Dear Congresswoman Waters,
I wanted to reach out to you as a concerned citizen regarding Hermela Aregawi. I was also introduced to you by my friend Congressman Green during your visit to Houston. I am writing to urge you to reconsider your concern due to the pressure from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), an ethno-nationalist, paramilitary junta, and the former ruling party of Ethiopia.
The TPLF is not a legitimate or representative voice of the Ethiopian people but a junta that robbed and exploited Ethiopia for over 30 years. The TPLF ruled Ethiopia with an iron fist, suppressing dissent, violating human rights, and plundering the country’s resources. The TPLF has no respect for the rule of law or fair play, as it refused to accept the outcome of the 2020 democratic national elections, like Trump did in the US. It also provoked a civil war by attacking federal military bases in November 2020, causing death and displacement of millions of people.
Because of Hermela’s opposition to TPLF disinformation and lies, TPLF supporters targeted her and tried to get her fired from another job, a reporting position at CBS Los Angeles. TPLF’s undue influence in the US has to stop. Like Egypt, they hire lobbyists and buy politicians to smear their opposition and cover up their terrible criminal history. TPLF supporters using stolen money from the Ethiopian people to the tune of $30 billion are twisting arms with a false narrative of their history.
Hermela is a very honest, with impeccable integrity and intelligent person who has sacrificed so much for standing for the truth in support of the Ethiopian, African, and all Black people. She has also been a strong advocate for women, children, people of color, and the poor, just like you.
Inflicting injury on Hermela at the behest of TPLF would be unwarranted and unjust, as she has done nothing wrong or illegal. It would also be a victory for the TPLF, a terrorist organization that has been responsible for atrocities and human rights violations in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. The TPLF has no legitimacy or credibility to interfere in the internal affairs of the United States or to influence your staffing decisions. Giving in to their pressure would only embolden them and undermine the democratic values and principles that you have fought for throughout your career. I respectfully ask you to stand by Hermela and protect her from the malicious attacks and threats from the TPLF. She deserves your support and appreciation. She is an asset to your office and to our country. Please do not let the TPLF win this battle with their usual disinformation and harm an innocent and hardworking person.
Thank you for your attention and consideration. I hope you will make the right decision and keep
Hermela in your office.
Dula Abdu, Chair AEPAC-TX
Keep speaking truth to the power Hermela!! The TPLF lying machine continues to disintegrate and will soon be buried deep under the abyss of wonton.
For TPLF sympathizers there is only one choice in life. To hate and to kill. It is beyond my comprehension as to why a person is not allowed to think and live their life in the circles of Ethiopian political quarrel in civility. For these ethnically drunk morons their way is the way. This has been the motto of the TPLF and many of the other faded political entities in the Habesha land.
Life is cross twined and cross pollinated across the global society. It is the false equivalency (False reasoning) that drives these people to hate and harass even outside their homeland. Their action shows us how inhumane they are by wasting their energy and resources for such sadistic endeavors. Why not be a voice for the voiceless in Tigray. Why not ask the so called Generals as to why a million people were scarified for a useless outcome of the war? I suppose such questions will be too exact and relevant. Instead, they like to shoo employers and employees by fabricating false accusations.
Hermela Aregawi is a shining journalist; that stands by her words and action with a heart for the those who are suffering in Ethiopia. She’s the voice for the voiceless. I do not know her, but I admire her for her strong views despite suffering persecution and abuse even from her own family members. I say for those, TPLF defenders, question things as well as your own political view and see what is going on in Tigray and in greater Ethiopia. We are in a mess! Let Hermela Aregawi live her life without your harassment and false accusations. Have you not done enough damage in Ethiopia? Do not stir up trouble for others. Live your own life and forget the trash political affiliation you are immersed into. It is all a lie and a pile of refuse. Stop harming people physically or psychologically. Work on an idea that will benefit human kind!
Hermela Aregawi with her mother is opportunistic sympathizer of dictatorial Abiy Ahmed regime. She was misleading us on the wrong war against Tigray civilians by the more criminal Abiy regime e and Hermela never voice for the annihilated Amhara people.
It is better we report to her supervisor Senator Maxine she must be sucked from her office immediately. Hermela purposely twisting our resistance against Abiy and Oromuma criminals by presenting other African countries irrelevant issues.