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Amhara and Serbs of Former Yugoslavia፡ Victims of Western Conspiracy

November 9, 2023

By  Dagmawi Fisseha 

The objective of this article is to deal with the issue in which Western countries engage in interventions and target perceived impediments as they strive to achieve their objectives in various nations. While the article does not present a novel perspective compared to similar previous writings, it aims to highlight the challenges faced by Ethiopia and the Amhara by drawing comparisons with the situation in former Yugoslavia and the Serbian population, thereby shedding light on the present-day issues in Ethiopia.

The article primarily examines the Western countries targeting of the Serbian population in the former Yugoslavia with the aim of destabilizing and ultimately dismembering the country. It draws parallels to a potential scenario where Ethiopia could be fragmented into smaller, weaker nations, similar to Yugoslavia. Alternatively, it provides a comparative analysis of how the Amhara ethnic group in Ethiopia has been subjected to targeted attacks, rendering the country vulnerable and susceptible to external influence. Additionally, the article references the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and its portrayal as an adversary.

What were the reasons behind the Western targeting of the Serbian population in the former Yugoslavia? Why are the Amhara ethnic group and Orthodox Church specifically chosen as targets for attacks in Ethiopia?

Before we delve into our primary comparison, let us examine a previous research discovery made by Western politicians and scholars. Prior to Ethiopia’s triumph over Italy in the Battle of Adwa, the global system was built upon principles of colonial domination and subjugation, with colonizers perceiving it as their entitlement and the colonized as their predetermined fate, particularly in Africa. The courageous victory of the Ethiopian forces in Adwa created a significant shock, carrying broader implications for international relations. As a result, there arose a need for the colonizers to shift from direct colonialism to more subtle forms of control.

If the unfortunate Italy had been replaced by another European country such as England, France, Spain, or others, Ethiopia would still have emerged victorious in the battle of Adwa. This is because the victory was achieved by Ethiopians who possessed a strong sense of patriotism and unity in their pursuit of triumph. The Western powers, which started questioning the colonial system due to Ethiopia’s success, initiated studies to comprehend the reasons behind Ethiopia’s victory immediately after the Battle of Adwa. Among the findings of their research, two main points stood out.

Two key factors that emerged from their research were as follows:

  • The presence of a robust central government in Ethiopia.
  • The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church played a crucial role in rallying and mobilizing people from diverse ethnicities and languages for the war. The church’s capacity to bring together and motivate the population, exemplified by the presence of the ark, served to enhance the resilience and effectiveness of the Ethiopian army.

Based on their research, it was concluded that if Ethiopia, having dismantled the direct colonial system, were to become a formidable Country, it could exert an influential force capable of challenging the neo-colonial system, particularly within Africa. Hence, one strategy employed to hinder the establishment of a strong government in Ethiopia was to foster divisions among

its people based on their identities. The aim was to escalate these divisions to a point where they could potentially undermine the unity of the country. To achieve this, a narrative portraying certain groups as oppressors and others as victims was constructed. This narrative was deliberately crafted and disseminated to serve practical purposes.

Furthermore, akin to the ongoing plot to divide the entire nation, there existed a deliberate scheme to undermine the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, which played a crucial role in the triumph at the Battle of Adwa. Language was weaponized as a tool within the church, similar to politics, and the scheme commenced under the guise of ensuring that the church’s practices were not exclusively sanctified in Amharic and Geez, but also in other ethnic languages. Efforts were made to establish multiple synods based on ethnic identities, with the intention of eroding the foundations of Orthodoxy. While we witness the presence of racist politicians attempting to dismantle the church, the primary instigator of this conspiracy lies in the West. What we presently observe in Ethiopia is a group of politicians driven by their own ego, who, knowingly or unknowingly, serve as tools of the enemy.

Having seen the aforementioned points as an introduction, let us now proceed to compare the situations of the Serbs and Amhara:

  1. The Serbs constituted a significant population within Yugoslavia, residing in various regions of the country. They possessed a history characterized by strong familial and social bonds, as well as a longstanding struggle for freedom. Notably, they made considerable sacrifices in their fight against both the Ottoman Turks and the German Nazis in pursuit of their freedom as a result of which they faced atrocities by both the Ottoman Turks and the German Nazis. Further, the Serbs played a pivotal role in the formation of Yugoslavia and staunchly advocated for the country’s unity, making them perceived as a hindrance to Western dominance within the nation and the region. Consequently, they were categorized as adversaries by the West.

Amhara constitutes a substantial portion of Ethiopia’s population, arguably the most populous ethnic group in the country, are dispersed across different regions of the country. They actively engage in various endeavors, traveling throughout Ethiopia to contribute to the nation alongside their fellow Ethiopians. Amhara played a significant role in resisting foreign forces that sought to invade Ethiopia, and its contribution continues to be noteworthy. Furthermore, in the face of colonization attempts, the Amhara people emerged as a prominent force in resisting and defeating the colonizers, posing a significant hindrance to the colonizers’ aspirations of imposing their own control and desires upon Ethiopia. A notable example that exemplifies this is the case of Rudolfo Graziani, who was accountable for the loss of more than thirty thousand Ethiopian lives, during a three-day retaliatory campaign in Addis Ababa, in response to an attempted assassination against him by Abraha Deboch and Moges Asgdom. In a telegraph message sent to Rome, he particularly detailed the actions he had undertaken against Amhara.

  1. When the Western powers initiated attacks against the Serbs, they employed tactics such as spreading negative narratives. These narratives alleged that the Serbs exhibited a sense of superiority within Yugoslavia, were infected by Serb nationalism, and harbored the belief that they held significant political power and enjoyed better economic conditions

compared to other ethnic groups. These actions were aimed at creating a sense of suspicion and animosity towards the Serbs among the diverse ethnic groups that comprised Yugoslavia. Over time, these efforts resulted in the success of the narratives propagated by other ethnic groups against the Serbs. Consequently, these groups began expressing their desire to no longer coexist within the same country as the Serbs, but instead sought to establish independent nations. After singling out the Serbs, particularly by the leaders of Croatia, who had a second larger population, the concept of secession was promoted, accompanied by campaigns of hatred. As a result, attacks against the Serbs escalated in various regions, leading Yugoslavia into a state of civil war. Despite the efforts of the United Nations and friendly nations to resolve the conflict, their attempts were unsuccessful, and the conflict persisted.

Following a prolonged and violent civil war, Yugoslavia, once renowned for its industrial development and emerging as a strong power in Eastern Europe after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, ultimately disintegrated. In its wake, seven smaller countries emerged, lacking the capacity to challenge the dominance of the West. Throughout the course of the war, the West played a significant role in training and arming separatist forces. Towards the war’s end, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) led by the United States, made a military intervention without obtaining permission of the Security Council. Then NATO resulted in extensive destruction, particularly in the region of present-day Serbia.

The intervention had a dual objective: not only to dismantle Yugoslavia but also to destroy Serbia. The targets of NATO warplanes extended beyond military bases to include critical infrastructure like bridges and roads. After the war concluded, Slobodan Milosevic, the last leader of the former Yugoslavia and of Serbian origin, was apprehended by his adversaries, the Western powers, and brought to trial at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. After 5 years of non-sense trial process, he passed away in prison, giving rise to numerous conspiracy theories surrounding his death.

Despite claims suggesting that “there is no such people as Amhara” by some so called “scholars and politicians,” when one examines Amhara’s language and rich cultural heritage, it becomes evident that the Amhara are a people with a long history. They have been integral to the establishment of Ethiopia and have played a crucial role in defending the nation’s borders throughout its existence. The Amhara have consistently held a steadfast position on Ethiopia’s unity, demonstrating a proud and unwavering sense of patriotism. Additionally, Amhara possess strong religious and cultural values that serve as a significant representation of Ethiopian identity. This proud and resolute personality, coupled with their strong sense of patriotism, has been viewed as an obstacle to the desired role and dominance that the West seeks to establish in the Horn of Africa and across the continent as a whole. As a result, similar to the tactics employed against the Serbs in Yugoslavia, the Amhara race has become a target for deliberate and calculated attacks. False and hateful narratives have been disseminated, asserting that Ethiopia is under the influence of Amhara hegemony and that the Amhara oppress other ethnic groups. They disseminated narratives portraying the Amhara as arrogant, displaying disregard for other ethnic groups, and benefiting from economic privileges within Ethiopia. To further their objectives, they have lent support to individuals who align with their agenda, including the TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation Front) and extremist Oromo leaders who have gained power.

Without any hesitation, the TPLF readily embraced the opportunity to advance and carry out their narrative. This opportunity provided the TPLF with the means to single out the Amhara population, whom they perceive as potential hindrances to their pursuit of dominance in Ethiopia. Once in power, the TPLF immediately set its plans in motion to execute a conspiracy aimed at the destruction of the Amhara people and the Orthodox Church, a scheme that its leaders had been plotting since its days as a guerrilla fighter. The primary goal of the TPLF was to eliminate the Amhara people, and if that proved unfeasible, their intention was to marginalize them by depriving them of power, economic advantages, and any meaningful involvement in shaping the affairs of Ethiopia. In doing so, they aimed to diminish the Amhara’s influence and opportunities. The same is being repeated during the time of Abiy Amhed’s time where Oromo extremists are plotting to eliminate Amhara from the face of the Earth or make them stateless people.

In subsequent years, despite the TPLF’s failure to achieve their initial goal of exterminating the Amhara people, certain officials within the TPLF, convinced of their success in weakening the Amhara, started making openly arrogant statements. They proudly declared phrases such as “we have deeply buried the Amhara, far beneath the ground.” Furthermore, the TPLF’s deliberate efforts to dismantle the Orthodox Church have had a detrimental impact on Ethiopia’s current intricate problems. These actions have not only fostered division and hostility but also continue to exert lasting effects on the country. Presently, the Oromo extremists, in their own turn, have initiated a crusade aimed at the destruction of the Amhara people and the Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Their objective is to exterminate the Amhara community even more severely than the previous attempts. By committing numerous reckless acts of aggression targeting Amhara individuals living outside the region they claim as the “Amhara region,” they have now openly declared a campaign to eradicate the Amhara population residing within that specific region.

As the Western narrative against the Serbs gained traction, it resulted in a surge of attacks on Serbs residing outside of Serbia region. Numerous lives were lost, properties were destroyed, and a significant number of individuals were forcibly displaced from their homes. During this period, various ethnic groups directed their focus towards the Serb population residing in their vicinity and initiated attacks against them as a means to redress the grievances they attributed to the government under Milosevic’s leadership.

Similarly, under the dominance of the TPLF-led Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) in the past, and currently during the reign of the Oromo leaders, the narratives propagated by Western sources against the Amhara have resulted in tangible repercussions. Unjustly, the Amhara people have been treated as adversaries, despite experiencing oppression under previous regimes, just like other Ethiopian ethnic groups. They have encountered violence, forced eviction from their ancestral lands, seizure of their property, and various destructive acts perpetrated against them. In fact, the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi justified the expulsion of Amhara individuals from an area called Gura Farda by accusing them of allegedly “destroying the forest.” It is crucial to acknowledge that in Ethiopia, individuals who engage in forest destruction are generally held accountable and face legal consequences in accordance with relevant laws. However, when it comes to the Amhara community, cutting trees can lead to eviction from their place

villages. When examining the present situation, the circumstances is way far from the issue of trees or forest destruction. Instead, the Amhara people are experiencing widespread violence, including mass killings and ethnic cleansing.

Furthermore, when the government faces political turmoil, the Amhara people have often been sacrificed as a means to appease the situation and divert public attention. Whenever various groups in different regions expressed their grievances, stating that their concerns had not been addressed, they resorted to expressing their anger through mass killings of Amhara individuals and Orthodox Christians in close proximity. Regrettably, these acts of violence continue to occur, with no guarantee that they will cease in the future. The Amhara people have become the subject of derogatory comments and insults, reflecting a troubling trend where it seems that insulting the Amhara has become a prerequisite for gaining acceptance and being seen as politically matured, especially when inexperienced politicians address the public. Numerous politicians were able to openly advocate for attacking the Amhara during their public speeches without facing any consequences. Their inflammatory rhetoric went unchecked, leading to the loss of Amhara lives, forced displacement, and the destruction or looting of their properties. Consequently, the value of Amhara lives has been tragically diminished, reducing their blood to the equivalent of that of dogs.

  1. As observed previously, Western powers have failed to condemn or take a firm stance against the atrocities and ongoing mistreatment of the Amhara people. This echoes the pattern seen during and prior to the civil war in Yugoslavia when the Serbs faced similar attacks and crimes. When the Serbs were perceived as causing harm to others, there was a resounding condemnation and a strong voice from the West demanding justice. However, any acts of violence or crimes committed against the Serbs were often downplayed or suppressed. Despite the numerous justifications put forward, the Serbs were deprived of their right to justice.A notable illustration of this can be seen in the case of two Croatian generals who were implicated in the deaths of numerous Serbs residing in the Croatian region. In 1995, an investigation into the actions of the generals was conducted by the International Court of Justice in The Hague, which was allegedly influenced by Western powers. However, the court’s verdict was heavily biased, resulting in the acquittal of the generals. The court declared that their actions were deemed “a struggle for freedom, not a crime.” When the TPLF infiltrated the Amhara region and committed various crimes, it is crucial to recall that the Western narrative depicted the TPLF’s actions not as crimes but as “a struggle to liberate themselves from oppression.” These example serves to highlight the inconsistency in Western responses.

Conversely, when the Serbs in Bosnia were accused of carrying out massacres against Bosnian Muslims, their leader Radovan Karadzic and military commander Ratko Mladic were apprehended and sentenced to life imprisonment by the International Court of Justice. Nevertheless, there is no evidence pointing to the accountability of those responsible for the killings of Serbs residing in Bosnia. Furthermore, the court established to address crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia exhibited such bias that it became a trial where new interpretations of genocide were devised specifically to criminalize the Serbs. In this regard, the mere intention was deemed as a form of genocide, even in the absence of any actualized criminal act. This underscores the extent to which the West was determined to seek retribution against the Serbs. This particular action by the West serves as evidence


that attempting to bring the TPLF and other criminals responsible for atrocities to trial at the International Court of Justice in the future would likely be futile. If there is a need for them to face trial, it should be conducted within the jurisdiction of Ethiopia. Likewise, individuals currently engaged in the fight for the rights of the Amhara, such as leaders of Fano, special forces, and various organizations, should be prepared for the possibility that the West may unjustly persecute them in the future through false accusations of war crimes and genocide.

Under the regime of the TPLF, the Amhara people were forcibly expelled from their villages across various parts of the country, with no justifiable reasons provided. Disturbingly, when Amhara individuals were abducted, killed, or reported missing, there was a remarkable silence surrounding these incidents. Throughout the 27-year rule of the TPLF, millions of Amhara were tragically killed or disappeared without a trace, resulting in a significant reduction in the Amhara population of Ethiopia. Furthermore, Amhara men were frequently imprisoned under various pretexts to hinder their ability to procreate and continue their lineage, while Amhara women were subjected to contraceptive measures, vaccinations, and medical interventions aimed at preventing them from having children. Despite being aware of this silent genocide executed through a systematic conspiracy, little was done to address or acknowledge these atrocities committed against the Amhara people. Even in the current era, under the control of Oromo extremists in the Ethiopian government, the Western powers have remained silent and refrained from condemning the aforementioned atrocities and crimes committed against the Amhara people. Instead, individuals such as Teodoros Adhanom, who held a position of authority during the Amhara genocide as the Minister of Health in Ethiopia, were appointed as the head of the World Health Organization. Surprisingly, Tewodros was even recognized and bestowed with an award for his notable contribution to the covert genocide against the Amhara. This unsettling reality makes it difficult to believe that those currently perpetrating crimes will ever face justice, as it seems that they may be rewarded in a similar manner when the time comes and their allegiance shifts.

  1. In 2010 and 2013, the TPLF made attempts to regain power through the use of force following their removal from office. In their assault on the government’s Northern Command Army, they specifically targeted soldiers belonging to the Amhara ethnic group. Their objective was to advance into the Amhara region, but they were ultimately defeated and forced to retreat. In response, the Amhara Special Forces were deployed to the Tigray region by the government’s decision to assist the defense forces. However, Western countries portrayed this intervention through their media outlets, like the Telegraph, as an act driven by a desire for revenge, stating that “Amhara are out for revenge.”There was extensive coverage in the media accusing the Amhara militia of committing genocide in the Tigray region, despite the absence of independent investigations and inquiries to support these claims. At the same time, while they accused the Amhara, there was a noticeable disregard for the genocide committed against the Amhara people by the TPLF-affiliated armed group called Samri with the intention of eliminating all Amhara living in


the area. Over a thousand unarmed and innocent Amhara civilians were brutally killed, constituting a form of geographic genocide, yet the Western response remained silent.


Subsequently, when the Ethiopian government’s army withdrew from the Tigray region, the Western powers maintained their silence as TPLF soldiers invaded numerous locations in the Amhara region, perpetrating horrifying and unimaginable crimes. Throughout months of continuous attacks, the atrocities committed were beyond comprehension, surpassing even the acts condemned by recognized anti-human and anti-society groups worldwide. Shockingly, there was an utter absence of attempts to condemn the unprecedented barbaric massacre inflicted upon the Amhara people by the TPLF forces. The genocide and ethnic cleansing occurring in various parts of the country, whether it was perpetrated by the TPLF or during the period of prosperity were executed in a coordinated manner by government officials.


In spite of the atrocities that have been committed, prominent figures within the Oromo community, specifically the self-proclaimed “Abba Geda,” refrained from publicly denouncing the massacres. Instead, they emphasized the importance of preserving the Geda system as a model of coexistence and love that should be integrated into the Ethiopian education system. Ultimately, it was the Abba Gedas and other influential elders within the Oromo community who propagated false narratives about the Amhara people and the Orthodox Church, fueling animosity within Oromia. So, the truth is “an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”


What is more, human rights organizations, for the most part, are rarely seen taking substantial action beyond superficial condemnation in their reports. It is not challenging to imagine the response they would have had and the measures they would have taken if similar atrocities had been committed against other ethnic groups in the Amhara region. The noticeable silence observed from these organizations exposes their inherent hostility towards the Amhara population and the deliberate efforts they have made to create a destructive environment for the Amhara community.


  1. Drawing a parallel once again, the Western powers orchestrated events with the intention of provoking conflict and division among the Yugoslavians, ultimately leading to the disintegration of Yugoslavia. This strategy has been employed to depict the Amhara people as adversaries, ensuring that they would be perceived negatively by others. Nonetheless, while the Western powers may be employing a similar strategy to dismember Ethiopia as they did with Yugoslavia, they have not yet achieved the same result and are unlikely to do so. This is mainly because Yugoslavia and Ethiopia differ significantly in their establishment, historical development and composition.  The Western powers anticipate that if the Amhara people start fighting for their survival, it would inevitably lead to a civil war in Ethiopia. Then the Western powers, employing a similar approach as seen in Bosnia, Kosovo, and other regions, would likely deploy “peacekeepers” to intervene and ostensibly resolve the long-standing crisis. This intervention often results in dividing states and transforming regions within Ethiopia into smaller countries, mirroring the disintegration of Yugoslavia. The ultimate goal appears to be fragmenting Ethiopia into weaker nations that can be easily influenced and manipulated to serve the interests of the Western powers.


  1. It is crucial for the Amhara people to remain fully aware of the perilous plot aimed at their country’s destruction, both past and ongoing, orchestrated from abroad. In order to counteract this, it is essential for them to strengthen themselves by establishing cohesive organizations, both domestically and internationally. They should be prepared to resist and respond to any potential attacks, remaining vigilant at all times.


  1. Similar to the lack of support from other ethnic groups in Yugoslavia against the conspiracy and crimes targeting the Serbs, there is a notable absence of voices in Ethiopia advocating for an end to violence against the Amhara and demanding justice for them. This silence has persisted despite the ongoing crimes committed against the Amhara for many years. Regrettably, it is uncertain if such support will emerge in the future. Even when the Amhara people face displacement, there is a distinct absence of concern regarding their whereabouts. This can be attributed to the dissemination of misleading narratives that downplay the suffering and loss experienced by the Amhara community, causing other ethnic groups to overlook their hardships. The pervasive violence against the Amhara often elicits callous responses from other ethnic groups, further perpetuating a sense of indifference and even dehumanization.


  1. Despite the “Prosperity” party in power claiming to represent all the people of the country, including the Amhara, it has consistently demonstrated an unwillingness to fulfill its duty of protecting the Amhara population, just like any other Ethiopian. The government’s complicity in the crimes committed against the Amhara has become evident over the years. It has become increasingly apparent that the “Prosperity” party, particularly in Oromia, and the OLF (Shene) share the same agenda. In cities like Addis Ababa and other locations within the Oromia region, selective demolition and looting of Amhara homes are taking place under the pretext of “development” and other reasons. These actions make it clear that the Prosperity Government is actively working to marginalize and eradicate the Amhara population from Ethiopia, positioning it as an adversary rather than a protector.The country’s leadership appears to lack any sense of remorse when it comes to the brutal massacres of the Amhara people. Instead, they engage in symbolic gestures, such as planting trees over the dead to provide shade, while disregarding the pressing needs of the hungry population. Despite the government’s responsibility to provide temporary aid and facilitate the long-term resettlement of displaced individuals, they are actively participating in a blatant form of ethnic cleansing. This is evident in their refusal to even consider renting houses for the displaced in Addis Ababa and its surrounding areas, exacerbating the dire situation faced by the Amhara people.
  2. Despite the significant contributions made by the Amhara people to their country, they have experienced a life filled with disappointment and hardship. Even if others were not inclined to appreciate the sacrifices made by the Amhara for the betterment of Ethiopia, they should not have been regarded as enemies or subjected to attempts at their destruction.

During the conflict that erupted in the northern region of Ethiopia, the Amhara played a crucial role in selflessly sacrificing themselves to save the country and the government from collapsing. However, instead of acknowledging their efforts, the authorities who were saved turned against them, treating them as adversaries and biting the hand that once

rescued them. Now, these authorities have formed an alliance with the TPLF, which had previously attempted to destroy Ethiopia but failed, and together they have launched a destructive campaign specifically targeting the whole Amhara people.

  1. The Amhara community has reached a point where they declare “enough is enough” in response to the relentless violence inflicted upon them and they are determined to fight for their survival. The Amhara people are engaged in a battle where they aim to defeat their adversaries and assert their right to live with equality and freedom throughout Ethiopia, a country they helped build with their unwavering dedication. This struggle must continue relentlessly until Ethiopia is safe for Amhara. Any interruption or disruption of this struggle by external forces or internal factors would be a fatal mistake, as it is clear that the enemies seek not just to weaken the Amhara, but to eradicate them from the face of the earth or render them stateless.It is crucial to exercise utmost caution and avoid any significant mistakes during the ongoing fight. The imminent and evident existential threat faced by the Amhara people necessitates a focused approach that leaves no room for distractions in the form of reconciliation or negotiations. Once the coordination of the struggle is established, it becomes imperative to lead the army with uniformity and discipline, ensuring a higher likelihood of victory. By adopting such a strategy, it becomes possible to attract other Ethiopians who share concerns about their own survival and the well-being of the country to join forces with the Amhara, ultimately leading to a more efficient and less time-consuming struggle with reduced sacrifices.


  1. Ultimately, the violence and crimes perpetrated against the Amhara, whether by government or non-governmental entities, both foreign and domestic, are not accidental occurrences. They are the deliberate outcome of a long-standing Western conspiracy aimed at weakening or destroying Ethiopia. The Amhara people should understand that this struggle will continue until their enemies feel that Amhara are weakened or broken, but Amhara refuse to yield like their ancestors before them. The Amhara people will never succumb to their enemies, following in the footsteps of their ancestors. Furthermore, they will not be left without a homeland as their adversaries intend. For centuries, the Amhara have engaged in battles against their enemies both within and beyond their borders, emerging victorious and securing their freedom through their unwavering determination. They will forge their own existence, along with that of Ethiopia, on the grounds where their adversaries have fallen.

Victory for Amhara and Ethiopia! Defeat and death for the enemies of Amhara and Ethiopia!


Dagmawi Fisseha: dagmawi.fisseha443@gmail.com


  1. This is a well-researched article I have read on this topic of ‘why Amhara is targeted’. I hope Dr. Yonas Birru who keeps writing a vilifying article of Fano leaders read this article and learn the West involvement in the weakening of Ethiopia.

  2. ውይ ውይ፤ እኔን ሴርብ ያርገኝ ! ዱሮ አይሁዶች ነን ስትሉ ነበር፤ አሁን ደግሞ ሴርብ ሆናችሁ? እናንተ ብቻ ካልገዛችሁ: ኢትዮጵያ የምትጠፋ ይመስላችኋል ብቻም ሳይሆን ከሌሎች ጋር በእኩልነት መኖር የማትፈልጉ አህዮች ናችሁ። ያ ጊዜ፤ ያ ዘመን አልፏልና እርማች ሁን አዉጡ። ሟርተኛ ሁላ!!

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