Today: January 14, 2025

Donald Trump’s “landslide” victory: the supernova of white supremacism

December 6, 2024

White supremacism is fast approaching its demise for the simple reason that, astrologically speaking, the stars which were aligned for white domination and the concomitant white supremacism are no longer aligned, thanks in large part to the incessant struggle of the Blackman against white domination. White supremacists are painfully aware of this unpleasant fact but can do nothing about it, except act like the proverbial ostrich, bury their heads in the sand and pretend to be more dominant (and, therefore, more supreme) now than they ever were.  They do so by openly displaying outright racism and rallying behind, if not religiously following, avowed white supremacists lead by the narcissist Donald Trump.  

The Donald Trump Phenomenon (DTP) and his “landslide” victory is nothing but the climax, the highest stage, of white supremacism, from which it has nowhere else to go but downhill.  Put another way, DTP is nothing but the “end-of-life rally” of white supremacism whereby it becomes highly visible for a very short time before it disappears forever, much like the high alertness a person exhibits for a short time immediately before death, a condition medically known as “terminal lucidity”.

 In effect, DTP is a huge racism storm heralding the death of white supremacism, in the same way a supernova phenomenon (SP) is a huge gravitational storm heralding the death of a star.  Just as a star shines billions of times brighter while dying by SP, white supremacism has now totally engulfed the whole western world while dying by DTP.  

The hope is that, just as the death of a star by supernova phenomenon is accompanied by the birth of a serene black hole attracting both matter and light, the impending death of white supremacism by Donald Trump Phenomenon is followed by a peaceful Black revival embracing both equality and fraternity.  The rest of humanity better stand with the Blackman to realize this noble hope, not for the sake of the Blackman only but for the sake of the entire humanity, including the white supremacist himself.  

As for Donald Trump himself, in due time, he will surely be condemned to death, so to speak, and crucified on his own Trump Tower.  That time comes when well-meaning, albeit gullible, whites hypnotized by Trump (with the help of the likes of FOX News) to ignore all his vile insults, menacing threats, and outright transgressions, and vote for him en masse hailing him as the Messiah, finally open their eyes to see Trump for what he really is.  Politically speaking, Trump is nothing but a masterful con artist who flourishes from fearmongering, his fearmongering emanating from his own extreme fear of the Blackman (extreme Blackphobia, so to speak) which , in turn, most likely emanates from feeling extremely inferior in attributes the Blackman is presumed to be superior.  After all, only those suffering from inferior feeling need to be called superior, just as only small people need to make themselves look big.  So much for white supremacism.   


In its lifetime, a star shines so bright that it absolutely dominates the vast space around it and everything in that space. In fact, a star’s dominance over its vast environment is so complete that the entire environment is named after the star. For instance, the solar system is so named because each and everything in the system (planets, satellites, asteroids, and comets) dances to the tune of the Sun, “sol” being Latin for “Sun”.

When a star dies by gravitational collapse after burning its nuclear fuel for billions of years, it shines billions of times brighter than it used to while alive, in addition to ejecting most of its mass to the surrounding interstellar space.  Such a violent death of a star accompanied by such a colossal explosion and so bright a light is called supernova.  The word supernova (Latin for “new super”) expresses the fact that the phenomenon displays itself as a new super-bright star in the sky outshining all others, albeit for a very short time (few weeks).  In short, a supernova is a short-lived colossal brightness heralding the death of a star.

For the last few hundred years, the Anglo-Saxon (rather, the Englishman) absolutely dominated our world (the Earth) in essentially the same way a star absolutely dominates its surrounding world.  The Englishman was able to do so through opportunistic exploitation of favorable conditions, just like the Romans, the Persians,  the Mongols etc.  However, the English supremacist attributed his rise to the apex of power to being superhuman.  As such, he considered the rest of humanity to be subhuman and, therefore, “a burden to the Englishman”, to paraphrase the English supremacist Rudyard Kipling.

The irony of ironies is that the English supremacist who now claims to be superhuman just because he was able to opportunistically exploit favorable conditions to enslave the Blackman was himself enslaved by the Romans for nearly 400 years.  If so, why does the English supremacist claim to be superhuman when he knows that he is not?  In fact, if there ever was a superhuman, why does the English supremacist claim to be so when he knows that he is the least physiologically endowed for such a claim, even among Europeans?

The simple answer is that, by claiming to be superhuman, the English supremacist intends to convince the rest of humanity that, unlike all previous empires which were empires of subhumans, the English empire is a superhuman empire and, therefore, is an everlasting empire since it cannot be challenged by subhumans of the Earth.  As such, English supremacism is nothing but a baseless construct (a nonsensical assertion contrary to all empirical and historical evidence) to perpetuate English dominancy.

I do not admit that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia by the fact that a higher-grade race has come in and taken their place.”  (Winston Churchill)

Idiotic English supremacists like Winston Churchill may have repeated their own lies so much so that they may genuinely believe they are of a “higher-grade race”.  However, not-so-idiotic English supremacists know that English ascendancy to the pinnacle of power is not because the Englishman is endowed with superhuman power, but only because he was able to exploit favorable conditions opportunistically.  Moreover, such supremacists also know that Black Power is the principal power that will eventually cut England to its proper size, if only by completely dismantling the American white supremacist system on which England is now helplessly dependent.  This is why, for instance, Black Panthers were said to represent “the greatest threat to the internal security of the country (USA) by none other the founder and director of FBI for 37 years, Mr. Edgar Hoover.

What Mr. Hoover saw in Black Panthers was not that they were minuscule compared to KKK and  other white supremacist militias and paramilitaries in the USA, but their powerful message of Black defense, their educational emphasis on Black history, and their social programs to promote Black health, in short their potential to be the nucleus of Black Power.  Accordingly, Mr. Hoover applied the full force of the US government and US mainstream media to vilify, incriminate, assassinate, and eventually disband Black Panthers, while allowing KKK and other white supremacist groups to flourish and grow exponentially.

The classification of people by skin color (white, black, yellow, brown, red etc.) is highly promoted, if not introduced, by English supremacist to perpetuate English supremacy forever by permanently placing “Whites” at the apex of the race pyramid and Blacks (the biggest threat to whites) at the bottom, the other colors acting as buffers, a classic example of divide and conquer for which the Englishman has no equal.

In addition to being the ultimate master of conquering by dividing, the English supremacist has no much at making others do all his fighting and claiming all the glory for himself, and has no parallel at projecting non-existing power, pretending to be and calling himself a lion when in fact he is a lice (louse), a bloodsucking parasite. He is ever the opportunist, and all his victories are victories of opportunism, be it at Waterloo, in the first and second world wars, or in the Falklands.  True to his opportunistic character, he picks his fights and, unless forced, fights only with the unarmed.  He was able to colonize Africa, North America, Asia, and Australia not because he was brave or a military genius, but only because the natives were not even nominally armed to fight him back.  When faced even with a moderately armed foe, the Englishman has never, ever won a major international war by himself alone without allies, be it at Omdurman, Zululand or Gallipoli.

Hence, the dire need for the English supremacist to align all non-Blacks against the Blackman, and make them do all the racism fighting for him.  Which, in turn, means the need to expand English supremacism to Anglo-Saxon supremacism to include the German breed, and then to white supremacism to include people of European descent.

Until very recently, the term “white” as used by the English supremacist exclusively refers to the English and English only, and did not include the French, the Italian or the Irish let alone the Polish, the Ukrainian, or any other east European.   Even the Scottish and the Welsh were not considered “white” by the English, Scotland and Wales being mere vassals, if not outright colonies of England.

For instance, the United States was founded as a settler colonial state by the English for the English and, as such, had an unwritten law that only a man of English descent can be president.  The first Irish president of the US (John F. Kennedy) was elected in 1961, 185 years after the US was founded.  The Immigration Act of 1924 was introduced to drastically reduce immigration from Southern, Central, and Eastern Europe.

As Black resistance against English domination stiffens, and as England is chased out of Africa, the English supremacist was forced to make all Europeans his allies, especially the Irish as well as Southern and Eastern Europeans who were hitherto treated in some cases worse than blacks.  To do so, the restriction on “white” was conveniently loosened to include all people of European descent, and the narration was changed from blacks against English domination to blacks against “white rule”.   Even Arabs (Western Asia) and pseudo-Arabs (Northern Africa) were need as allies against the Blackman and, therefore, had to be made part of the “white” race under an artificially created, non-existent umbrella race called “Caucasian race”.  Interestingly, this so-called “Caucasian race” is also named Europid (Europoid) to imply the centrality of Europe for all supposed regions of this supposed race (Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and Horn of Africa).

In their turn, the newly minted “whites” felt the need (rather were made to feel the need) to prove to the English supremacist that they deserve to be in the same league with him, explaining why the most vicious and vociferous white supremacists happen to be mostly from Southern, Central, and Eastern Europe as well as from Ireland.  In their zeal to prove their loyalty, these non-English Europeans became more supremacist than the English supremacist himself, sort of more catholic than the pope.  In fact, for any self-respecting Blackman, there is nothing more painful than seeing idiotic Polish, Ukrainian or Bulgarian hooligans chanting racial slurs and hurling bananas at Black soccer players, taking their cue from none other than English hooligans.

On the other hand, most Hispanics and other so-called non-Black “visible minorities” are anti-black not out of racism but because of opportunism.  For instance, when these non-Black “visible minorities” enter the USA (legally or illegally), the first and foremost thing they learn (right at the airport or at the border crossing) is to openly show they are the antithesis of Blacks by “acting” overtly racist towards the same, especially using the “n” word indiscriminately and habitually.  However, most of them do so not out of spite but only because they are well aware that the American system is presently fully controlled by the Whiteman with the Englishman at the top and, therefore, to have any chance of economically benefiting from the system however slightly,  they have no other option but to fully align (rather pretend to align) with the Whiteman against the Blackman.   Deep down, these non-Black “visible minorities” resent (if not hate) the Whiteman, and my even admire the Blackman for defying the Whiteman, partly explaining why popular Black culture is pervasive in these communities, especially in younger generations.

In this respect, the Indian is a bit different from Hispanics and the other Asians. As a direct product the age-old caste system, the Indian sees the racist ordering of society in which the Whiteman is at the top, the Blackman at the bottom, and the Indian at the middle not only as normal but also as natural and, therefore, essential for the orderly progression of humanity.   For instance, when the former republican presidential candidate Nikky Haley said, “America has never been racist”, she was merely expressing her caste-conditioned belief that the ordering society according to assumed blood purity is not racism but a necessity.  Nikky Haley’s assertion was preceded by a similar assertion by another caste-conditioned Indian, Dinesh D’Souza who wrote “The American slave was treated like property, which is to say, pretty well”, effectively telling the whole world that he would love to be a property of the Whiteman.  And so do most, if not, all caste-conditioned, subservient Indians.

No wonder why (during the second world war) Indians voluntarily fought for their English colonizer forming the largest subservient army in history, the British Indian Army of more than 2.5 million.  No wonder why English colonialists were able to rule the whole Indian subcontinent with relatively insignificant opposition, insignificant even when compared to the opposition they faced in a tiny African country like Somalia.  No wonder why so many poor Indians spend so much money on skincare to look a bit lighter and a bit closer to the Whiteman. No wonder why, in his campaign against the Blackman, no man is as useful to the English supremacist as the caste-conditioned, subservient Indian is.   And no wonder why, next to Anglo-Saxons, Indians are the preferred choices of Donald Trump for cabinet positions and other high appointments.

The English supremacist is keenly aware that his anti-Black rhetoric would carry more weight when compared and contrasted with other non-Black “visible minorities”, especially caste-conditioned Indians who are interested only in reaping economic benefits from the Englishman’s racist hierarchical system, while deriving personal satisfaction and status gratification from being above the Blackman in that system.  As such, the English supremacist allows (facilitates) caste-conditioned, subservient Indians to succeed (up to a certain extent, of course) in his racist system, while doing everything in his power to sabotage (thwart) Black success.

Suffice to mention the 1921 massacre in the Black Wall Street of Tulsa (Oklahoma), and the 1898 massacre of the thriving Black community of Wilmington, which at the time was not only a majority black city but also the largest and most prosperous city in North Carolina.  The perpetrators of the Wilmington massacre took Blacks hundreds of years back, as they openly vowed to do, and Wilmington is now almost totally cleansed of its glamorous black heritage.   This is what Donald Trump means when he talks about Make America Great Again, and this is why he has overwhelming support and fanatical followers in cities like Wilmington.

In any case, the Blackman’s primary focus should always be on his primary enemy, the English supremacist, realizing that non-English whites like east Europeans, let alone non-Black “visible minorities”, especially caste-conditioned, subservient Indians, are mere distractions.  The entire white supremacist structure rests on the shoulder of the English supremacist and, therefore, if the Blackman dismantles the structures on which the English supremacist is helplessly dependent, English supremacism (and white supremacism spawned by English supremacism) would disappear overnight.

The good news for the Blackman is the time for reconning is coming soon, for the simple reason that, astrologically speaking, the stars which were aligned for the rise of the west and the concomitant  white supremacism based on English supremacism are no longer aligned, thanks in large part to the incessant struggle of none other than the Blackman himself.  As a result, white supremacism built on English supremacism is fast approaching its end, and white supremacists can do nothing about it, except act like the proverbial ostrich, bury their heads in the sand and pretend to be more dominant (and, therefore, more supreme) now than they ever were.  They do so by openly displaying outright racism and rallying behind, if not religiously following, avowed white supremacists lead by the narcissist Donald Trump.  

The Donald Trump Phenomenon (DTP) and his “landslide” victory is nothing but the climax, the highest stage, of white supremacism, from which it has nowhere else to go but downhill.  Put another way, DTP is nothing but the “end-of-life rally” of white supremacism whereby it becomes highly visible for a very short time before it disappears forever, much like the high alertness a person exhibits for a short time immediately before death, a condition medically known as “terminal lucidity”.

In effect, DTP is a huge racism storm heralding the death of white supremacism, in the same way a supernova phenomenon (SP) is a huge gravitational storm heralding the death of a star.  Just as a star shines billions of times brighter while dying by SP, white supremacism has now totally engulfed the whole western world while dying by DTP.

The hope is that, just as the death of a star by supernova phenomenon is accompanied by the birth of a serene black hole attracting both matter and light, the impending death of white supremacism by Donald Trump Phenomenon is followed by a peaceful Black revival embracing both equality and fraternity.  The rest of humanity better stand with the Blackman to realize this noble hope, not for the sake of the Blackman only but for the sake of the entire humanity, including the white supremacist himself.

Ever since its inception, white supremacism has been a curse to nature and humanity and, therefore, the day when it is totally cleansed from every corner of the Earth once and for all, the whole world would breath a big sigh of relief.   Time and time again, the white supremacist has clearly shown that his firm, unwavering, conviction is might makes right, ethical and moral principles be damned.  He is an insatiable monster who derives immense sadistic pleasure from the suffering, death, and destruction of those he considers subhuman. What is more, he is extremely proud of his monstrosity and calls himself the master race for his horrendous feat.  He was able to colonize Africa, and Asia, and almost totally cleanse the natives of America and Australia using all means of massacre at his disposal.  He has already tested the “sweet fruit” of nuclear weapons whereby he used them to devastate and then enslave a once very proud nation (Japan), and is eager to use them again every time and everywhere his hegemony is threatened, even slightly. His declared preference is to die by nuclear incineration (taking the whole world with him) than see the death of his supremacism, which derives from his domination of the world.

To sum up, Donald Trump’s “landslide” victory is nothing the culmination of white supremacism.  White supremacism is now shining bright with Donald Trump, only to die with Donald Trump.  The Blackmans role should be to make sure its death is permanent, that is, to make sure that white supremacism never, ever rear its head again, in whatever shape or form.

The permanently opportunistic, inherently mean-spirited, despicably treacherous, disgustingly pretentious English supremacist is a deadly cancer to nature and humanity, directly or indirectly responsible for most, if not for all, major human and environmental ills in the world.  As such, ridding the supremacism from the English supremacist for good is as good as ridding an opportunistically and continually mutating deadly virus from a chronic cancer patient once and for all.

As for Donald Trump himself, in due time, he will surely be condemned to death, so to speak, and crucified on his own Trump Tower.  That time comes when well-meaning, albeit gullible, whites hypnotized by Trump (with the help of the likes of FOX News) to ignore all his vile insults, menacing threats, and outright transgressions and vote for him en masse hailing him as the Messiah, finally open their eyes to see Trump for what he really is.  Politically speaking, Trump is nothing but a masterful con artist who flourishes from fearmongering, his fearmongering emanating from his own extreme fear of the Blackman (extreme Blackphobia, so to speak) which, in turn, most likely emanates from feeling extremely inferior in attributes the Blackman is presumed to be superior.  After all, only those suffering from inferior feeling need to be called superior, just as only small people need to make themselves look big.  So much for white supremacism.


Mesfin Arega

[email protected]


  1. I am myself an African (Ghana) and I fully disagree with the writer. This article makes me think about the very lost 1960’s soviet era and the black panther militant-ism that ended themselves in the ditch. Mesfin arega’s long theoric is quite laughable and this long and ridiculous paper is densely pathetic. Why? It mainly contains his personal’s distortions, frustrations which tinted of racism towards white people. Probably due to his own poor experience living in Western context. Maybe mesfin is suffering a complex of inferiority against white people as he refers to them only in a racial and provocative manner. Therefore this is a shame of writer, pouring venom with his”toilet paper”. The immense and multiples achievements that brought modern and advanced progress in this world was created and established by the Western civilization and this obvious fact is completely ignored by mesfin. Instead describing a totally biased history of his own, filled of jalousie and racism. Really it is not worth wasting time reading his garbage thinking. Cheers

  2. Mr. (Ms.) Takler
    I do not normally comment on my articles, letting my articles speak for themselves. However, your comment is one of those which warrants a reply. In all likelihood, you are not a Ghanian as you claim to bet but a White supremacist masquerading as Blackman, a well-known White supremacist tactic to sow division in the Blackman. If indeed you are a Ghanian and have such a high regard for western colonialists, you must be a descendant or a disciple of those who fought alongside the English in Ghana’s struggle for independence, exactly like those Blacks who are now siding with Donald Trump against their own interest. In either case, you are one of those self-hating, unfortunate Blacks who are despised by the very Whiteman they worship.

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