice MUST be based on what will affect us here in the USA. It must be based on who will keep us safe and run the economy better. This is our domicile. Stop blaming the West for what is going on over there. Thanks to stubborn leaders and bigots wreaking havoc over there the spirit of brotherly love is seriously damaged in that country. Abiy calls Debre and his soldiers terrorists and Debre calls Abiy and his collaborators the worst enemy of his people. So how can these two clowns make peace and don’t you dare blame the West for it?!!! So my dear countrymen/women! Keep your eyes on the prize and vote for who will keep you safe and work to improve your livelihood here in the USA. Your decision should be never determined by your raw emotion but rather by well thought out choice. And do not let anyone influence you in your decision making process. That ballot in your hand is one of the most valuable documents in your possession. Don’t anyone else fill it out for you, nobody else but you. Period!!!

    Prof. Alemayehu G. Mariam, October 29, 2021

    Humble Commentary, 29 Oct 2021
    Preamble: I know Professor Alemayehu G. Mariam from my readings but never met him in my entire life.
    I am not writing to be a critic of his writing. I am only using his Article to say a simpleton opinion that I had for many years.

    Here it is in its crude presentation >>> BLACK AFRICAN RACE will never get a fair treatment and positive attitude from the Colonial Race and the USA. NEVER. The negative attitude towards the BLACK RACE will never disappear. Every tact will be applied to keep Black Africans in the ‘gutter of life’ and concentration on the colonization (owning) of the Richest Land Mass of the Continent of Africa. That is all. That is the eternal agenda.

    The affinity towards the province of Tigray is only as an instrument to give a hard Life to Ethiopia — but never for the benefit of the people of Tigray. NEVER. All ‘PLAYERS ‘ , and side line observers, know ‘the game ‘ INDEED, IT IS NOT A FAIR WORLD – – and BLACK AFRICANS WILL KEEP ON TAKING THE BURDEN. THE END

  3. Thank you Dear Professor,

    Well written but the BIG question now is how can YOU or WE will send this article out to the Dems and Reps as well to ALL local and national media and others???

    Unless , it will be like the good Ethiopian proverb ‘ye’gann wesit meberat’

    Let’s forward it to every Congress member, news outs, Facebook ,….

    Let’s all do our part!


  4. Ethiopia conducted the first ever free, fair, and peaceful election and formed a representative government. America was the first to refuse to acknowledge the results of the election!! Why? Because it all happened without Ethiopia needing America’s endorsement! So much for democracy!

    Ethiopia built a power generating dam to escape recurring famine and to provide light to 60% of its population now living in darkness. It did it all with money raised from Ethiopians! America was the first to oppose it!

    At the 1991 London Conference America convened a sham meeting “between warring factions” and made a preemptive “decision” to recruit Tplf to takeover power in Addis. Twenty-seven years of brutality and looting later (documented mass murders and torture including those outsourced from Guantanamo, stealing of $30 billions in aid, rapes, running a smuggling ring, human trafficking, etc) Tplf was finally kicked out by mass protests.

    Obama/Biden are back as if nothing had happened to propose a far-fetched “Dayton Agreement!” Talking about human rights violations oblivious to own rotten record. America has been busy decimating communities across the globe. Siding with terror groups beginning with Al Qaeda which it trained and financed to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Once the Jihadists saw they could beat a superpower it did not take much to turn their guns on another superpower!

    Obama/Biden pulled out of Afghanistan and Iraq after 20 years of creating mayhem (nothing of the democracy and nation-building it promised transpired except US private armies and businesses were awash with booty from trillions of taxpayer’s money). America went in to these countries on concocted charges, to abandon them in the dead of night! It is unfortunate that the great people of America are kept in the dark and lied to by Obama/Biden, by specialists and politicians whose primary aim is their own ‘bellies’ and not the public interest!

    Obama/Biden pulled out of Afghanistan only to interfere in Ethiopian affairs by siding with a terrorist group, the Tplf. Obama/Biden Admin is currently busy providing sophisticated communications devices, media coverage, training, and food to Tplf terrorists through the Usaid/State Dept and UN agencies. Just last week, Obama/Biden Admin gave the green light to a military coup in the Sudan! It has done the same in Somalia.

    Recommendation? Citizens of Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somali, Sudanese origin residing in the State of Virginia! Go Vote! VOTE OUT Obama/Biden Democrats!!

  5. This was absolutely ignorant. What can a governor of VA do with American foreign policy? Answer: zilch. You talk about being had? Youngkin has:never had a gov office, just another millionaire, who thinks schools should let parents teach their kids to be racists. Talk about being had. You will not get a thing from him. Think on that.

  6. Remember, trump and his fellow Nazis, like Youngkin, denied you all immigration status here. So before you pull the vote for him, think on that. From someone who understands:

    “In fact, the Republican Party is, for all African immigrants, “a road to nowhere.” With Donald Trump leading the party, Republicans continue to lurch to the right politically so much so that they have fallen over the cliff in a paroxism of jingoism, xenophobia, and military adventurism. The moderate face mask that Glen Alan Youngkin sports is little more than a sugar-coated political cyanide pill.

    Those who understand this should vote accordingly in Virginia’s upcoming gubernatorial race.”

  7. Hey dumbass Pennsylvania is a Democrat state ( Democrat governor and voted Biden). You are grossly overestimating the power of the Ethiopian voting block. Also you neglect to mention the people that vote for Glen Youngkin think it’s ok for people to own people. But considering the shambolic nature of your genocidal, dictatorial government I don’t expect you to be knowledgeable about American politics. McAuliffe is going to win Tuesday and by the sound of it the TPLF might too. TPLF 4 Ethiopia!

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