Press Release
MARYLAND – A court has imposed a temporary restraining order on ESFNAONE, a group alleged to have closer ties to the ruling party in Ethiopia.
The ruling was a victory for the popular Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA), which is hosting an annual event in Dallas, TX from July 1 to 7, 2012.
The ruling restrains ESFNAONE staff and all its associates to desist from using the name “ESFNAONE” or “any variant thereof of, or the slogan ‘Bringing All Ethiopians Together’ or any variant thereof, any domain name containing ‘ESFNA’ or any variant thereof to hold, promote, or sponsor any soccer tournament to be held in July of 2012 during the pendency of this Order.”
A press release by ESFNA promoters says “ESFNAONE was ordered to notify all persons and business with which it has dealt in connection with its announced soccer tournament to be held July 1-7, 2012, that it has no connection with ESFNA. Further, ESFNAONE was ordered to publicly announce that it has no connection with ESFNA and that it has not previously sponsored any soccer tournament.”