Today: October 15, 2024

Continued Neglect of Africa: Ignored by Western Media and Global Institutions

October 1, 2024

blankMengistu Musie (Dr.)

The butcher of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, continues his genocidal war against the Amhara people, and I call upon the whole world to intervene. The international media that is so eloquent on behalf of Palestinians and behalf of Ukrainians is so muted about the Amhara. There is no report to inform the world about what is going on. Why is there a deafening silence about mass murders against a particular ethnic group? For the last six years, Abiy Ahmed may not have waged an explicit race-based war against the Amhara. But the ethnic killing of the Amhara is continuing. This is not a secret at all. For the last six years, international organizations concerned about human rights never cease talking about the ethnic killings of the Oromo. The world has no problem seeing Tigrayans and Oromo as victims, but the Amhara needs to be disregarded.

Just look at the UN and other world bodies that claim to be concerned about the unity and stability of Africa. Yet, they are silent about atrocities against unarmed civilians and genocide against the Amhara people. The silence of the UN and other world bodies during this genocide reminds us of the indifference of governments towards the genocidal campaign of Hitler and Mussolini.

The world continues to differentiate between Europe and the rest of the world in how it punishes rich and poor countries similarly in cases of crisis in the rich world versus the poor world. For instance, when the Ukraine conflict started, the world responded immediately. The world didn’t take long to show its complete indignation against any violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty. But mass killings of almost all Amhara’s, including children, women, older people, and those with special needs, are barely covered at all by international media, or in the United Nations or European Unions or other world bodies that are deeply concerned about human rights.

This hypocrisy reveals the deep-seated racism in Western world bodies such as the UN and the EU, which, to this day, consider the king of Europe better than the paupers of the rest of the world. The collaboration of the United Nations and the rest of the world in genocide and ethnic killing in Ethiopia The Genocide of the Amhara, like any other form of genocide, requires a failure of the international community to acknowledge the atrocities. In this sense, the collaboration between the United Nations and the rest of the world has already been established. Whether in the United Nations chamber in the European Union building in the UN refugee agency, or in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, where representatives of the world declare that they are standing with Palestinians, walking out of the chamber, we would expect the same when it comes to the genocide of the Amhara. Support for one terrorized people while ignoring the atrocities visited upon people who are different is hypocrisy at its worst. Despite the advancements in human rights advocacy and international relations, today’s world doesn’t seem that different from and, in many ways, is a return to the 1930s and 1940s. Global institutions have failed to act uniformly or relatively and have failed to support people who are the victims of terrorism and genocide until the terrorists kill them.

Until mass murders are acknowledged and condemned on a level playing field with other murders, the ideals of justice and equality will remain elusive. Abiy Ahmed’s military campaign of the last year to eradicate the Amhara people is now an air campaign. His air blitzkrieg failed to annihilate any portion of the Amhara people. After failing in man-to-man combat for the past year, His forces continue to lose both heavy and light artillery and legions of soldiers. His attempts to subdue the populace through rape and mass killings in cities devoid of combatants have also failed.

On the contrary, it increased resistance. Abiy Ahmed’s air bombardment in the third genocidal campaign is in continuation with his earlier genocidal targets: women, children, and the elderly, as well as the domestic animals that the Amhara use. In this blitzkrieg, there is no refusal to kill and destroy crops with the highest potential to harvest. There is nothing more horrible for a war criminal than to set fire to crops just before they are harvested, and the farmer can reap them. This is the campaign of starvation to complement his persistent bombardment of churches and markets that are aimed at killing as many civilians as possible.




  1. There is another alarming news that came out of the Middle East this afternoon. The war has now expanded involving Iran where it has begun raining missiles on Israel. I am terribly concerned now because both Israel and Iran are armed beyond conventional long range missiles. It may not end with just a few casualties. Tens of thousands and possibly millions could perish. The air may end up being contaminated with deadly chemicals and radiations covering the entire region including the Horn of Africa. This will not be just the usual bar brawl. It is going to be the deadliest war since WWII. You have to remember that those who rule Iran are as fanatics and fatalistic as their Wahhabi counterparts. In their twisted mind they believe that they will go straight to heaven if they die fighting Israel or America. They don’t give a fig about the collateral damage their demonic action would cause. For them, if millions of innocent civilians perish, so be it. I’m now very concerned knowing that present day world does not have the U Thant’s of 1962. Let’s hope and pray that the Iranian people will be able to free themselves from these fanatics and join the peace mongering people of the world.

    • You are always diverting attention when the subject matter is the Amhara people. You are advocating Oromumma (Oromo supremacy) over Ethiopia. It will never happen because the core of Ethiopia is still alive and kicking.

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