Today: September 28, 2024

Ethiopia Crisis: Abiy Ahmed’s Alleged Attack on Amharas

May 30, 2024

Desperate men in desperate circumstances, such is Abiy Ahmed’s predicament. As we know, a cornered cat can strike in unpredictable ways, and this might explain how Abiy Ahmed is trying to mobilize what he calls ‘his own kith and kin’ and united them with the TPLF as well as members of other ethnic groups. The aim of this ensemble: to find a final solution to his Amhara problem.

The TPLF has now been encouraged to take Welkait and potentially secede to form their own “state”. Whatever it takes to sustain Abiy’s allies in OPDO,which has coopted the former Ethiopian military, as well as his brigands of the OLF, OLA and ONEG SHENE.

US Ambassador Ervin Massinga’s recent inflammatory policy statement asserting that the Amhara Fano has rejected negotiations seems to have emboldened Abiy to launch the all-out war on the Amharas, whose only demand  is the right to live peacefully in their country. Over the last year, Abiy’s soldiers, led by former POW Berhanu Jula, have been invariably routed and defeated in numerous ground battles fought all across Amhara Kilil. There is now no ground to believe that the outcome will be any different.


On the other hand, it goes without saying that such an onslaught means that the Amharas must form a solid united front to fend off the enemy. The Amharas have the following advantages:


  1. they have the strong cause of fighting for survival ;
  2. their traditional bravery and fighting skills are legendary ;
  3. they are adequately armed and resourced ;
  4. they are fighting on terrain they know like the back of their hand !


It is for the international community to stop this tribal war against the Amharas, whose immediate demand is THE RIGHT TO LIFE !

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