Brigadier General Tefera Mamo’s decision to join the Amhara Fano is a significant and historic move, showcasing his unwavering dedication to the community and the core values of the organization. This marks a milestone as he becomes the first high-ranking officer to make this transition, emphasizing the importance of his commitment to serving the community.
The enlistment of Brigadier General Tezera Nguse in the Amhara Fano today signifies a deep commitment to the mission and bolsters the leadership within the group. With his wealth of experience and knowledge, he is poised to make a valuable contribution towards FANO ‘s success and effectiveness in achieving its objectives.
Many top military officials have pledged their allegiance to Fano. It is expected that more Amhara generals and military figures, whether located domestically or internationally, will join in supporting the movement.
Scholars, doctors, engineers, and youth from University are uniting with Amhara farmers in a united front against adversity. This battle goes beyond distinctions of hierarchy, age, occupation, gender, faith, or geographical location; it is a unified endeavor to safeguard the Amhara community.
It is black &white there is no Ethiopia defence force now. I will tell you why army members from Tigray excluded after the northern Ethiopia war. Now Amharas are defecting from the army . It implies the army now belong to one dominant group that is the Oromo.
A village rag tags who are very vile and swear to shape Ethiopia in their own way will not go anywhere as far as it envisioned to go to 4 kilo. They have no policy to show off what so ever except their intention to go and rob 4 kilo, which equates as walking on the cloud.
To Ermi please show us the policy of the ring leader of OLF Abiy.
This is hot off the press! According to the news agency of Af-Mishaar, Somalia and Eritrea have just signed an extensive defense treaty whereby Somalia will have its pilots trained there and its air force to acquire 210 SU-39’s from the Eritrean Aerospace Corporation. The Eritrean air force is said have the latest military jets available anywhere. It is also reported that they have been able to modify the latest SU-49 fighter jets that stretched their flight range up to 15,000 miles. There are 50 SU-29, 75 SU-35 and 120 SU-49’s in their arsenal. That means they can strike Cape Town in one sortie and return to their bases safely without the need for refueling. O, I almost forgot about this. There were also able to convert all their fighter jets, helicopter gun ships and every aircraft in their depot with stealth technology. Ethiopia, you’re toast; Djibouti, you’re toast; South Africa, you’re toast. There is a way to work things out to avoid Eritrea’s ire. Ethiopia must pay the 250 billion in US dollars it owes Eritrea. Some of that is to compensate for Ethiopia’s invasion of an independent Eritrea in 1941 at the Battle of Keren. Please note that I did not say ‘Karen’. I wrote Keren. Hey Ethiopia, you better cough it up, pronto. I’m trying to say something in Italian here, the lingua franca of our neighbors to the north.