Urgent Message to Amara Elites: Speak Up Against The Ethnic Cleansing of Amara!

If you keep silent during this ethnic cleansing of Amaras, you will be cursed by history and the coming generations! Belayneh Abate Again, the Amaras are filling up the prisons and torture chambers! It is a subhuman or worthless life to live a quiet and comfortable life while our source or base population is suffering from the endless massacre, incarceration, torture, displacement, hunger and preventable diseases The Amara People faced ethnic cleansing because it was falsely and purposely declared as oppressor of the “nations and nationalities. As a result of these declaration, the Amaras have been subjected to systematic massacre, … Continue reading Urgent Message to Amara Elites: Speak Up Against The Ethnic Cleansing of Amara!